The three of them just stood there in a daze, no one acted rashly, and no one tried to test the next step. No one knew, in the end, this battle should be counted as who loses and who wins.

At this moment, Gao Yiran was very glad that the two of them did not pursue the victory. If they released such a move again at this time, he would definitely be powerless.

And Zu was also relieved after seeing this scene, because he felt that Gao Yiran would be afraid that they would release such a move again, and it would be such a disappearing ending, so he temporarily Sex did not shoot again.

But such an embarrassing situation is naturally impossible to last for a long time, but even if both parties are well aware that today there is a need to distinguish a superior, but such a result is completely beyond everyone's expectations. , let them break all previous plans at this moment.

"Do you two only have this bit of power? If you only have one move like this, I think it's impossible for you to defeat me today!"

When Gao Yiran said this sentence, his heart was already thumping, but Gao Yiran forced himself to calm down and prevent himself from making any mistakes.

This sentence really frightened Gao Yiran and Zu. They really don't have the ability to attack again now, but Gao Yiran said that he did. Although he didn't believe it in his heart, he also called I can't afford such a bet, so I can only pretend to be calm at this moment.

"Really? That's such a coincidence, because we also have a weapon left here. Although we don't know how powerful it is, it may still have some effect on you."

Now that I don't have to say that, the purpose of what to say is, on the one hand, to show that I still have the ability to continue the battle, and on the other hand, let Gao Yiran weigh it carefully and let him know that if this time Once again, there will be no result at all.

Zu is also very good at it. If he said that there are still many words at the moment, then he is worried that Gao Yiran will directly attack him, but now that he has only one, Gao Yiran does not dare to try it easily. , because Zu believed that such a move Gao Yiran could be used at most twice.

"It seems that today is really a chess match. It's better than this. The three of you and I will fight again on another day. When that time comes, let's stand up and have a good time."

This is equivalent to giving everyone a way out, allowing them to have a good step to go down, and after hearing this, Gao Yiran and Zu also agreed to the present as soon as possible. Such a result is good for all of them.

Chapter 255 Where is this?

At this moment, none of the three have the idea of ​​continuing to fight. They can be said to have a very tacit understanding. They all took a step back, and then expressed their current position, that is, I hope that the battle between them can be fought again at another day. Today If so, that's it.

Seeing such a choice made by each other, everyone is relieved, if they continue to fight, none of them can take advantage.

The group Lin Langtian didn't show any signs of timidity, but they left here as quickly as possible while maintaining their normal demeanor, while Gao Yiran just stood there silently, without making a move to intercept it. They, Gao Yiran did not return to the cave until they were far away.

"Today's event seems to be that he doesn't have extra weapons and I continue to fight, so he has such an idea, and he is also afraid, I can use it again, so this is a hasty conclusion."

Shaking his head, Gao Yiran didn't think about it anymore. After all, the result was very clear now. Although they didn't pursue the victory, it didn't mean that they couldn't find such a weapon again. Moreover, in the upper realm, there should be a lot of such weapons, but they are all under their own right now.

After walking far away, Lin Langcai said very angrily.

"It's really unfortunate. I didn't expect such an attack to disappear in the end. If I had known such a result, it would not have been so troublesome."

"Let's say a few words. Today, no one knows whether he can successfully cast it again, and the most important thing now is that we quickly find such a weapon and solve it as soon as possible."

It is said that after Zhou Zhang experienced the teleportation formation arranged by Gao Yiran, he thought he would be teleported to the lower realm soon, but there seemed to be a problem with this formation, and it lasted for an hour before Zhou Zhang came out of the teleportation.

After coming out, the investment promotion has collapsed. In such a space, being constantly wandering left and right is really exhausting. Now, the moment he came out, Zhou Zhang was lying on the ground directly, and he didn't want to move. .

Thinking about the last time, when I was teleported, I was forced to teleport. Although this time there was some coercion, I didn't expect this time to be teleported for such a long time under the premise of knowing it.

"Master, there is something wrong here. I don't think the surrounding area seems to be the lower realm we stayed in before, it seems to be another place."

Zhou Zhang didn't pay attention to this carefully. The first thing he thought about after coming out was how to stop this dizziness, but when Zhou Ling said this, Zhou Zhang also noticed this.

"This is indeed the lower realm, but he seems to be a little different. As for the difference, I can't tell right now."

After all, Zhou Zhang's cultivation level is higher than Zhou Ling's, so after hearing Zhou Ling's words, he immediately dissipated his consciousness, and under this observation, Zhou Zhang found that although it was a little unfamiliar, it was true. It is indeed the lower realm, but if he is the lower realm, he seems to be somewhat different, because the spiritual power contained in the air is different from what he has seen before.

And Zhou Zhang was also woken up by this clever question. What is certain now is that he has left the upper realm now, because there is a fundamental gap between this place and the upper realm, but this place is not like where he went before. the lower bound.

"Maybe it's a place that we haven't been to before. After all, the lower realm is very big, and it makes sense that we haven't been here."

There is only such a statement now, and it can be said, but where it is, we need to wait and investigate around to determine it.

But Zhou Zhang was not in a hurry to do this. Now that he has returned to the lower realm, there is nothing to worry about that night. After all, it is very safe here, and there is no need to worry about other things.

But soon Zhou Zhang began to wonder where he was now.Because if it is really in the lower realm, then the map in the possession ring can definitely tell where you are now?But the current situation is not like this. Now Zhou Zhang can clearly feel that it is not in the lower realm, and it is very likely to be a brand new place.

"Master, I am now more convinced that this is not the lower realm. Although everything about him is very familiar, but in the familiarity, it seems very unfamiliar."

"I feel it too, but now I don't know where I am. It's better to look elsewhere, maybe you can find something wrong."

After Zhou Zhang said this, he took Zhou Ling and flew into the distance. The only way now is to find other places. After all, he is only staying in this place, and he has not gone to other places. I've searched for it, so I can't be sure that this is really not the lower realm.

But such an idea was quickly rejected by Zhou Zhang.

If it was said that before this, it was because Zhou Zhang did not find anything big to refer to, but now there is a mountain range in front of him. Even though this mountain range has been separated for so long, Zhou Zhang is still very It is clear that this is the Black Front Mountains.

But if this is the Heifeng Mountains, then it means that Zhou Zhang is now located in the Qingfeng Continent in Chuanshui County, but this was the place of the Yellow Dragon Empire before, but now it is uninhabited.

Zhou Zhang didn't believe that such a change would happen in such a short time after he left, and if it wasn't for a particularly big accident and accident, a country could not disappear without even a trace.

But this is only the case, Zhou Zhang is still not very sure that it is the most appropriate to go to the Jing'an Empire to check it. After all, when he left, it still exists, and the Jing'an Empire will not suddenly disappearing country.

However, Zhou Zhang was soon disappointed. There is indeed a country here, and his country's name is not the Jing'an Empire, but the Tianlong Empire.

Zhou Zhang, who refused to admit defeat, wanted to comfort himself, but he had made a mistake. It was not the Heifeng Mountains. After all, the Heifeng Mountains looked very similar in appearance, but there were many places in them that were different from what he remembered.

Chapter 256 It's Really Nether

But the person he asked the question next told him that this was Lichuan County, Lichuanjun. This was a very unfamiliar name. For Zhou Zhang, he had never heard of such a place, and in his own There is also no label on the map in Unbounded.

But what is certain is that what the person in front of him said is the truth, so there is only one problem left. Now he has not returned to the original lower realm, but this is a place where he does not know where it is.

"Then, do you know of a place called Danliao County? It should be near here."

Fortunately, the person Zhou Zhang asked was a cultivator, and his cultivation has now reached the imperial level, but after hearing Zhou Zhang ask this, he obviously looked at Zhou Zhang with a very surprised expression, and then said.

"You don't even know where you are just chatting? He's in a very famous alchemy holy place nearby, and he's just chatting to the place just east of here, don't you have a map? If you have a map, just look it up yourself. , I think you are also a monk, can't you even afford a map?"

When Zhou Zhang heard this sentence, he was at a loss for words. He didn't know how to answer. Yes, why didn't he buy a map?If you buy a map, you can't immediately know where you are now, and you also know where you are now.

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