The most important thing for Zhou Ling now is to hurry up and speed up the cultivation. Now that the speed of recovery is faster than the absorption of Lingyu, there is nothing left to question and doubt, and hurrying to cultivate is the most important thing. matter.

Zhou Ling didn't know that all of this had to benefit from Zhou Zhang. Zhou Zhang is now a living person who exudes spiritual energy all the time. If he stays by Zhou Zhang's side and cultivates, even the speed will be multiplied many times. It is stronger than staying in the spirit gathering array, because at this moment, the spiritual power transmitted from the stone in Zhou Zhang's body is the purest.

And this phenomenon happened because now the injury has entered the critical period of breakthrough. At this moment, he is no longer able to control it perfectly, so that the spiritual power in his body cannot be released, and now Zhou Zhang's body has absorbed enough. Too much, there is no way to continue to absorb.

In such a full state, Zhou Zhang also knew that it was time to try a real breakthrough. Taking advantage of the current state of being unable to be full, and the layers of solid spiritual power in his body that are now covered on stones, these are completely You can make yourself successful.

This is the first time to try, and there have been many opportunities before, and Zhou Zhang has endured it. I know that this is not the time. The time for this breakthrough has come too fast, and the mysterious feeling brought by the medicinal power in my body is still there. If you don't have a complete understanding, if you go directly to the breakthrough, this medicine pill may be in vain.

Now Zhou Zhangye can pull the ammunition, the secret is to encourage a force to help him break through this bottleneck. Now that he understands it, he can rely on a force to help himself.

This is the first breakthrough in Zhoushan, but this first breakthrough is much easier to hold back as imagined. The previous trial made Zhou Zhang feel very difficult, but this time it was unexpectedly simpler. on a lot.

This time, Zhou Zhang can know very clearly that now he can successfully break through. The spiritual power attached to the stone in the body is quickly digested by Zhou Zhang. With this double help, the bottle above the bottle is advocated. Gai has already begun to shake, and the strength of this shaking has become more and more obvious and more violent.

This made Zhou Zhang excited. The moment he was looking forward to day and night was finally coming. He didn't dare to relax in the slightest. Zhou Zhang continued to build up his strength to break through this bottleneck.

I can't sleep now, I have completely met all the conditions for becoming a Buddha, so it is not a big deal to break through the fairy world. The most important thing now is to work hard and not let any slack.

An hour passed, Zhou Zhang let out a breath slowly, and then opened his eyes to look at the changes brought about by his body after becoming a Buddha.

But what makes Zhou Zhang curious is that he has obviously become a Buddha level now, but he has not come like a robbery cloud.

At this moment, the power of the Buddha-level cultivation within the body was boosted, and without a trace of cover, it slowly spread around.

Zhou Ling, who was still breathing on this side, also felt this terrifying aura. The first thing he thought of was that his master finally broke through!

Zhou Ling did not dare to stagnate in the slightest, and hurriedly broke through the barrier, came to Zhou Zhang, felt the terrifying aura that filled the cave now, and said.

"Congratulations, Master, for your successful breakthrough."

When he heard it, he laughed heartily. At this moment, he knew how long he had waited, and now he could finally find that group of people to settle accounts.

"Let's go, today I'll take you to clean up the group of people who were arrogant before, and let them know that the two of us are not incapable of fighting, but we just don't want to have the same knowledge as them."

Zhou Ling couldn't help feeling a little helpless when he heard this. His master really knew how to say that he could not beat him before, but now he can still say that he doesn't want to have the same knowledge as them, but Zhou Ling said these words. He didn't say it, but directly followed behind Zhouzhuang, going to find that group of people to settle accounts.

At this moment, he walked out of the cave and found that it was still night outside. Zhou Zhang looked at the twinkling stars in the sky and the round moon hanging in the night sky.

Zhou Zhang couldn't help but think of the night he met Zhan Tai from the snow before, and that night, the night sky was as bright as today.

"I don't know where he is now, and how is he doing now? After so long, I still really miss her."

At this moment, Zhou Zhang murmured, the voice was so low that it was difficult to detect, but it was still heard by Zhou Ling behind him. Zhou Ling immediately understood who the master was talking about. It was not someone else, but the previous The woman he saw the world in that painting.

Chapter 111 Solved Two People

Zhou Chang quickly adjusted his mentality after saying this. Now, although he really wants to know Zhan Tai Congxue's current situation, he can't take the initiative to find her. Zhou Zhang knows this.

And what Zhouzhuang wants to do now is not to find Zhan Taicongxue, but to find that group of people to spit out the anger they have suffered for a while.

"Master, since you miss her so much, why don't you go to her? Now that the master is so powerful, it's not a problem if you want to protect her!"

Zhou Ling not only encouraged her when she saw that her master thought so much about the woman whose name she didn't know.

"What do you want to talk about? It's not your turn to take care of this matter. Although I know the current situation, and I also know that the two of us are not in the same world at all, I can only say that he and I have no relationship."

After speaking, Zhou Zhang couldn't help sighing again, yes, she and I are just unrelated.

After Zhou Ling heard Zhou Zhang reprimand her, she no longer continued to persuade her. If she spoke again, it would be really boring. Since her master doesn't want to admit it now, he doesn't say anything, anyway. This matter didn't run away at all. Since that woman was also interested in her master, and her master was so powerful now, anyone would be moved.

"Then organize us to find those people now to take revenge, I already have some that I can't wait to see them."

Zhou Ling naturally understood his master's current inner thoughts very well, so he quickly changed his words and stopped talking about Zhantai Congxue, but turned to the current group of people.

Zhou Zhang nodded and then rolled up Zhou Ling and flew into the distance.

After Lin Ziyi released that kind of news, many people started rushing in the direction of Qingfeng Continent. Their main purpose now is to find Zhou Zhang, and now that they have a clear purpose, they rushed there directly. In this Qingfeng Continent, start searching.

I have to say that this also saves Zhou Zhang a lot of trouble. If they didn't come together, they would definitely go to find them one by one. Now they will all come to the Qingfeng Continent.

However, after a while, Zhou Zhang saw a person who was not from the Qingfeng Continent and flew over directly.

It has to be said that after Zhou Zhang has only been promoted to the Buddha machine, he has become much stronger in terms of spiritual power. This person who is a perfect immortal, Zhou Zhang discovered him early before he saw Zhou Zhang, and now Zhou Zhang flew directly over again, and this sudden arrival made this person also startled.

Although he had never seen Zhou Zhang, he knew something about the portrait. When he saw that the person in front of him was almost the same as the person in the portrait, he immediately determined that the person in front of him was Zhou Zhang.

However, although he knew that the person in front of him was Advocate, Advocate would indeed not give him the opportunity to report like other people, and he immediately dealt with this person in an instant.

This person died without even making a scream. If he had a chance to make a new choice, he would definitely not choose to pursue something like Zhou Zhang again. Not only is there no benefit, but also still die.

After Zhou Zhang dealt with the first person, he immediately set off to look for other people. He actually found a person here, so it can be proved that the others are not far away.

But Zhou Zhang didn't know that they all acted in groups of two. Now that one person is gone, the other person will quickly notice.

After calling several times in succession, he found that his partner did not have any echoes. At this moment, he realized that something might have happened unexpectedly, so he hurried over there.

However, before rushing to go, he also kept an eye on it and sent a message directly to others, saying that there was an accident on his side.

However, they naturally don't have such things as child and mother jade, relying on the advantage that all of them are immortals, so it is very convenient to hear rumors about each other.

As soon as there was news here, the others hurriedly notified each other and rushed over here. After all, he was not the only one who felt that this trip was not dangerous.

The last time they were all in their minds, the two of them just wanted to take this credit alone, so they were solved by Zhou Zhang. Now if he makes such a mistake, he might die. The man is him.

Soon the news spread all over the place, and soon everyone knew that something unusual had happened here, so they rushed over quickly.

After Zhou Zhang had dealt with the first person, he felt as if someone was rushing in this direction from afar.

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