"If you think this is my last resort, then some of your thoughts are too simple. Do you think that person can escape in embarrassment under such an attack?"

After saying this, Gao still did not hesitate at all, and directly poured the breath of other worlds into his attack, and then attacked Zu.

In the face of such an attack, Zu did not take it lightly, because he knew that since the person in front of him could injure Lin Langtian, it would prove that he really had some skills, so he did not despise him from the beginning.

Especially after seeing this move now, Zu is even more certain, the person in front of him really has the strength to injure Lin Langtian.

However, if you only rely on this move, you really can't pose too much threat to yourself. You must know that this kind of attack is only stronger than the previous one. If you want to cause some substantial damage to yourself, it is still far worse. .

"Sure enough, am I underestimating the ancestors? This move seems to be too weak, but if the person from the last time came here, I can defeat him with this move alone. "

At the beginning, Gao Yiran didn't answer the group's question, so although Zu felt that the person in front of him was the one who injured Lin Langtian, but now after he said it himself, Zu Cai completely believed it. It was true that Lin Langtian was injured.

"Now I have almost finished what I want to know, but I am very curious about why these attacks are so powerful. If you don't want to say it, it seems that I have to fight until you are willing to say it. It's time to come out."

Gao Yiran laughed even harder after hearing this. He just wanted to test it out, and he still had a lot of moves that he didn't use, especially his final chassis.

Zhou Zhang was not idle during the time outside, but thought carefully about some things about this purpose, but the more he thought about it, the more wrong he felt. The existence of this purpose was too unbelievable.

Especially yesterday right!After Zu made a guess, Zhou Zhang really couldn't believe who the people in this cemetery were, and how did he exist to this day?

Because yesterday, he and Zheng Zhiyuan had already learned about the current ancestor. Perhaps Shouyuan is about to come to an end. If this is the case, then this purpose was at least already there before the ancestor came to this upper realm.

However, in the current state of the Lord, his lifespan is almost over, but why is she still alive in this cemetery now? Logically speaking, he should have long since ceased to exist.

But now the group hasn't come out for so long after going in. Obviously, he really fought against the owner of this cemetery. In this way, the identity of the owner of this cemetery is even more suspicious!

Chapter 222

Zhou Zhang found that he had no way to explain why the owner of the cemetery had existed for so long now, because if it was only a Buddha level, then its lifespan would have been reversed long ago, and the end point would be right, but he could not be a person with a soul. Given the state of the body, if that were the case, Lin Langtian would not be able to lose to him.

Because it is too convenient to fight against a soul body, but in the current situation, it can only prove that Lin Langtian met a real person, and in such a situation, then the owner of this cemetery What kind of existence is it?It can't be this purpose, it has the effect of slowing down time, this is really something impossible.

But if this is impossible to happen, why is it happening now?Is it...

"Could it be that after he successfully reached the ancestral level, he discovered such a secret, so he dropped his cultivation to the Buddha level again, and then devoted himself to studying such a thing? If so, Then his lifespan can definitely be explained, and the purpose of the lower realm is probably that he prepared it for himself in order to confuse the sight of others, in fact, there should be nothing in it."

Zhou Zhang secretly exclaimed that it was not good. If it is really what he thinks at the moment, then it is very likely that the owner of this cemetery has now fought with the ancestor. A person who used to be an ancestor, but in order to study such a secret, However, he lowered his cultivation to the Buddha level. Such a new phenomenon is really hard to fathom, but such a thing is really too terrifying.

Now Zhou Zhang has no idea of ​​going into it anymore, because even if there is something good in it, he probably won't be able to get out of the fight between two people, and even if he really gets it, I'm afraid there is no way to save it at all.

Because of the fight between the two now, Zhou Zhang already knows very clearly that there will be one winner in the end. Although he does not know whether the owner of the cemetery will win, even if it is a result, let Zhou Zhang now There is no desire to explore further.

Zhou Zhang left here as quickly as possible without the slightest hesitation, and then returned home. He didn't have the heart to think about who would win the two of them, and he didn't want to go. After knowing the ultimate treasure in this cemetery, now The more you know, the more fear you will feel in your heart.

However, in the cemetery at the moment, the two of them have indeed reached the point where they have to fight, and the group has become more and more curious after this fight. The person in front of him may not have behaved at all. When Lang Tian was there, he also had reservations. Otherwise, it would be a piece of cake to fight against him with his current strength, but after fighting so many times, he found that the person in front of him had actually arrived with him. The level of court disobedience.

"Who the hell are you? How long have you been around? I don't believe that you have such strength. It's really unbelievable, and you and my lover have been fighting for such a long time, there is no such thing as Found that you were struggling."

Gao Yiran knew that she couldn't hide for too long, because she knew that if she was one-sided in a role like Lin Langtian, there might not be a big problem, but if she used the person in front of her, maybe the two of them would be together. You'll find out after you've dealt with it.

"You really found out, you're right, I'm really not as simple and innocent as you see, if I only have that level, how could I! Drive Lin Langtian away, but at that time I really did It's only that level, but after being away for so long, I do have a new breakthrough."

Zuo naturally didn't believe what he said now. She didn't think the person in front of her was that simple. If he really succeeded in breaking through these days as he said, why didn't he put these things on the last time? It's all been revealed, but it's only now being revealed.

Zuo Xin shouted badly, because he felt that this time, he seemed to be caught in a trap, as if the person in front of her deliberately wanted to let her know of her existence, and then used his own money to do so. Unexpectedly solved it myself.

"I didn't expect you to be such a far-sighted person to think of such a thing. I have to say that this time I am indeed planted here, but don't be too happy. In the end, who will lose and who will win is uncertain. Woolen cloth!"

Gao still didn't know what he meant by this, because according to the current situation, the two of them should have met for the first time, but what he said felt as if he was deliberately trying to deceive him now, but he How could there be such an idea.

"What the hell are you talking about? Why can't I understand anything? Could it be that you thought I was deliberately trying to deceive you here. How could it be possible? You know, if I have the ability, Then I went out to deal with you a long time ago, and I won't wait until now, and you must know that this is the first time the two of us have met, and I didn't know you existed before that."

Even now, Gao still said that, but for the Lord, he would not believe it at all and it would be useless to say more. Since he doesn't want to admit it now, then tell him well, what is a fist change? can change everything!

The two continued to fight again, and now the two of them would not believe what the other said at all. One did not believe that his purpose was only that simple, while the other did not believe that he had nothing special to him at all. Thought, if this is the only case, why did he deliberately conceal his strength and let himself be fooled?

Gao Yiren thinks that he just wants to find out why he becomes stronger. After all, no matter who knows the atmosphere of the outside world and can enhance his own strength, there is no way to refuse after such a thing. Moreover, such a thing is a rare occurrence in a hundred years, and it can even be said to be a rare occurrence in ten thousand years.

Why do you have to say so many excuses to cover up your thoughts?

Chapter 223 Ancestor Lost

After Zhou Zhang returned to his residence, he thought of other more serious things, that is, if Zu fails, then there is very likely no way to continue negotiating with him, because then another person will appear. .

At that time, no matter what he says, I believe that he will not believe what he said, and he will not let others come to this upper realm so easily.

And if Zu loses in this battle, it will be very fatal to him, because Zu will definitely not be in a good mood at that time, and in such a situation, there is no need to doubt that he will definitely not succeed.

No matter what it is, the result is a very unfavorable Zhou Zhang. Once again, I feel a deep sense of powerlessness. Everything needs to be controlled by others, but I have no ability to control my life.

But this has an advantage, that is, Zhou Zhang now, he no longer thinks about how to succeed, but still wants to try something that he has never thought about.

The contents of these two pieces of paper, although it is said that he has not been able to find out his real method, but the slight connection between him and the folding fan in his storage ring still makes Zhou Zhang want to try it.

And this is the only way to change the status quo at present. Although I don’t know if it will succeed in the end, if I give up now, then it is absolutely impossible to succeed in the end.

And since he has been in the upper realm for so long, Zhou Zhang has been feeling uncomfortable because of his deep sense of powerlessness, because if he had had other methods, then this situation would never have happened.

And if he had the ability to resist long ago, maybe he would not have been captured in Jiuyang Continent. How weak and helpless he seemed at that time, a big hand grabbed himself directly, so that he did not resist at all The ability has reached the upper bound.

"I didn't ask too many people at the time, but now the words on it might really be read by someone, otherwise, what's the point of the existence of these two pieces of paper? It's better to let my two friends Go to the lower realm to help you find out, after all, there are still many people in the upper realm who are unbelievable."

The two of them have continued to achieve it, one day and one night, and then the goal is too hard, and now it has become a bit devastated, and the things on the surrounding walls are still very rare, even he now has some Unbearable phenomenon.

After seeing this scene, Gao still didn't want to continue fighting with the people in front of him. If he scolded people for more time, maybe his cave would collapse, and then where would he go? Looking for a place to hide?Now that he has not successfully reached the ancestral level, the person in front of him has no way to completely defeat it.

Thinking of this high, he still intends to lose a fight to the death. That is to try to use his unfinished move. Although this move, what kind of rules or high consequences does he have, he still hasn't tried it. Yes, but the current situation does not allow him to think so much anymore, and now he can only give it a try.

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