"Can't you let me refine the medicinal pills with peace of mind? My medicinal pills are about to be successfully refined, but now I have to go out and entangle with you for a while. If the medicinal pills that come back fail, I should How to do?"

Even so, Zhou Zhang can't do anything about it. If he doesn't go out now, these people will still come. With just this moment's effort, it is absolutely impossible for him to successfully refine this potion, so no matter what. , this potion will definitely fail.

"Since you guys came so coincidentally, so that the potion of elixir that I had the most confidence to succeed failed, then I took the initiative to meet you, and let you know that I, Zhou Zhang, are not someone who wants to provoke me. provoked."

After saying this, Zhou Zhang took the lead and flew out. Anyway, the medicine pill can't be completed now. It is better to educate this group of people to relieve the anger in their hearts, although this group of people can't let it go. Zhou Zhang and Han Chang slapped it drippingly.

Soon the two parties met. After all, Zhou Zhang's speed was no joke, but after they saw Zhou Zhang's speed, they didn't take it to heart, because they felt that Zhou Zhang was bluffing with the speed of the person. I want to show my strength.

"You know Zhou Zhang, I didn't expect that I didn't look for you, but you came to look for us first, which saved a lot of trouble."

Chapter 271

When Zhou Zhang came here, he was already very unhappy in his heart, but now that Bai Jinglong had time to bump into the muzzle of the gun, it was raining, but Zhou Zhang was even more annoyed. Originally, he didn't make his own medicine pill today. The system was successful, and now after seeing this group of people, he dared to speak to himself like that.

"You really have a big tone. Before you have figured out my strength, you didn't dare to come to me with a big fanfare!"

But before Zhou Zhang finished speaking, Bai Jinglong suddenly interrupted Zhou Zhang.

"Don't say so much, there are some, there are two things I'm here for today. The first is to get you out of the Alchemy Guild immediately, and from now on, you are not allowed to step into this single-chat step, and the second, That is to make a good apology to my second brother, and let us educate you well, so that you know who should provoke and who should not provoke."

After hearing this, Zhou Zhang suddenly laughed. He couldn't remember the crime. After a long time, he was threatened again, and the person who threatened him was obviously different in his own strength.

"Okay, I'm really looking forward to it. Let's see how you guys educate me and let me leave Danliao County."

After saying this, Zhou Zhang didn't do anything, but suddenly felt that this matter became interesting. I want to see what kind of tricks this group of people can use, and see if they can make it happen. I have a bright feeling.

When Zhou Zhang came up with this idea, he was also very puzzled, because Zhou Zhang himself didn't know why he had such an idea, after all, this group of people had completely ignored their existence.

Bai Jinglong didn't have an umbrella either and Zhou Zhang was talking nonsense. He winked at the person behind him, and then started to attack two days ago, calling at Zhou Zhang.

But Bai Jinglong didn't take Zhou Zhang seriously at all, and together with the few people behind him, they didn't take Zhou Zhang seriously, so they didn't use all their strength when they were in Fuzhou.

Zhou Zhang, who was standing on the other side, originally thought that they would directly use the ultimate move to attack the self-study, but he did not expect such a painless attack. A little bit of damage.

Zhou Cheng, who was still standing there motionless, seemed to Bai Jinglong and the others at this moment, he was obviously frightened by the moves they used, so he left it there and didn't move.

Moreover, Bai Jinglong suddenly felt that his second brother had really helped Zhou Zhang too much. He knew that what he saw at the moment was a very weak person, so weak that after seeing himself and others attacked, he even fought back. No ability.

But the next scene made Bai Jinglong and others completely dumbfounded, because the last second was still standing there motionless, and went to meet Zhou Zhang who attacked them. In the next second, the attacks of these types of people were all sudden. All disappeared, this scene can no longer be described as shock.

"Don't be afraid, Zhou Zhang is just bluffing. If we continue to attack, I don't believe how long he can last?"

After Bai Jinglong said these words at the moment, he didn't even believe in himself. It's really that Zhou Zhang is too weird at the moment. His performance has already exceeded all of them's expectations, but now they are only If you can bite the bullet, you can't declare surrender after attacking one more time.

The people behind Bai Jinglong also had the same idea at the moment. Although they thought Zhou Zhang was weird, they were even more sad. Zhou Zhang was trying to scare them away at the moment.

But then, when they launched the second attack, some things didn't make sense, because during the second attack, each of them honestly used their own gatekeeping skills, and These gatekeeping skills are already the strongest moves they can use now.

In addition, with so many people attacking at the same time, under such a dense attack, even in the late stage of the Immortal Rank, he would definitely not be able to bear it at this moment, but the scene that made them unbelievable happened like this.

When these attacks were about to reach Zhou Zhang, Zhou Zhang waved them casually, and all these attacks were resolved, and they just disappeared!

Coupled with the understatement that Zhou Zhang just showed, this is already beyond their understanding. You must know that in normal times, even if they have met some powerful people, they have never There is no way that Zhou Zhang can easily resolve so many of them.

And the most important thing is that Zhou Zhang is on the defensive all the time. He doesn't attack at all. If he makes a move, will they be able to catch it? Will it be like these moves? Just disappeared?

"I originally thought that you would have some ability, but now it seems that you are just a group of rabble. The moves you have used before and after are really not enough for me to see, and I have no interest in making them. ."

At this moment, Bai Jinglong and the others no longer dared to have any arguments with the current Zhou Zhang, and they no longer even have the ability to speak. The only thing they are praying for now is that Zhou Zhang can let them all go, and Zhou Zhang is very likely not to let them go at all. pass them.

Just when Zhou Zhang was about to make a move, he suddenly noticed that in the distance, a person was rushing towards this side. It was Lin Yitian. After he was put aside by Bai Jinglong, he always felt uneasy in his heart. Wonderful, at this moment is rushing here at the fastest speed.

But just now, she saw what happened to her eldest brother and Zhou Cang, which made him quicken his pace a little bit, because he himself knew where Zhou Zhang's terror was, although he had never seen Zhou Zhang really take action, But that's definitely not something his big brother can handle.

And after seeing you that day, Zhou Zhang was not in a hurry to deal with some people who were reluctant, but wanted to see what Lin Datian had to say at this time.

"Senior! I hope that senior will show mercy!"

All the way, Zhou Zhang heard Lin Datian's hoarse roar, and after hearing this, Bai Jinglong and others also shouted the same words at the same time.

"Senior, spare your life, we have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, can you spare us?"

Chapter 272 Let's go

Zhou Zhang is already a little tired of playing at this moment. He doesn't want to be with you. There were Bai Jinglong and others that day. He had spent too much time on this matter, although he said that his pot of medicinal herbs could no longer be refined. The system has been made, but why not reduce some time and continue to practice for the next one?

At this moment, Lin Datian was also anxious, because he saw that Zhou Zhang didn't pause much after hearing his and others' words of begging for mercy, but wanted to directly end the lives of his eldest brother and others.

"Can the seniors let us go? We can assure the seniors that from now on, we will never interfere in the management of the Alchemy Guild in the slightest, and in the future, the Alchemy Guild will be entirely your responsibility."

Zhou Zhang shook his head when he heard the words, the current alchemy club, he has no intention of running them, and he will concentrate on practicing in the next few days, where will he have time to manage the alchemy club?

"It's too late, I don't want any alchemy meeting now, and I'll be able to make a seventh-grade medicinal pill soon, and now I just want to solve the current trouble."

Hearing Zhou Zhang's words, Lin Datian became even more anxious. He didn't expect that Zhou Zhang would no longer have any interest in the alchemy meeting, and even the seventh-grade medicinal herbs could be refined, so he could no longer use the alchemy meeting. The resources inside have been negotiated with Zhou Zhang.

Suddenly Lin Datian thought that when he first met Zhou Zhang, Zhou Zhang had promised him that if there was any difficulty in the alchemy meeting in the future, he could go to him for help.

"Senior, have you said that if you encounter any difficulties in the alchemy club, you can ask for help?"

This sentence made Zhou Zhang put down the hand he had raised. After thinking about it carefully, he really said that a few days ago, so Zhou Zhang nodded and said.

"I did say these words, so now do you want to use this opportunity to seek help to resolve the crisis of them and others? If so, then I can also agree."

After Zhou Zhang said these words, Bai Jinglong and others didn't know what happened at all, they only knew that their lives should be saved for the time being.

And Lin Datian didn't expect that Zhou Zhang would agree to use this opportunity for help here, because asking for help is one thing, but now his eldest brother and others have provoked him.

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