You think that Zhou Zhang, who is not so generous, suddenly felt a little distressed when he faced the price of this million high-grade Lingyu.

But the price is very fair. You must know that Zhou Zhang is only building a very small courtyard. Those who build very large mansions will pay higher prices.

When they stopped playing, Lingyu and the others happily followed Zhou Zhang to the place he said.

Now that Zhou Zhang has finished the house affairs, there will be nothing to do next. Although he said that he had been worried about other people and whether it would be harmful to himself, it seems that there is no need to worry about this matter now.

Because Zhou Zhang now has a general understanding of these two factions from the mouths of this group of craftsmen. They do not have any contacts on weekdays. Although there is no feud between them, even if they are ordinary people They will do their best to talk and eat, and avoid it, because if you are not careful, you are likely to be regarded as a traitor. At that time, no one on both sides will really want him because the party who expelled him, He would think that he was leaking information to the enemy, but the other side didn't think so. He only thought that it was a trick done by the other side, just to confuse himself, so this way, there was no difference between the two forces. No contact.

And this vision is clear, and it has been clearly divided from a long time ago, that is, the old family and some new families.

Neither of them looked down on the other in the first place, and the old-fashioned family thought that these newcomers were not worth interacting with at all.

Chapter 209 Lin Langtian Is Injured

On the contrary, these rising stars also looked down on the high-level appearance of those old-fashioned families, so this grievance was formed very early, and although there was no conflict on weekdays, there was no contact between the two.

In this way, the two who went away will definitely not have a good result, and just because of Zhou Zhang's incident a few days ago, the conflict between the two was established at once.

Although Zhou Zhang had already learned about the latter matter from other places, but now after hearing what the craftsman said, Zhou Zhang had a deeper understanding of the relationship between the two.

That is between the two, although there is not much promise, but now there are some forced elements. In this way, they obviously have no hatred, but now they are forced to become enemies.

Such a result is quite unacceptable, but the implementation is like this. The division of personnel between the two has now been very clear, so it is certainly impossible to reconcile in a day or two.

But when it came to this, these workers looked a little happy, so Zhou Zhang was a little curious, as if this kind of thing didn't matter to them at all.

"Why do you look so happy when they are about to fight?"

"To tell you the truth, I also know that you are Zhou Zhang Zhou, and after you arrived in the upper realm, you chose to join that camp, but no matter which side you joined, if there is a real fight in the future, then I am here. The first thing to suffer is their own house. I believe that when both sides are tired from fighting and don’t want to fight, then the house will definitely come to us to meet, and then this will be a big deal. income."

After hearing the fair explanation, Zhou Zhang was also relieved. It turned out to be the case. If there is no major battle in the upper realm, maybe the houses of each family will not be rebuilt for a long time, at most it will be repaired. For a moment, but if there is a war, then only eight or nine, all the houses have to be rebuilt.

For the design of this house, these craftsmen have already had a lot of design drawings, and Zhou Zhang didn't want to spend any more time asking them to design an ideal one, so he chose one from them. Now the craftsmen are invited, and the materials are provided by them. Prepare, even the design drawings are available, so Zhou Zhang only needs to wait until the attack is completed, and then move in.

In this way, it just left some space for Zhou Zhang, and now Zhou Zhang can study the two papers brought out from the cemetery.

Although Lin Langtian is now in the realm of half ancestors, and he still has a lot of grievances and grievances with that person, the news that he was injured a few days ago still spread in this upper realm all at once.

Moreover, this matter was not only spread out, but even Lin Langtian himself did not veto this matter. This made everyone even more puzzled. You must know that if such rumors appeared on weekdays , then Lin Langtian will definitely be the first to catch him out and take care of him, but now that the news has spread so widely, Lin Langtian has done nothing.

In this way, everyone felt that Lin Langtian's injury was really a fact. After such a thing came out, the first object of suspicion was that person, but these days, everyone However, they knew that the two of them did not have any contact, so this suspicion was quickly dispelled, but in this way, not only did everyone not dispel their doubts, but they became even more suspicious of what caused Lin Langtian to suffer. hurt!

However, this idea can only be thought about in their hearts. If they were asked to personally ask Lin Langtian about this, they would not dare to ask if they had ten courage.

Moreover, Lin Langtian had already disclosed this matter, enriching his subordinates, so that they were not allowed to say a single word about the incident that day.

And his subordinates were completely loyal to him that day, so Lin Langtian didn't need to say this, and they wouldn't say it at all.

In this way, many people want to know more in their hearts, but the only three people who know the inside story of this matter are not saying a word about it at the moment. How did Lin Langtian get hurt?

Fortunately, the design of the cemetery is very strange, so even Zu now doesn't know what happened to Lin Langtian to get injured, but although he said he didn't know, the group was even more curious, you know, This is the upper realm, he has probed inside and out, and there is no other existence at all.

But now I suddenly heard that Lin Langtian was injured. This is enough to make Lin Langtian injured so much that he can see that his strength may be around him. If the two of them are united, they will most likely be able to defeat him. .

Ever since Xiao Lin Langtian is also playing such an calculus at this moment, he deliberately spread the news, but he did not say where he was injured. Powerful people united, and now he is indeed injured, that last move, although he used a lot of magic weapons to resist, but the power is too strong, he has no ability to resist at all, and in the end he Or escaped by taking advantage of the energy of the explosion.

This matter has now become an issue that many people in this upper realm will discuss after dinner, but Zhou Zhang, Zheng Zhiyuan and Yu Xinghe have never seen each other again these days. Under Lin Langtian's close attention, since he was seriously injured that day, it is very likely that he would suspect that the treasure in it had already been taken by them.

Because since someone is guarding the end of one road, then the end of the other road is likely to be the location of the treasure, and now they should try to keep a low profile.

If others found out, the three of them also went to that place to search for treasures that day. If this happened, they might be in danger of being searched for souls. No matter how much they clarified that they were not related to this It doesn't matter if the matter is related, because all their secrets will be revealed after the soul search. At that time, they will have no benefit, and they will lose their lives inexplicably.

Chapter 210

The fact that this incident has become more and more serious now also gives Lin Langtian some headaches. At first, he just wanted to make Zu have some taboos and hesitations about it, but he never thought that this incident has become more and more serious, until now, Everyone is talking about it curiously.

This is not developing in the direction he expected at all, and it is developing in a very bad direction. If the momentum continues, maybe Zu will personally come to him to find out the truth.

Because as this matter continues to heat up, even if this person does not exist, it will become a real person because of this.

At that time, when it was clear that he had not obtained anything, and had not detected anything, such a person suddenly appeared and stole all his things.

If this thing really happened like this, then Lin Langtian knew very well that he might not be able to turn around again in his entire life.

"It seems that it's time to prove the rumor that I wasn't injured a few days ago, and it's time to let these people calm down."

Now in order to protect myself, I have to take some extreme measures to deal with this matter in the past two days, and this extreme method is to kill the person who first spread the rumor. , you can certainly gag the mouths of this group of people.

It will be extremely easy and simple to do this now, because now Lin Langtian is very clear who spread this matter, because he found him directly at that time and asked him to spread the news. of.

So now I just need to kill him, and then warn everyone, forbid talking about their own affairs, but a few days ago, although it can be said that he closed himself and cultivated.

In this way, not only can he resolve his current crisis, but he can also let Zu dispel the idea that he is really hurt, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Soon, this person was executed by Lin Langtian, and with his execution, the news spread all at once. You must know that when the news spread, although many people did not say it, it was like this. Everyone knows who spread the matter, but now after learning that he was actually out of Lin Langtian, he was directly executed. This kind of thing suddenly scared many people.

Everyone has always known that Lin Langtian is a very ruthless person. If there is something about him casually, he will simply put it to death without saying a word, but now, it is like this again, and now everyone has discovered that, Lin Langtian wasn't injured at all. If that was the case, then it could be concluded that the previous rumors were indeed rumors.

Although there are still many people who are not too convinced about such a result, but now due to the situation, even if they have a lot of confusion in their hearts, they dare not say it.

Zhou Zhang's first reaction after hearing about this was Lin Langtian. Now that his injuries have recovered, he will rush to resolve this matter. After all, if he is injured, then what happened in this scene may be It will leak out, and then he won't be able to get the method to become stronger.

And now Zhou Zhang also thinks that what he got may really be of no use, because there is no one on his side to guard, and Lin Langtian has encountered an enemy that even he can't defeat, so in that The latter is the purpose, where the real treasure lies.

Fortunately, Zhou Zhang has been extremely interested in the things on the two sheets of paper these days, otherwise he would have given up. After all, the words written on the two sheets of paper could not be understood at all. Some people have casually put out a text on it, and all of them have said that they have not read it. In this way, if there is no clue at all, it is already very good to stick to it.

Even Zhou Zhang himself didn't know why he insisted on it as always. Obviously he didn't even have any hope, but if he gave up, there would be some unwillingness. You must know that this is only after giving up a practice method. Come, if you really give up like this, there are some things that are really unacceptable.

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