Although Zhou Zhang's place is relatively secretive, it took only half a day to find a place, and everyone knew that on a mountain outside the city, there was a person who could not be offended, but they didn't know that inside the cave. In the end, the person is the identity, but there is a respectable powerhouse outside there to protect the law.

A high-ranking powerhouse is also a very respected existence in an empire, but now he is protecting the law in such a place. As a result, outside the hill, there are many people watching the fun. people.

So the news was quickly communicated to Zhou Ling, but Zhou Zhang set up a two-day retreat for himself this time, and within these two days, even Zhou Ling had no way to enter.

At this moment, after receiving the news, Zhou Ling is also very angry. You must know that with his master's current strength, he wants to be the honorary vice president of an alchemy society. Let yourself be the master.

But Zhou Ling now also knows the proportions. Before Zhou Zhang did not invent it, Zhou Ling would never act rashly without authorization, so he directly sent the person who came to deliver the letter.

Chapter 260

Although Zhou Ling didn't get angry at this time, but Zhou Ling couldn't bear it anymore. In addition, there were many people around here at this moment, making Zhou Ling feel that these people seemed to come to see the fun, and they were angry. All were driven away.

These people really came to watch the fun. Seeing that Zhou Ling was angry, no one dared to stay here any longer, and they all fled here at the fastest speed.

Zhou Ling was really angry, because Zhou Zhang didn't even ask for it before, so Luo Yongsheng directly gave Zhou Zhang the title of honorary vice president, and Zhou Zhang was not very willing at that time, but now Zhou Zhang took the initiative to say When he wanted to be the honorary vice president, he was rejected.

If Zhou Ling hadn't been asked by Zhou Zhang in advance not to cause trouble in the lower realm, Zhou Ling would have already gone to the alchemy guild area to find a place for Zhou Zhang.

But now even if Zhou Ling is angry and angry, he can only stand outside to protect Zhou Zhang, unless he can discuss this matter after Zhou Zhang comes out.

If speaking, the two days passed almost in the blink of an eye, but these two days were indeed like a torment for Zhou Ling, feeling that every minute and every moment passed very slowly.

However, Zhou Zhang, who is still cultivating at the moment, doesn't know about this matter at all. Before he started cultivating, he already had the idea of ​​getting food and security, so he didn't go there at all, thinking that this matter would happen. There are times when it doesn't work.

And now Zhou Zhang is more and more addicted to the mysteries contained in these two pieces of paper, so that he has no time to think about other things, and because Zhou Zhang has stayed in other worlds before this, so for these breaths, also It was so familiar that when I was cultivating, I felt like a fish in water.

And now Zhou Zhang can preliminarily preserve the breath contained in the folding fan in his body. Although it is not enough for him to evolve and grow on his own, if he wants to use it, there is no problem.

After in-depth understanding, Zhou Zhang also found that these breaths are also divided into high and low. For example, what Gao Yiran could not be sure of before is that it cannot perfectly grasp those more advanced breaths, even There is simply no way to manipulate them.

Even if they are integrated into their own practice, there is no way to exert their original power, but it is only a little bit stronger than others.

Zhou Zhang also adopted a step-by-step process. He started from the lowest level. Fortunately, Gao Yiran had considered this matter before, so when making plans for Zhou Zhang, he had already put all these weapons from low to high. It was handed over to Zhou Zhang, but as for whether there are more advanced things, Zhou Zhang is still unknown.

The two-day retreat time passed quickly. After Zhou Zhang withdrew from his practice, he exercised his muscles and bones, and then lifted the restrictions that existed in the surrounding area.

After walking out of the cave, Zhou Zhang saw Zhou Ling, who had been quietly waiting for him outside. At this moment, there seemed to be an uncontrollable anger in his heart. This was mainly because Zhou Ling belonged to Zhou Zhang's artifact spirit, so Zhou Zhang will feel it.

"Zhou Ling, did anything happen in the past two days? After I came out, I saw that you seemed to have something in your heart that you wanted to tell me."

"It's such a master. Not long after you retreated, someone from the alchemy association came to tell me, "Master, you." They rejected the news that you wanted to be the honorary vice president, and they thought you were not worthy of me. Qualifications, but... but the president of the alchemy association does guarantee that if the organization wants to learn alchemy, he will definitely help you to the best of his ability."

Zhou Zhang was also a little surprised when he heard the words. He really did not expect such a result, but after thinking about it, he was relieved.

"Since I can't be the vice president, that's all. I only came up with this idea on a whim. If I really want to take the position, I'm really worried that they will be involved in the future. What? And as for alchemy, I don't have much interest in it, because I simply have no way to refine some more advanced elixirs."

"Master, if you think like this, you are very wrong. In the past few days, I have also arrested a few people and asked them to tell me something about alchemy, so I got some from them. Different from the previous news, that is, in this world, eight-level medicinal herbs can be refined, but the refining method has not yet been mastered."

This news made the team leader who had given up on continuing to practice also eat fish. You must know that the eighth-order medicinal pill is a medicinal pill that can be taken by the Buddha. In the past, although there was such a medicinal pill, I will not talk about it. His refining method is about to be lost, and it is difficult to find all the materials he needs for refining, but now such a medicinal pill not only uses my pill recipe, but also has the materials for refining.

"Have you asked a few more people for this kind of news? It's not a joke. If this world can really refine the eighth-order medicinal pill, then this medicinal pill is also fine. I really need to practice it. already."

How dare Zhou Ling fool Zhou Zhang with this matter, so when he knew the news, he also arrested several people to inquire about the matter, and the final answer was undoubtedly all the same.

"Master, can this matter still be fake? If you really don't believe it, go to those wasteful presidents and ask them to find out. It's impossible for him to not even know about this kind of thing!"

Zhou Zhang heard the words and nodded, that's true. If there is any doubt, I can go directly to the guild leader to ask. He is a guild leader, although he may not be able to refine eight-grade medicinal herbs. , but he definitely knows whether the eighth-grade medicinal pill can be successfully refined.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang directly took Zhou Ling and flew in the direction of the Alchemy Guild. With such a short distance, the two of them had arrived in the blink of an eye, and Zhou Zhang walked directly into Zhang Qing's room.

"I don't know if there is one thing that I can trouble the president to tell you, that is, is it possible to refine the eighth-grade medicine pill here? I don't need to know the difficulty of his refining, I just need to know whether the owner of this medicine is refining it now. materials to make him?"

Zhang Qing didn't know why Zhou Zhang suddenly asked him about such a thing, and this kind of thing was almost known to everyone, but Zhang Qing still nodded.

Chapter 261 The Eighth Grade Elixir

Seeing Zhang Qing nod his head, Zhou Zhang suddenly understood that there are indeed materials for refining the eighth-grade medicinal herbs, and coincidentally, there is an eighth-grade medicinal pill recipe in his mind, although he said I just read it once, but the specific refining steps and the required materials are all memorized in my mind.

Of course, this also benefited from Zhou Zhang's Buddha-level cultivation. If Zhou Zhang was not Buddhist at that time, then Zhou Zhang would have forgotten about the things recorded on the pill after looking at him. This is of course for the sake of To protect the pill recipe from leaking, that's why I prepared it.

Seeing Zhou Zhang's happy appearance, Zhang Qing is even more at a loss as to what happened, because the new Zhouzhang is just a sixth-grade alchemist. If he wants to reach the legendary eighth-grade alchemist, this There is still a long way to go.

"I don't know why Zhou Gongzi suddenly inquired about this matter. If you ask anyone about this kind of thing, you can know the result."

"It's nothing, it's just that I'm too excited. If that's the case, then I decided to stay here as a guild and continue to practice things related to refining medicine pills. Next, I'll have to take care of the guild leader."

In fact, Zhou Zhang has already mastered all the sixth-grade medicinal herbs, and all he needs to do now is to try to cultivate the seventh-grade medicinal herbs, and if the seventh-grade medicinal herbs are to be successfully refined If the system is to be controlled, it is natural that a seventh-grade alchemist will guide him.

If it wasn't for this, Zhou Zhang would never have stayed in the alchemy guild, because if he could only train the elixirs to the seventh rank, there would be no need to learn it. Before that, it was for the convenience of Zhantai. From the snow, and now there is no need to do such a plan at all.

"If Zhou Gongzi wants to stay in the alchemy guild to refine medicine pills, then I will definitely welcome Zhang, but regarding this treatment, Zhou Gongzi must have some restraint, because if Zhou Gongzi wants to stay If you are here, then at most you can only enjoy the treatment of a sixth-grade alchemist, not the treatment of this vice president."

Speaking of this, Zhang Qing also had some difficulties and some inexplicable, because he always felt that the Zhou Zhang in front of him was not as simple as what he saw, so he always felt that leaving Zhou Zhang in the Alchemy Guild was a very good choice.

When he heard this, Zhou Zhang was a little hesitant, because before that, he had been enjoying the treatment of the vice president, and the treatment of the vice president was actually the same as the president in a sense. Yes, but now if he were to suddenly change into the treatment enjoyed by a sixth-grade alchemist, it would still be difficult to accept for a while.

"I don't know, I really have the heart. If the gap between the alchemist and the vice president is not big, then naturally there is no problem."

After hearing this, Zhang Qing was very happy. You must know that a sixth-grade alchemist is not much different from the vice president at a certain level.

If a person becomes a sixth-grade alchemist, his treatment will be lower than that of the vice-chairman, but if he becomes a seventh-grade alchemist, he is a person above the vice-chairman .

Because it is very difficult for sixth-rank alchemists to reach such people, the alchemy guild naturally wants to keep them in a hurry, so the treatment will naturally be higher, and as for seventh-rank alchemists, he is in the alchemy. The attainment of the alchemy has long been qualified for vice presidents, but naturally there will not be many vice presidents. In this way, the Alchemy Guild only needs to give them a more special status, that is, Shangqing.

"Young Master Zhou can rest assured. Except that you are not the vice president in this title, I can definitely win you and the vice president in other places."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhang nodded. If the treatment he received was not very bad, then it doesn't matter whether the vice president is inappropriate or not.

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