This is the least difficult pill that Luo Yongsheng chose for Zhou Zhang, and it also requires medicinal herbs to reconstitute.

And the object in front of him is just right, although he is a fifth-order medicinal pill, but this medicinal herb only needs the recombination of two medicinal materials, which means that this medicinal herb only needs to be reconstituted once and it is finished!

So in the process of Luo Yongsheng's alchemy, Luo Yongsheng gave Zhou Zhang a more detailed answer at every step, and Zhou Zhang also watched intently during this process, lest he might miss something!

However, this medicine pill is too simple. Although Luo Yongsheng is talking and practicing at the same time, this medicine medicine pill is still practiced very quickly.

"Here is the blood-activating pill. You only need to control the Qingluan grass and the red fire seeds to reorganize, then this pill means that it can be successfully refined."

After listening to Zhou Zhang, he nodded. During the refining process just now, he had already remembered all the matters that need attention. Now is the time to try, and just watched Luo Yongsheng refining. , Zhou Zhang felt that this elixir was unusually simple, so he couldn't wait to try it right away.

Seeing Zhou Zhang's appearance, Luo Yongsheng originally wanted to say something, but after thinking about it carefully, he still held back. At this time, he still let Zhou Zhang suffer first and then said it.

Soon Zhou Zhang began to try to refine this blood-activating pill as Luo Yongsheng said. I have to say that after Zhou Zhang had Luo Yongsheng's demonstration and detailed explanation, there was not a single mistake in the previous steps, and the medicinal materials It has always been very stable, and it will soon enter the most critical step of this medicine pill, that is, decomposition and reorganization.

Zhou Zhang carefully controlled, according to the steps in the book, and Luo Yongsheng, who had just passed on the teaching experience, and soon Zhou Zhang really completed the reorganization of these two medicinal materials. This step has been completed, it means that This elixir is considered complete.

This not only made Zhou Zhang extremely happy, but also terrified Luo Yongsheng, who was on the side. This can no longer be described by talent. Such a high-level medicinal pill was successful for the first time. This is a decomposition and reorganization. Ah, I didn't know at the time that I succeeded only once after failing hundreds of times.

However, before Zhou Zhang was happy, the medicinal materials that had been very stable until then were also decomposed one by one at this moment, and there was no way to stop the decomposition. You need to wait for them to dissolve completely before you can condense the pills, but at this time an accident happened, and Zhou Zhang knew that this time he failed again.

Shaking his head helplessly, he really didn't know what to do to be able to crack it. Just now, it was obvious that every step was correct, and everything went very smoothly, but at the last moment of waiting, something went wrong. And there is no way to stop him.

"Young Master Zhou, what you have just done is already very good. You must know that this medicine pill is very simple, but the song that just reorganized the medicinal materials really scared me. You must know this medicine pill. The difficulty lies in the reorganization of medicinal materials. Almost everyone is stuck here and cannot succeed. Now that you have mastered this, it will be much easier if you must refine it in the future."

Chapter 132 The Power of Prayer

To put it bluntly, Luo Yongsheng comforted Zhou Zhang. You don’t need to say it. You know that although Zhou Zhang was successful in reorganization at the moment, he had no way to control the strength of his decomposition. Although it was really successful just now However, the final result is still a failure, which means that Zhou Zhang is very likely and there is no way to continue alchemy.

"Hey. I've already come this far. I can't say that I should give up now. Although I don't know if I can succeed, I think it's pretty good now. At least I have achieved a relatively reliable path."

Zhou Zhang was also very helpless. His words were just to cheer himself up. Because of the failure just now, he had already discovered the problem, that is, he really had no way to control the medicinal materials and decompose them on his own, even at the last moment, If they have an accident, it means that they have failed.

Seeing how depressed Zhou Zhang is now, Luo Yongsheng couldn't stay here any longer, so he had to find an excuse to leave here.

After seeing Luo Yongsheng leaving, Zhou Zhang continued to start the second refining. Just now everything happened so fast that Zhou Zhang hadn't reacted yet. Those changes had already started to happen. This time Zhou Zhang was going to look carefully. Find the source of all this change.

At this moment, after holding such an idea, Zhou Zhang paid more attention for the second time. Compared with the first Zhou Zhang, he focused on making no mistakes in each step, and this second Zhou Zhang paid attention to the changes in each step. can happen in your own eyes.

This time, it can be said that it was all-or-nothing, because if this time also failed, Zhou Zhang would not have to continue to try.

Because if you look closely at this change, you can find something wrong, then Zhou Zhang can continue to carry out, but if after careful observation, you still can't find anything, then even if you try many times later, it won't work at all. will change.

This time, Zhou Zhang really exhausted his attention to observe the slightest changes in the pill furnace, trying to keep the slightest changes from escaping his eyes.

And Zhou Ling on the side has been silently cheering for Zhou Zhang, he knows what his organization's dignified expression means?Moreover, Zhou Ling has been troubled by the problems of his organization these days, and Zhou Ling has no way to help, so every time Zhou Ling will cheer for his master and pray.

Soon, Zhou Zhang entered a critical period. At this moment, the two medicinal materials have been decomposed and reorganized, and the next thing is the time for an accident.

At this moment, Zhou Zhang has already decided all success or failure here. If he can't find any problems this time, then Zhou Zhang plans to give up. If he can really find something this time, then Zhou Zhang will continue. Research it.

Soon, something untraceable happened. The medicinal materials in the pill furnace began to decompose uncontrollably. Although the decomposition rate was very slow, Zhou Zhang discovered it at the first time. Now Zhou Zhang decided to first. Use the control method that Luo Yongsheng said to control it and see if it will ease.

However, after trying it and finding that the result was the same as before, Zhou Zhang stopped thinking about other things, but concentrated on thinking about whether he could see what was wrong next.

This is all Zhou Zhang's hope now. Success or failure is in one fell swoop, and this is also a battle for Zhou Zhang's dignity. If Zhou Zhang fails at this moment, then he is probably the first person in the world who has a Buddha level. People who have cultivated bases, but have no achievements in alchemy at all, that is really a shame.

Finally, Zhucheng found a subtle place, so he tried to disintegrate the power. It didn't appear in vain. It seemed that he was slowly being affected by the reorganization he had carried out.

This discovery is not big or small. If it is just guessing, Zhou Zhang may be able to guess it, but after the discovery at this moment, Zhou Zhang is still shocked.

Because under normal circumstances, this power of decomposition is completely generated for no reason, but this time it is not the case, this time it is because after the decomposition and reorganization, I was contaminated with such a breath, He spontaneously began to decompose.


Zhou Zhang couldn't help but exclaimed. It seemed that the low-level medicinal pills he had used before were indeed suitable for refining. Now, after changing the medicinal pills, there is no such situation at all. It's just wrong to control it yourself.

Now Zhou Zhang doesn't care about whether this potion can be completed, because the root of the problem has been found by inspection, that is, he is not familiar with this decomposition and reorganization. Although this is really completed, his strength Not yet fully controlled.

This exclamation shocked Zhou Ling next to him. He was obviously still refining the pills, and the potion of pills didn't seem to be successful, but his master suddenly shouted with joy.

Without any hesitation, Zhou Zhang directly poured out all the medicinal liquid in the pill furnace, then reignited the fire and put new medicinal materials on it.

This time, Zhou Zhang is half sure that he can control the intensity of decomposition, so that it can have less impact on the surrounding medicinal materials, and if it continues to develop according to this momentum, it may not be long before he can completely overcome this problem. .

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang couldn't help laughing again, and he couldn't help but imagine Luo Yongsheng's rich expression after seeing that he could re-refine the medicine pill. He himself said that there is no way to solve this phenomenon. But now I have succeeded again!

This day, Zhou Zhang's mood ups and downs were completely incomprehensible to Zhou Ling. In the morning, he was obviously very disappointed and discouraged, but it's only been a while since he laughed so happily.

But since seeing his master laughing so happily now, Zhou Ling is also very happy, and this time Zhou Ling has once again confirmed his power of prayer, maybe he can really help others realize some impossible wishes through prayer .

After all, the two consecutive prayers were successful. Although time has passed, the final result is a solid success. If the first time was accidental, the second time was a success. It is impossible to be accepted, Zhou Ling said to himself.

Chapter 133 Zhantai came from the snow?

This time, Zhou Zhang really got it right. This time, he really reduced the influence of the decomposition power by half. After this reduction, the decomposition speed of the medicinal materials around him also became slower. And those that were a little further away were not affected at all.

Zhou Zhang didn't stop. Since this road is really feasible now, he must control his ability to control decomposition again, and directly pour out the medicinal pills that have not been completely dissolved in the pill furnace. Zhou Zhang starts a new round again. refining.

So many days have passed, some Dai Zhengyang are in the early stage of the king level along the way, and some kittens and puppies do not dare to come and offend, so the past few days have been very smooth, but after a period of time has passed , Dai Zhengyang said to the people behind him with a solemn expression.

"The border of Chuanshui County is about to go out. The junction between Chuanshui County and Danliao County is a place without any national jurisdiction, so the people gathered here are also very mixed. And most of them committed crimes in other places, and then took refuge here, we are careful when passing through this area, and try not to have too many disputes with people here."

After listening to Dai Zhengyang's words, everyone behind them nodded earnestly. They had heard Dai Zhengyang's words many times on their way to this area. Now, after arriving here, no one dared to take it lightly.

"Brother Dai doesn't know what kind of cultivation is the highest in this piece. If it is higher than you, then aren't we also in danger?"

Dai Zhengyang thought about it carefully. He really didn't know anything about this area, but according to the news from other people, there should be several kings in the vicinity that govern different areas.

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