Thinking of this, Gao Yiran set off directly. Before setting off, he turned around and said to Zhou Zhang.

"Brother Zheng, just wait here, I'll go to him now, and let him help you complete this matter, don't worry, if Zhou Ling fails to reach the upper realm, or the news does not reach the lower realm smoothly. If so, then I will definitely go to him again to settle accounts."

After saying this, Gao Yiran disappeared, and Zhou Zhang watched his disappearing figure also paced here.

Because Zhou Zhang didn't know whether it was good or bad to bring Zhou Ling up here, but if he kept staying below, it wouldn't do much good to his cultivation.

But if Zhou Ling stays below all the time, then he doesn't need to worry about the most basic safety issues. If he follows him, it will be of great help to his cultivation, but in this way If so, his life will be more threatened.

Chapter 237 Find a Cave Mansion

After thinking about Zhou Zhang again, I felt that this matter was a good partner. Since it was impossible to determine the future development trend for a while, then if I kept thinking about it here, there would not be any good results at all.

It is better to take advantage of the current time to choose a good cave for yourself here, and you will definitely live here in the next few days.

That is the location of the cave, you must choose carefully, and you must also make sure that the place where you are is also made of the same material as the wall, otherwise, you will not be able to have some privacy at all.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang also wanted to understand, this matter, he can only find a suitable place to stay, and then open up a cave, and the rest of the things need to wait until he comes back to solve it. .

If there is only such a problem, then it is much simpler, because in the current cave mansion, the only place suitable for oneself to live is the passage on the right, because if people come to find themselves from the left, then Gao Yiran, maybe There is no way to get there in the first time.

"No, if someone comes to this cave, then he will definitely be able to detect it immediately. If this is the case, then I and I are very safe even if I stay on either side."

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang walked out and walked into the passage on the left. He had been to the passage on the left many times, and he was very clear about what was going on here. After walking for a while, Zhou Zhang walked over to pick up the To the place of night pearl.

Zhou Zhang thought about it carefully, and he still had better avoid this place, although he said that this place had already collapsed him, and Gao Yiran obviously did not repair this place, because the soil around him was also the same. It has the function of isolating consciousness detection.

Suddenly I thought of going back here and back a little, probably pushing it a few feet away before stopping. After all, there is still some danger in that place. Maybe one day Gao Yiran suddenly mentioned that place, but he himself Take his night pearl.

Although I don't know what role these night pearls have, if one day Gao Yiran suddenly finds out that these things have a very important role, then the role must also be related to the two pieces of paper, so I might as well take advantage of such a Opportunity to hide this matter can be regarded as leaving some trump cards for yourself.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang felt that the place where he was at the moment was very good, so he opened a small cave directly on this wall.

After opening the cave, Zhou Zhang suddenly thought that in the next days, he could study the issues on the two papers here, because after all, Zhou Ling would also be here in the days to come. When cultivating by yourself, let Zhou Ling watch the wind from the side, then there is no problem at all.

Now that the cave has been found, just wait here for Gao Yiran to come back, so Zhou Zhang walked to the intersection of the bifurcation road and waited for Gao Yiran to come back.

Moreover, after Gao Yiran left his cave mansion early, he rushed to that person's residence at the fastest speed, because before that, he had carefully explored this upper bound, so When it comes to who lives where, he also has some specific perceptions.

Soon I arrived at Zu's residence. Although Gao Yiran knew that he had beaten him once before he came here, but if the two really had a duel again, Gao Yiran didn't think that I could win again. Once, because the last move was completely controlled by fluke, if I used it again, this situation might not happen.

But since he is here now, to do things for Zhou Zhang, then he must not show that his strength is not enough.

After coming here, Gao Yiran found that there are materials that have the same effect as his own cave, and they can also isolate the exploration of spiritual consciousness. channel.

"Tell him that my name is Gao Yiran. The person I met a few days ago wants to meet him today."

These guards were very angry in their hearts, because no matter who they were, they didn't dare to be so arrogant after they came here. When they wanted to get angry, Gao Yiran's body was full of repair Because of this, this time they were scared to death, and the person in front of them turned out to be a half-ancestor.

"Yes sir, I'll go in and report now."

Soon, the man rushed back and said respectfully.

"My master said that he welcomes you very much. Please come with me now."

As he spoke, he made a gesture of please, and then led the way in front.

Originally Zu was still recovering from his injuries, but suddenly a half-ancestor appeared in front of his mansion, and it wasn't Lin Langtian, so his subordinates only realized the seriousness of the situation, so they interrupted him.

After hearing such news, Zu was also a little surprised, because before that, he never thought that he would come to him.

But now that he has come to the door, it means that he wants to find him for something, and he did not use his brute force to find himself directly. Maybe there is still some room for negotiation between the two of them, so Zu also went out to meet him.

After the two met, the guards withdrew very wisely. After all, what he said next, even a small mistake was not qualified to listen at all.

After seeing the guards retreat, Gao Yiran said straight to the point.

"I didn't come here for other things, but a good friend of mine received some threats from humans, so people came to me to take refuge, but after my lover said something, I learned that he came It was very sudden to go up here, so now he wants to convey his good news to his relatives and friends in the lower realm, and by the way, he wants to bring someone along."

Originally, Zu hadn't figured out what Gao Yiran was suddenly looking for himself, but after speaking, Zu suddenly understood, he knew who Gao Yiran was talking about his friend?That was Zhou Zhang, but he couldn't understand why the two of them became good friends?

Chapter 238 A Trivial Matter

But at this moment, although I was very surprised in my heart, I forcibly suppressed the surprised expression in my heart at the moment, and then said.

"The person you're talking about should be Zhou Zhang, right? Although I don't know how the two of you became good friends, now that you've spoken up, and it's not difficult, don't worry, I've agreed to this matter. , I'll send someone to do it in a while."

Zu is also very helpless now. If someone else came to this matter, he would never agree to it, no matter what kind of request it was, but now standing in front of him is the high school once who once made him ruthless. Those who beat him ruthlessly have no right to refuse, they can only agree.

After hearing such an answer, Gao Yiran was very satisfied, because he was still worried about whether he could complete this matter for Zhou Zhang. Now it seems very simple, and the person in front of him immediately agreed to what he wanted. said.

"Thank you so much. There were a lot of offenses a few days ago. I really don't know. Why did you suddenly break into my cave? It's clear now, but if you have something to come to me, I won't. It will be like last time, but I will welcome you well."

The purpose of saying this is because Gao Yiran wants to tell Zu now that he is going to set up his own mountain gate now, so let him weigh this a little bit, don't go to trouble himself casually in the future, and don't want his own cave. He came here easily, but these words really frightened Zu, because he had suffered such a big loss last time, how could he go to trouble him now?

"Of course the last time was because I was too reckless, and I didn't make it clear when I went, so I made such a misunderstanding. This time, the same thing as last time will definitely not happen again, and if I have time, I will definitely I will visit, and then I hope Brother Gao will not reject me."

Zu naturally knew what he wanted to express in his words, but he didn't care about him at the moment. After all, the two of them will inevitably have a lot of intersections in the future, so there is no need to tear his face with him at this moment, because This is not good for both of them.

Gao Yiran didn't expect the host to have such a good temper, so he didn't continue talking to him at the moment, but just smiled, and the main thing that he came here for has been completed at this moment, so there is no need to continue here. Stayed for a while, and then someone said something, and then left directly.

This sentence made my group very annoyed. You have to know when you want others to talk like this. Everyone who comes to you is not always low-pitched, and you are afraid that you will offend yourself. Now there is a thought. The person who wants to stand on his own head, and now he has already stood on his own head.

Even if he doesn't want to accept this reality in his heart, but there is no way at this moment, so even if he is very dissatisfied in his heart now, he can't show it, and the things he said just now have to be solved by himself. .

Although the dissatisfaction in my heart is already very big at the moment, if I don't deal with this matter myself, I may be in more trouble in the future, so I have to endure the anger in my heart at this moment and instruct my subordinates to let them They're going to fix this.

At this moment, Gao Yiran was already on his way back. He was not worried at all that Zu would play tricks with him at this time. You must know that if these simple things he said could not be solved, then he would still I will come again, and at that time he will not talk to him in a good way.

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