Before the two weapons were only found to have a special atmosphere, so they were interested, but these two weapons, their specific use methods have not really been understood, but at the moment Zhou Zhang is in After getting the long gun here, he suddenly burst out laughing.

"It seems that this place is really related to these two weapons. This long spear is obviously a gun that can be opened. It looks like this after he opens it!"

Saying that, Zhou Zhang pointed to the middle of the door, which was a thing separated from three sides.

"And what about this dagger? He doesn't have any special transformations, but he doesn't lay it flat, but needs to be on its side. In this way, it has something to do with the very inconspicuous bulge in this place. coincide."

The two looked in the direction Zhou Zhang pointed, and sure enough, this protruding part could really overlap with the dagger.

Now that they know their connection, Zhou Zhang put the weapon on it as quickly as possible. Of course, this gun does not need a gun body, just put the gun head on it.

After putting it on, only a loud rumbling sound was heard, and this door was opened like this?Although it opened very slowly, everyone was very excited at the moment.

You must know that the back of this door may be one of the ultimate guarantees for this purpose. Although they have no way to get the other place, the one on this side will now belong to them.

As the door slowly opened, the contents inside were slowly revealed in front of the three of them. After Wu Bo opened it, the scene inside made the three slightly disappointed. They thought there were some treasures in it. Here I am.

But after opening it, I found that it was just an ordinary hall that couldn't be more ordinary. Not only was there nothing at the end of the hall, but there was not even a single thing around the hall, such an empty place, and there was such an ordinary hall The main hall, why do you have to hide in such a way to be able to open him.

Chapter 202 Is there really a baby here?

Although the three of them are very unbelievable at this moment, they have already opened the door. If there is anything inside, you still need to look carefully.

However, these ideas were soon shattered, because there really wasn't anything in it, just a few simple pillars and a step, the top of which was just a chair. nothing left!

If there is something different about the chair in the hall, the three of them can accept it at the moment, but this chair is just a more luxurious chair, and even this chair can easily shoot him. smash.

"This place can't really be like this. It's too simple. If you want to know that there is only such an empty hall in it, then you can't come!"

It's really speechless to come to now. You know, he reached this place with all his heart, and now tell him that there is only such an empty hall, and besides this, there is nothing left, this It really made him a little unacceptable.

"Yeah, if we knew that entering this place was such a thing, we shouldn't have to go into this muddy water again, otherwise, Qian Yao wouldn't tell this matter, and we wouldn't be so embarrassed now. La!"

At this moment, Yu Xinghe is the most speechless, because he was very opposed to this matter from the very beginning, and he disapproved very much along the way. The heart is the most uncomfortable.

"What's the use of talking about these now? Since we have reached this point, we should consider the next thing, no matter what happens next, after all, this road is chosen by ourselves, and we cannot go Blame anyone!"

Although Zheng Zhiyuan has some helpless things at the moment, she knows that the result is doomed, and they don't have any choice now. It is better to look at it a little bit, and then it will feel better in my heart. If you just complain blindly, then It doesn't solve any problems at all.

"Right now, I don't think it's that simple. If it's really just such an empty palace, he wouldn't have set up a special gate. It's just that there are some things here that we haven't discovered. Now that we have time to come Complain, we might as well check it again carefully."

Zhou Zhang's words do make sense. Now the Chinese have only read it roughly, but if this place needs a door to protect it, then it must not be as simple as it seems on the surface, there must be some other things. Something that no one found.

"What we need to focus on looking for next, I think it should be the memory of the formation. I don't remember these night pearls. Since this night pearl, he can use the formation to cover up his breath, maybe there is also there. Those formations that cover up the breath, now everyone should pay attention to everything related to the formations."

Originally, the two thought it was unnecessary, but now after listening to Zhou Zhang's words, they suddenly felt that there might be something hidden in it. After all, this formation can hide those breaths. There may be many things that have been concealed here.

This conjecture was indeed correct. Soon, Zheng Zhiyuan found such a formation next to the pillar on the side. After breaking the formation, he found that there was actually that kind of formation under the floor below the pillar. Share to eat the breath of other worlds.

"Come here, everyone, there is something weird under the table, and I found that unusual aura again!"

Zheng Zhiyuan shouted, and the two lifted the slate below the pillar. Sure enough, although it was covered by someone, the picture was obviously added later.

After peeling off the soil, I found that there was actually something underneath. It was a scabbard. Coincidentally, such a scabbard completely matched the dagger I found before, and it was simply separating the dagger. Just let it go.

"It seems that the illusion of this palace is really unusual, and the people who cover it obviously want us to open it in the correct way. If the gate is opened by brute force, it must be inside. Nothing can be found."

After such a discovery, the annoying thing is that I am more motivated, just to search for the existence of the formation in every place.

But this time, although everyone has made new discoveries, but they are not there. I asked others to come and watch together. The most important thing at the moment is to find out all the things in this palace.

An hour later, the palace has been devastated by three people. It doesn't look like the previous palace at all. All the floors have been pried open, and all the soil below has been brought up, one place after another. There are all big and small potholes.

"I found a total of four weapons. These 4857s are one, a long sword, a large knife and two sledgehammers, but these two hammers are not a pair, they all exist alone."

"I found a total of three weapons, a machete, a chain, and a violin. And there are still many things that have passed through the years, and I can't see what they look like, but there are quite a few."

"I found a total of five weapons, a sword, a long knife, a dagger, a flywheel, and a long stick, but the appearance of this dagger is very similar to the moment I found it before, except for the appearance The shape is almost identical except for a few differences."

Speaking of Zhou Zhang, he took out the dagger he found. Zheng Zhiyuan also took out his one after seeing the dagger. As expected, the two daggers have the same shape, except for the decorations on them. , with a slight difference.

"I'll try it to see if it can be put in this scabbard. Since they all look the same, maybe it really can."

Saying that, Zheng Zhiyuan picked up the dagger and put it in the scabbard just right. After all, the two of them have almost the same appearance, so the scabbard can fully accommodate the dagger.

"Do these two daggers belong to the same person, or is it the scabbard, which can store multiple daggers at the same time? Otherwise, they both look almost exactly the same?"

Chapter 203 That's all there is to it?

This is indeed a question, if there is no relationship between the two daggers, then why can they both be placed in the same scabbard, and the two daggers and this scabbard are almost completely complete match.

But if there is any relationship between the two, it can't be said that one person keeps a scabbard, but he carries two daggers on his back, so there is some unreasonable.

"Do you think there are two such scabbards, but we only found one in this hall now, I think this is just one of the passages, and there is another side, we haven't looked. "

Zheng Zhiyuan felt that what he said could be explained. Although it was a little far-fetched, such an explanation was relatively easy to accept.

"There is indeed such a possibility. After all, this dagger was found in another passage. Maybe the scabbard is really at the end of the other passage!"

Zhou Zhang thought about it and said, after all, two daggers equipped with a scabbard, it really doesn't make sense.

"Yes, I'll just say, no matter how you say this thing, it can't be like this, it's just that it came from one person, so these two opponents look exactly the same, but now they look exactly the same There are two daggers, although I don’t know what the relationship between these two daggers is, but this explanation makes sense.”

Zheng Zhiyuan said excitedly, he just thought that the two daggers would not belong to the same scabbard, but he never thought about what the problem was. After Zhou Zhang said this, it is really possible, after all, this b-hand is in the found on another channel.

"Don't pay attention to the relationship of this scabbard hand? After all, we are not here to study this dagger. We can't say that we have searched for this big point, but now we have found it. A little something, if it comes like this, it will be useless!"

Yu Xinghe looked at the two of them happily, but found that the two of them had completely forgotten the purpose of their coming here. They came here to find a way to become stronger, not to study the relationship between the scabbard and the dagger. .

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