At this time, the sky was filled with white light, which was endless and dazzling. A huge space formation was rapidly taking shape, and it was vaguely similar to what Zhou Zhang encountered in the prehistoric times.

"Nima, here again, are you going to cross again?"

At the same time, in Zhou Zhang's mind, there was a crisp and cold mechanical sound from the system, which was a long-lost sound from the system.


Before Zhou Zhang's words could fall, the splendid ray of light in a radius of a million miles shrank suddenly, sending out an earth-shattering explosion of destruction.

Chapter [-] Shenwu World


The endless horizon suddenly cracked open.

A dark-haired man stepped out in a light blue mysterious jade suit.

In a moment, the crack behind him returned to normal.

Zhou Zhang fell to the ground, frowning.

"this world--"

The mighty Heaven and Earth Weiya was like a substance, and he was oppressed as soon as he landed, and Zhou Zhang's face became a little distorted.


Zhou Zhang shouted loudly, his whole body surging with breath, terrifying strength suddenly burst out, and mysterious and obscure energy spewed out.

In an instant, a strange aura formed around Zhou Zhang, and the world inside and outside the aura seemed to be somewhat different.


The aura instantly burst.

Zhou Zhang stood there, his eyes looking at the sky uncertainly.


Host information:

Name: Zhou Zhang

Age: unknown.

Race: Human.

Skills: none

Energy: 50005

Strength: Martial Saint/Ghost Immortal

The World In It: Playing...


The rehearsal is over.

The world the host lives in is the 'Shenwu World'.


Sure enough, although the Great Transcendence activated the system, it also allowed his cultivation to collapse to protect his body, plus the system absorbed it, and now there is only the so-called Martial Saint Realm left?

"So, there are gods in this world."

After learning about the world he was in, the corners of Zhou Zhang's mouth twitched slightly, which was interesting.

The original exercise method seems to be unusable in this world.

As for his age, it seems that because of his original physique, after arriving in this world, the laws of heaven and earth are different, so that even the system cannot predict his age.

"In other words, my physical body has reached immortality?" Zhou Zhang was puzzled.

It was late at night.

Zhou Zhang was walking on a winding mountain road.

The fire was lit above the mountain road, and the sound of fighting could be heard occasionally.

The place where Zhou Zhang passed by was silent.

Suddenly, from the place of the fire, a bald-headed monk in a cassock swept over in the direction of Zhou Zhang.

In a blink of an eye, the monk landed at Zhou Zhang's feet, and his breath was weak at this time.

"Little brother, let's go, Daluo Temple can't be saved anymore."

"That's right!"

After speaking, a knife light lit up, and the bald monk covered his neck. He was already dying, but he did not expect that the seemingly harmless young man would kill him.

Discovered the exercise method [Deviling Sword Technique], one of the top exercises in Daluo Temple.

The incomplete exercise method is unknown, and the required deduction energy is 50000. Is it deduction?

Zhou Zhang looked at how little energy he had left, and gritted his teeth: "Deduction!"

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