Zheng Zhiyuan, who had just felt that nothing had happened, also felt that what Zhou Zhang said was very reasonable. If it was really thrown away, how could the tip of the spear point to the place where it was going?Unless the person turned around and threw it in, but who would be so idle to throw a weapon and turn around again?

"Brother Zhou is really discerning. This kind of thing, a frizzy person like me will definitely not find it. And after looking at it like this, it is really such a situation!"

If this is just an ordinary object, then it will definitely not make much difference. For example, if it is like a dagger, if you throw it at random, then its result may have many possibilities, even if it is a long sword, If he throws it casually, he may also turn it in one direction, but there is really a long gun that needs to be held in his hand.

This time, it was completely stumped by the three people who told me that the previous inference was correct, then this weapon is absolutely impossible to appear like this, but if the previous inference is incorrect, then prove these Weapons have nothing to do with the owner of the cemetery.

"Let's put this weapon here first, and then think inside to see if the same thing will happen. After all, this matter can only be confirmed after it is discovered once."

At this time, everyone agrees with the opinion, and it can only be confirmed after another discovery.

After having such an idea, since others have set off directly again, I don't know whether the road ahead is due to the fact that the owner of the cemetery did not pay attention, or other reasons. The other road is obviously forbidden, but there is nothing here. .

But this kind of thing is a good thing for everyone. They don't have the heart to spend too much time on this ban. Now this way they can walk without paying too much attention is the best for them. .

However, although they walked a long distance without any accidents, everyone's spirits were tense without any slack. They didn't think this place was really very safe. If an unexpected situation really occurs, it will be over.

"It seems like a road for you to come to this place. Looking at the wall, I always feel that it is not a wall."

When Zhou Zhang was walking, he saw that the rescue was a little different. If he just paid attention to the establishment, then it was not Zhou Zhang's style at all. Once there was anything along the way, Zhou Zhang would carefully check it out. , he won't miss the slightest bit.

After the words were said, the two of them couldn't get together to look at it. As expected, as Zhou Zhang said, it was a wall. It shouldn't be that he was here originally, but that someone deliberately did it later. A wall was built here, but as time went by, the wall that my sister made later gradually merged with the surrounding. If you don't look carefully, you can't really see it.

"It's really an interesting place. What is behind this wall? Could it be that the road ahead and the thick wall are not the same place, or that the back of the wall is where we really want to go."

In any case, since they found so many thick things on this wall, they must have a look, otherwise, they would not be in the mood to move forward.

"You push back and I'll blow this wall away."

Zhou Zhang was standing at the front. After taking a half step back at this moment, he slammed into the wall with all his strength. It was just an ordinary wall, so if it went up, the robbery would be torn apart.

After it was torn apart, there was dust in the sky, but after retreating with the dust, there was actually a road behind the wall, and it was a road leading down.

The three of them stood in front of the road and looked at each other, and then they considered whether to go in and find out. The things in this hole are really attractive.

Chapter 187

At this moment, although Zhou Zhang was standing at the front of the hole, Zhou Zhang didn't speak first. He didn't know what kind of danger there would be in this hole. Several of them have already explored here before, so you have already The crisis is looming, and what kind of danger is this passage leading to the underground, everything is still unknown.

"Why don't we go in and have a look, we've already opened our mouths, and it's not impossible for us to go this way after reading it!"

"I think we'd better not go in first. After all, we don't know what's behind this wall. It's very likely that they found it when they were cultivating this purpose, and then they deliberately blocked it. , it's better that we look inside first and then look inside this cave."

Zheng Zhiyuan and Yu Xinghe both hold different views, and it depends on Zhou Zhang's decision at all times. Is it difficult for Zhou Zhang to decide which one?Where are they going.

Zhou Zhang thought for a while and planned to speak, but at this time Zheng Zhiyuan suddenly spoke.

"Brother, think about it clearly, what is the purpose of our trip? If we don't look at what we found, I can't get through it in my heart."

"Zheng Zhiyuan, don't interrupt. This is not the time to act with anger, but we have to talk about other things under the premise of safety."

"Don't quarrel, the two of you, even if you don't talk about this building, I seem to want to take a look, but I was just thinking about what there is in this hole, but I thought about it carefully, no matter what the inside of it is. What is it, I also want to go in and have a look."

As soon as these words came out, Zheng Zhiyuan was very happy. He wanted to go in and see it wholeheartedly, but Yu Xinghe was a little uncomfortable. He really didn't want to go in and see, he would rather watch this cemetery. , and do not want to look inside this hole.

Now it's a two-to-one situation, so let's go straight in. This is the hole. Of course, this time, Zhou Zhang is walking in the front. Zhou Zhang is the person closest to the entrance of the hole. This is a spiral staircase leading down. Although it is below, the stairs are indeed extremely bright. There seems to be something in the deepest part that is constantly glowing, but when people go to check him, it is extremely blurry, and they can't see the end at all. what kind of thing.

"What exactly are you talking about? Now that I look at it, I'm really a little curious. This continent was originally suspended. Now there is something at the bottom of this continent. What is it?"

"I'm also very curious, to know that this hole has already been discovered. After they discovered this place before, didn't they come in to take a look, but now there is no trace of being explored at all. what."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhang shook his head. At this moment, Zhou Zhang was walking at the forefront. He was most deeply touched by the strangeness in it. He did not agree with the views of the two people.

"Have you noticed, what about the stairs under our feet? If it is said that this place is not in contact with the outside world all the year round, then there should be no dust on the stairs, but this hole is obviously closed, but the stairs are in a closed state. But it is covered with thick dust, where do you think this layer of soil came from?"

The two of them didn't think about it just now, they just thought that there is still this dust in the ground now, which proves that no one has been here, but this hole was obviously sealed before, so there should be no dust in this hole at all. But this dust did appear, why did he appear here?

"Let's not think too much, let's go down quickly. Now I don't dare to try this staircase easily. I just fly down directly. It's better to go down step by step."

Zhou Zhang saw that the two of them were stunned because of his own words, and interrupted their thoughts by saying something.

Soon a few people went to the deepest part of the cave, and the three of them also saw what the glowing thing was?However, these results made them a little unbelievable, because there are only some night pearls in the deepest part of the hole. If these night pearls are said to be, they are not enough to emit so much brightness, but there is a formation below this night pearl. , This formation can not only block the sight of other people's investigation, but also enhance the light emitted by the night pearl, so that everyone can only see the light below, but can't find out what is at the bottom. !It can only be seen after coming down, this is just a bunch of night pearls placed here.

"I thought it was what it was. After this came down, the result was too disappointing. It's just a few night pearls, and they are night pearls. What's the use of putting them here? Can't my house be lit by them?"

Zhou Zhang has also had some understanding of the night pearl, but this kind of thing can only grow in the cemetery with the advantages of some daily clothes, because the night pearl cannot continue to shine, and the price of each one is also very high. Expensive, many people are reluctant to spend such money to decorate at home.

"I think you are wrong about this. I don't say that Yu Xinghe has not seen anything in the world, but I have seen this night pearl, it is bigger than this, but their fates are all not shining in the end, Then it turned into a useless stone, but how long has this night pearl been practiced? He can still emit such a bright light, I don't believe it."

"What's so strange about this, maybe this formation has the effect of making the borrowed pearl continue to shine."

The two are old friends for many years. At this moment, this shirt began to quarrel, but Zhou Zhang did not join them, but carefully observed the surrounding area.

This night pearl is indeed a little weird. They shouldn't be able to light up for so long, but the statement of the formation method is also reasonable, but if someone puts a bunch of night pearls and makes a formation for them, there are some Incredible.

After walking around the pile of night pearls, Zhou Zhang didn't find anything, and everyone was a little bit suspicious of the doubts they had had before.

'It's better to take them apart and see what kind of night pearl this is. '

With this thought in mind, Zhou Zhang slapped the formation with his palm.

Chapter 188 This is the same!

Zheng Zhiyuan and Yu Xinghuai were still arguing, but this week Zhou Zhang suddenly played one, which made both of them stop and turned around to see what Zhou Zhang was doing.

The moment the two turned around was also the moment when Zhou Zhang just broke the formation, and the breath of the night pearl filled the small space.


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