After hearing this, Zheng Zhiyuan and Yu Xinghe both showed disbelief in their eyes. Although they were thinking about this just now, their thoughts were far from what Zhou Zhang thought so far and so big, so they said After hearing such a thing, they still didn't believe it at first, but Zhou Zhang's, the two people in the car had to believe that it was a fact.

"Brother Zhou, if what you said is true, then I'm afraid..."

Before Zheng Zhiyuan finished speaking, Zhou Zhang continued to speak directly.

"You're right, that's how long he's been around now? Will he think of such a method, but he doesn't quite trust yours, so now he's not only a On the one hand, he is preventing Master Lin from breaking through. On the other hand, he is also trying to find a way to break through for himself. But if this is the last moment, he has not succeeded in breaking through, and he has not believed what Lin Langtian said. , all of us here may really lose our lives."

Here is what Zhou Zhang just thought of, from a very subtle point, and thinking about the undercurrents that are surging in the streets today, he also thinks of another big dilemma he is facing now.

Originally, when she first came here, she only thought that she was involved in the battle between two people, but now she found that no matter which side wins, the final result for herself has not changed.

If Lin Langtian does not succeed in the end, then the Lord will kill all of them when his life is over, but if Lin Langtian succeeds in breaking through, then it is conceivable that Lin Langtian and The hatred forged between themselves will certainly not let themselves go.

"Brother Zhou is right, I really wanted to ask this just now, and I have to say even more bad news, that is the current Shou Yuan, maybe you thought that when the two of us arrived, In this world, the first group of people or things, who are the people behind, but Zhou Yong is indeed completely wrong, Zu has no idea how long it has been here, and, when we arrived here for so many years, we Our family has also undergone several changes, and the two of us are now the third-generation patriarchs in the family.”

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Zhang was scared all of a sudden, because Zhou Zhang never thought that they were not the first generation who came to the upper realm, but their descendants. Zhou Zhang never thought about such a thing. And the situation represented by this third generation is that the lifespan of that person today may not be long, and it can even be said that the years will not be long.

Chapter 218

I have to say that this is really terrifying, so terrifying that today's Zhou Zhang can't believe it, and after listening to this sentence, it also made Zhou Zhang suddenly understand what the previous person said, that's why, in these In the middle of the year, he no longer left conditions for those who successfully broke through to the Buddha level, but forced them to come directly to this upper realm.

Because he knew that his lifespan was not long now, he said that he wanted to ensure that all the Buddha-level people stayed in the upper realm, and when his lifespan ended, he would directly eliminate all these people.

Now the three of them are all frowning. They accidentally discovered such a secret today, and it's a very bad secret, which means that they don't have so much happy time now.

And you have to be careful all the time when I came to the end of its life, because that time is their death, this is a reality that can't be reversed.

"Let's not be too sad, because we still have another route that seems very slim, which is what is found in the cemetery today. Although we don't know Mr. Lin very well now, there is one thing that can be done. For sure, that is what is inside, and maybe it can also successfully break through the ancestors."

It's not a big thing to say, because such a thing is too remote for them. Now Lin Langtian has been injured there, if they are allowed to go there now, Needless to say, there is no hope at all.

"Brother Zhou is probably joking. You must know that with the skills of the few of us, there is absolutely no way to get a breakthrough from there."

The three of them have to say that they are all very discouraged. Now the only clue is lost. They thought they had escaped by chance today, but they did not expect that there is another bigger one not far away. Doom awaits them.

"It's all my fault. If I didn't tell you about this, maybe you wouldn't be so frowning now."

Zhou Zhang was also a little sorry at the moment, because she felt that this matter was only known to him at first, but now he has said it, so that the three of them will all know.

Zheng Zhiyuan and Yu Xinghe both shook their heads. He didn't blame Zhou Zhang for telling this matter, but he was very glad that Zhou Zhang was able to think about it now.

"What did Brother Zhou say? Instead, the two of us would like to thank you for this matter, because now that we know such a thing, we may be able to stay for some time to arrange for the people in our family to be careful during these days. Going back to the lower realm, maybe they can live happily ever after."

This sentence is very reasonable, because who is it now?If Shouyuan really comes to an end, then they must be doomed, but for their children, they can actually escape.

This is because although the upper realm says that Buddha level is not allowed to go to the lower realm, people below the Buddha level can pass through at will. In this case, there are still many days for them to let their family members escape. to the Nether.

And they don't have any great regrets, because when they first heard the news, there were indeed some who couldn't believe it, but after thinking about it carefully, they have lived for so long, and they knew that There is no possibility of continuing to break through. If you continue to live like this, you will be a little bored. Now, when you know the news that he is going to die, he does not show very much sadness and sadness.

On the contrary, there is a kind of life and death that has long been accustomed to seeing this world, and has already seen through life, but what Zhou Zhang does not know is that this is just their helpless end now, because if they really have a way to escape this matter, They will definitely grab it without hesitation.

Because no one thinks they have lived for too long, even if they can live an extra day, even an hour, they will feel that they have earned it, but now they tell them that they will die soon, and they are still very uneasy in their hearts. willing.

Now that Zhou Zhang has finished speaking, the three of them start drinking, but now the three of them also have concerns in their hearts. People don't drink anymore.

After getting drunk, everyone directly said what they said in their hearts, and also said all the grievances they have suffered in their hearts over the years. I have to say that they have really had too many grievances these years. .

After listening to the swearing words they said, Zhou Zhang realized that it was really hard to go out on the street here. Although he lived a more casual life every day, if he was faced with the matter of Mr. Lin, he would They have to keep their posture to a minimum, because if they are not careful, they may die.

And what they think is the most intolerable thing is that they are now the third-generation patriarch in the family, and each generation of patriarchs will pass on his life-long skills to the next generation when Shouyuan is about to end. Now they want to come to them and suddenly stop, they have no way to leave anything for their children?This is their greatest guilt.

After hearing these complaints, Zhou Zhang said in his heart that he was very sympathetic to their experience, but the truth was there. Compared with Zhou Zhang's current strength, there was no way to find him intimately, and Zhou Zhang was also in deep trouble. Among them, self-defense is a very difficult thing.

Because everyone has something on their minds, they quickly got drunk, and the two felt that there was no need to stay any longer. Now they wanted to arrange this matter as soon as possible, so they said goodbye to Zhou Zhang and left here.

After Zhou Zhang sent the two away, he returned to the room alone and became depressed. You must know that before Zhou Zhang came to this upper realm, he had a very happy family, and his days in the lower realm were also very happy. , he can practice medicine pills every day, and then accompany his wife.

But not long after arriving in the upper realm, not only did all of this disappear, but I also disappeared soon after. Not only was I unable to tell my family what happened to me now, but my life would be the result of others' actions. die and die together.

Chapter 219 Find a way

For the first time, Zhou Zhang felt so helpless, because his ability now has no way to change the current situation, and the only thing he can control at the moment is the secret that he wants to express on the two pieces of paper, but despite this, such a long Time has passed, and the two pieces of paper still haven't made much progress for him. He originally thought that he would give himself more time to answer, but now it seems that there is no such opportunity at all.

Zhou Zhang really wanted to go to the lower realm now, and wanted to seize the opportunity now, to see if he could meet his family again and have a good word with them, but when he thought of Lin Langtian going to the lower realm before After paying so much, Zhou Zhang carefully checked the contents of his current storage ring.

Although these things seem to be quite valuable, if they are used as a condition of exchange with that person, it may be a lot worse, because most of these things are snatched from Xenon Dzogchen or Buddha-level people. Things, for the current self, still have some effects, but for people like Zu, I am afraid it really has no effect at all.

But even in the face of such a situation, Zhou Zhang still didn't want to give up and give it a try. After all, maybe he would have some value in these things, maybe he had some value that he didn't know about?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang planned to set off to look for the ancestor, but when he just walked to the door, Zhou Zhang thought that he had just drunk now. Although it is not too vague for a while, but if he really got to the Lord, maybe he would So if you say the wrong thing, it's not good.

After walking to the door, he stepped back and postponed this sentence until the next day, and when talking about such a very important matter, you must have a very good mental outlook.

Zhou Zhang's idea is very correct, because it is very necessary to say goodbye to the group of people in the lower realm. For example, Zhan Tai Congxue, after she learned from Luo Yongsheng that Zhou Zhang could not come back for the time being, she Some are unacceptable.

Because when Zhou Zhang was leaving, he said that he would come back soon, but now it is very suspicious that Luo Yongsheng is the only one who comes back, but now I tell Zhang Kai that Zhou Zhang can't come back for the time being, and I asked the specific When it came to the reason, Luo Yongsheng hesitated to say it.

In this way, there were still some things that could not be determined, and I figured it out at once, that is, what Zhou Zhang said about being unable to come back for the time being was just an excuse, and now he really has no way to come back.

Because if Zhou Zhang could come back, how could he say that?And he couldn't even say an exact reason, it was obvious that Zhou Zhang was in trouble.

And thinking of this, Zhan Tai quickly thought of what Zhou Zhang said to him a few days ago, that is very likely. Now Zhou Zhang has gone to the so-called upper realm, although he doesn't know what happened. Things, but it seems that Zhou Zhang has no way to solve the situation he encountered.

In this way, there will be some headaches, because Zhang Kai has just met Zhou Zhang, and it has not been long, but now it has suddenly become a situation where there is no way to meet again, which makes Zhan Tai Unacceptable from the snow for a while.

In the lower realm, not only Zhan Taicongxue has no way to accept this kind of thing, but also Zhou Ling can't accept this fact, although it is said that before Zhou Zhang sets off, he must tell all about the art of seizing the house. took him.

But if Zhou Ling learns all these things and is satisfied with the physical body, then he is not Zhou Ling, and his ultimate goal is to always follow Zhou Zhang.

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