"You said that when we went to explore the cemetery before, didn't anyone know what we went through in it?"

"There is definitely no way to know without this kind of thing. After all, there will be many political existences for this purpose, but I will check it out very deliberately. I believe that the person doesn't even know that we have experienced this in it. thing."

Zheng Zhiyuan thought that Zhou Zhang was worried that this matter had already been known by that person, so he just said the real purpose of the prohibition comparison. They had already carefully investigated it when they went here last time, so as to ensure that such a problem would not occur.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhang understood that if that place would not be discovered by others, then the cemetery was the most suitable place for now.

Seeing Zhou Zhang suddenly burst out laughing, Zheng Zhiyuan and Yu Xinghe were both dumbfounded. He didn't know why Zhou Zhang would laugh when he heard such a news Haven't thought about this?

"Everyone, I thought about where we should go. You said that the cemetery would not be known by that person, so wouldn't it be the safest for us to go there to discuss this matter?"

As soon as these words were said, Zheng Zhiyuan and Yu Xinghe showed disbelief expressions to know that they just wanted to stay there for a minute and a second, and now Zhou Zhang actually asked where to go back!

"Brother Zhou, aren't you confused? That place is very dangerous. If we go back there now, we might even run into the owner of the cemetery directly. Let's not do such a thing!"

Hearing this, Zhou Zhang shook his head. He didn't think so. If the owner of the cemetery could always check the situation in the cemetery, then he would definitely not let these people leave there. All the secrets are known.

"I think it's the only safe place at the moment. I don't think any place except the cemetery will escape the sight of Lord He Lin, so no matter where we go, this news It will definitely be discovered, and although it is more dangerous there, the owner of the cemetery obviously has no intention of taking our lives, otherwise, the formation just now is not just an attack at the initial stage of Buddha level."

Having said this, the two of them also suddenly realized that, indeed, if the owner of the cemetery really wanted to take their lives, let's not talk about the power of the formation, even after they cracked the formation, they rushed to the exit. They can be stopped for a while.

"Brother Zhou, let's really think about it, this is a very gambling choice, if anyone is not disgusted with this matter, we are not old, and in case the owner of the cemetery has a problem with us. The mentality of car conflict, don't we have to end it?"

What Yu Xinghe said is very reasonable. No matter which side they are, as long as they have unfavorable thoughts on themselves, then this will be doomed.

Chapter 195 I'm Really Going

Now it's not only Yu Xinghe, but even Zheng Zhiyuan can't believe it. This is actually from Zhou Zhang, who has always been relatively long and steady in his opinion.

"We haven't stayed there from time to time for things like the prime minister. If we really go back now, can we come out from there again?"

At present, Zheng Zhiyuan's biggest worry is that if they go there, they won't have a chance to come out again. If they don't have a chance to come out again, then no matter what they say now, Zheng Zhiyuan will not go to the cemetery.

"I have really thought about this, but if I compare it comprehensively, I still think this is the safest place. After all, we don't have this road that is the safest right now. If we choose to go elsewhere, can we guarantee safety? And isn't the most dangerous place the safest?"

Zhou Zhang's prosperousness made the two of them have some thoughts that they didn't want to go, and they were directly dispelled. Yes, isn't the most dangerous place the safest? Now Nadi said that the crisis is fourfold, but for now, your cemetery The owner doesn't want to pay attention to them, so the purpose is the safest place for now.

"This time, I will listen to Brother Zhou. I am willing to go to the cemetery to discuss this matter. Yu Xinghe, what do you think? If you don't go, then the two of us will go!"

What this is really saying is that there is no room for travel and rejection at all. If he doesn't go, then the two of them will go directly, which does not mean that this matter directly leaves him out, travel He was very helpless, but after thinking about it carefully, what Zhou Zhang said also made sense. It was indeed quite safe there, so he nodded and said.

"Don't worry, I've already said this for the sake of it. Naturally, I won't stop going, but after we go there, we still have to be careful. After all, there are also dangers there."

Everyone knows this. At this moment, after he finished speaking, the three of them left here directly. To say here, the distance from the destination is really far away. After all, they just rushed back to Yu from there. Xinghe Patriarch, if he had known earlier that he would reach this goal in the end, he would have just found a random place to drink.

Soon, the three of them had returned to the entrance of the cemetery. There was still a psychedelic formation here. Xinghe walked in very easily, followed by Zhou Zhang and Zheng Zhiyuan.

This time, after entering here, the three of them were still stunned by the sight in front of them. You must know that less than a day has passed since they came here last time, but now the scene in this cemetery , there are indeed many people who have come in.

Although Qian Yao said that she wanted to drink very much, she was still very taboo. What happened in the cemetery, so she was excited to go home at the moment, but Qian Yao was not in a hurry to go home. There is no rush to do things at all, and I have nothing to do when I go back. When Qian Yao was walking, someone suddenly stopped him.

This person Qian Yao knew him and had a good relationship on weekdays, but in the end he chose to stand on Lin Langtian's side, which made him very helpless. After all, his son died because of that incident. below.

"Brother Zou, is there something wrong?"

Although the relationship between the two is not that good now, Qian Yao still took the initiative to say hello.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that I suddenly found Brother Qian, so I wanted to stop and chat a few words, but I think Brother Qian seems to be in a very downhearted mood now, why don't we two find a place to have a drink? ?"

Qian Yao's mood is indeed very low now, and after Zou Wen said this, he wants to drink even more all of a sudden.

"How is it? My proposal is not bad, and I got a few pots of good wine recently. If you think your brother is interesting, we can all find a place to taste it."

This sentence made Qian Yao who was still hesitant to agree at once. After all, the two are now in different camps. If they sit down and drink together and are seen by others, it must be a very bad phenomenon. However, as long as there is good wine, then Qian Yao will definitely not refuse.

"I said that I was walking on this road, why did I suddenly go this way? It turned out that the fragrance of the wine on Brother Zou attracted me, so we must not get drunk and return today."

In this way, the two of them hooked up and went to Zou Wen's place. On the way, the two of them talked from time to time, and they also talked about some interesting things that happened recently, so the two of them suddenly relationship got better.

Moreover, the sense of estrangement caused by the different camps also disappeared without a trace, except that they did not reach the point of talking about everything, and now the two have returned to their original state.

Soon he arrived at Zou Wen's house. After all, a few days ago, Zou Wen died of a son, so the house is still full of white cloth.

After seeing this scene, Qian Yao felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. After all, his son died not long ago, and he went to his house to drink with him now. If he said it, he seemed to have some So rude.

"Brother Zou, I think we might as well change the place or drink it another day. I don't think it's really suitable for today's situation."

Hearing this, Zou Wen stopped, then turned to ask Qian Yaolai aside.

"Brother Qian, what are you talking about? Could it be that you are not worthy to entertain you in such a home? Or is it that Brother Qian doesn't want to sit and drink with me now?"

As soon as these words came out, Qian Yao was even more embarrassed. If he left now, no matter what he said, it would not make sense. The current situation has been understood, that is, if he does not drink in this house today , then you just don't look down on him.

"Brother Zou misunderstood. That's not what I meant. It's just that today I'm watching the funeral at home, so I don't think it's good if I drink here."

Only then did Zou Wen realize what Qian Yao was worried about, and immediately laughed, then grabbed Qian Yao over and said.

"Don't worry, Brother Zhou, I've already looked down on this kind of thing. Today you and I finally got together, and you must have a good drink!"

Chapter 196

After all, the two have already come here. Although Qian Yao said he wanted to leave, it was just a phenomenon he wanted to show. This is also Qian Yao's shrewdness. If he didn't hesitate at all just now , so now the two of them may have a conflict over this matter.

But now that Zou Wen has said that this matter doesn't matter, then Qian Yao naturally doesn't care about it, so Qian Yao pretended to be still a little embarrassed and said.

"Although you and I are very good brothers, today I suddenly feel that I am a bit sorry for my brother. For so many days, I have never seen you, nor..."

"Brother Qian, today the two of us don't talk about these things, just drink and say other things, it seems a little too sad, and this is a thing of the past, we are living well now, then we must continue. Just live well."

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