Chapter 198 The information is wrong

Soon they came to the fork in the road that Zhou Zhang encountered before. This time, after all, Lin Langtian was the only person leading the way, so she directly chose the place to the far right, because he was on the road on the right. I felt it inside, there was an obvious smell of destruction, but after looking at the road on the left, I didn't notice any restrictions, so he thought that the end of the road on the right was where the treasures existed. .

I have to say that such an idea is a bit naive, but when searching for treasures at some point, it really needs a person's subjective consciousness to decide, and Lin Langtian is such a person who believes in his own intuition very much.

After a while, a few of them had already reached the position where the last time the formation was, but this time the formation was different from the last time.

You must know that when Zhang Zhitian and Qian Yao arrived here last time, this formation was only going on with all their strength at the initial stage of the Buddha level, but when these people stepped into the formation and moved on, they suddenly changed. He no longer launched the initial Buddha-level attack like before, but went directly to the late Buddha-level attack. Although it did not reach the level of a full-strength attack, such an attack should not be underestimated.

This time, everyone never thought of it, because when they knew about this, they knew in their hearts that they would encounter a formation with a full-strength attack at the initial stage of Buddha, but no matter what. , the power at the early stage of the Buddha-level and for them, no matter how intensive it is, there is no way to cause them too much substantial damage, so even if this matter has been notified to them in advance, they will not Didn't take it seriously.

However, there are still a small number of people who did not take this matter seriously. There are also a lot of people. At this time, he is very important. Therefore, at the moment when the formation attacked, some people They didn't care, while the other part of the people resisted with all their strength. As a result, many people were injured all of a sudden.

This incident happened too suddenly, and many people didn't react at once, but after all, they were all experienced people. Although many people were injured, they still managed to cope.

But now they say that these attacks are given, but the strength of this group of people has not reached that level after all, and now it can only be said that they have reluctantly retreated. If they want to move forward, they still can't do it.

Lin Langtian saw this scene at this moment, and his heart suddenly became very angry. You must know that this news was said when it came. Although it is said that this formation exists, it is not a formation like this.

Now, because of this intelligence stunner, his appearance has been injured because of this, which is something he will never allow to happen.

"Zou Wen, I ask you what the hell is going on!"

Zou Wen doesn't know what to do now. What should I say? He can clearly feel that Mr. Lin in front of him is very angry. If he accidentally makes a mistake next time, then he is likely to die. Here it is.

"I really don't know what your lord is doing. If the young man knew but didn't tell the truth, then the young man would never dare to walk in with Mr. Lin."

Although Lin Langtian said that he was very angry, after hearing this sentence, he also understood this kind of thing. With the current wrinkles, he would definitely not deceive himself. It must be what he heard. How he told himself.

"Okay, get up. I also know that this matter is not with you. You must have said what you heard, but now that something goes wrong, you still have to take some of the responsibility."

Zou Wen, who had heard the first half of the sentence, thought he would survive, but after hearing the second half of the sentence, his body was stiff when he just woke up, and before he could speak, Lin Langtian directly Killed it with one palm.

The reason why Lin Langtian did this was because he wanted to set up an appearance in front of his subordinates who liked that he was different. After all, these people were the ones he had cultivated so hard for so many years. If this matter If you can't have an account, then these compensations may cause a little bit of infidelity to yourself.

And it happens that there is such a person by his side now, so he must not be able to give up such an opportunity. Anyway, if he kills, he will kill, and it will not have much impact at all.

"Although this formation is somewhat inaccurate with the intelligence, the formation is an formation after all. Since he is an formation, then he has a way to crack it."

I have to say that the current situation is much better than what Zhou Zhang and the others encountered at the time. The highest financial group is only the middle Buddha level. Under such intensive attacks, they have no What is the ability to fight back, but now Lin Langtian is really different.

Lin Langtian has already reached the realm of the half-ancestor, but he is missing some things that he does not know, so he has not become the ancestor. Although he is not the ancestor, but in the case of dealing with such a formation , still seems more than adequate.

Soon, Lin Langtian discovered where the formation's eye was located. Although he said that the formation was outside, Lin Langtian still destroyed it. However, there were some unexpected things that were being destroyed by the formation. After that, it didn't have much effect.

However, although it didn't have much effect, Lin Langtian, after all, is someone who has experienced many formations. After the order failed, he directly took the most difficult attitude and wanted to destroy this. array.

Hearing a bang, the formation became broken and uneven. It seems that the cultivation base of the person who arranged this formation may not be as high as Lin Langtian. Otherwise, Lin Langtian would definitely not be able to do this formation. Breaks down easily.

After seeing his own attack, Lin Langtian blasted a few times in a row, and sure enough, the formation after the rapid increase disappeared immediately, and when he walked forward, There were no attacks.

"It seems that they came here last time, and then encountered this formation. Although I don't know how they escaped, no one should have searched these places."

After saying these words, Lin Langtian walked directly in front of the crowd and walked towards the front. After experiencing the incident just now, Lin Langtian felt that he had to be at the forefront, otherwise he would meet again later. What trouble is there, they don't even have the ability to detect it.

Chapter 199

Lin Langtian didn't think about going ahead to protect this group of subordinates, he just felt that it would be more troublesome if some restrictions were triggered, but this group of subordinates didn't think so.

They watched their master suddenly walk in front of them. It was really moving. After all, there were not many masters who could think of protecting their masters. Si's infidelity has also been wiped away, leaving only full of loyalty!

But now Lin Langtian doesn't have time to worry about these things. The most important thing for him is to hurry to the deepest part of this cemetery and find out why this formation is so powerful.

Although it was said that Lin Langtian had just executed Zou Wen, after seeing the power of that formation, Lin Langtian became more interested in this purpose.

If the news this time is reliable, the deepest part of this cemetery is really ambitious, about the secret of the formation, then Lin Langtian can have a great confidence that he can go to confront Zu.

Just thinking of such a thing, Lin Langtian was already excited, and at this moment, his walking pace was also a lot faster.

Although there are many part-time jobs along the way, the original purpose of these restrictions was to prevent people in the middle stage of the Buddha level. At most, they can resist the latter stage of the Buddha level, but I never thought that there would be people who are half ancestors. will be here.

Although it was said that Lin Langtian had speeded up his advance, there was no one in the cemetery that could be bothered to let him down, and even Lin Langtian's advance speed did not slow down in the slightest.

The obvious signs of someone coming in front of them made Zhou Zhang and the three of them hesitate, because if they continued to move forward, they would most likely want to meet the people inside, and now there is nothing for the people who chased inside. Understand, and looking at the traces on the ground, there are obviously many people.

"I think we'd better go back and wait for someone to come here again. Maybe the owner of the cemetery will really be angry at that time. If we find us at that time, maybe we will die here too."

Yu Xinghe already has the meaning of retreating at this moment. He doesn't want to go to this muddy water again. Although talking about what he came up with may endanger his own life, the cemetery is also changing now. It's very unsafe.

"Can you not always say something about death, so you can't say something auspicious? Our current situation is not very optimistic, and you are always talking about death!"

Zheng Zhiyuan said with a slight dissatisfaction, what happened in the past few days has been unfortunate enough, and now there is a person next to him who keeps talking about death or something, which sounds very unlucky.

"The two of you don't quarrel, I think that although there are other people coming to this place now, it is not a good thing. You must know that the owner of this cemetery may not know who the person who came here for the first time is. , so I'm very likely to mistake entering now that they have been here long ago, and our situation should be safe now."

After a pause, Zhou Zhang turned around and said to them.

"And the thing that should reassure us the most is the structure of this purpose. I believe that the two of you have found that the exploration of divine consciousness here is very weak. Once you hit the wall, there is no way to move on."

Zheng Zhiyuan and Yu Xinghe nodded at the moment, the situation here is indeed the same as what Zhou Zhang said, that is, once I touch the wall, my own consciousness will automatically disappear, it seems that the wall will also automatically absorb people general consciousness.

"So we can go inside and have a look now. As for what to look at, of course, we have to look at the formation. Are people trapped now, or they have already cracked the formation. In this case, we will You can directly understand the level of the enemy."

"Brother Zhou is really smart. If the strength of this group of people is very low, then we can directly send them inside as surrogate ghosts, but if the strength of this group of people is tyrannical, then we will quickly slip out of here."

Zhou Zhang nodded, he really thought so, there is only one way at the moment, it can work, and it is good for him.

At this moment, although Yu Xinghe was a little reluctant, he was still pulled in by Zhou Zhang and Zheng Zhiyuan. After all, the three of them were grasshoppers tied to a rope, and it was impossible for anyone to leave and walk alone.

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