"The Great Sun Tathagata Sutra, the six-character mantra, if I can get the Tathagata Mahamudra again, the three exercises will complement each other and will be able to exert extraordinary power."

Chapter [-] Domination

Through the two exercises he obtained, Zhou Zhang knew that there was another Tathagata Mahamudra. This exercise was also a legendary exercise, but it was not found in Daluo Temple.

This practice, before you know it, it's already dark.

After returning to his place, Zhou Zhang went out to have some dinner.

When going back, suddenly.

Zhou Zhang felt the gloomy wind blowing.

"The soul is out of the body, this is someone going out at night."

Zhou Zhang quickly returned to the room, and the spirit came out of his body again.

The speed of the soul is very fast, it doesn't need to run on the ground, it can fly out of thin air, and it's not an exaggeration to go a thousand miles in a day.

However, if the divine soul is not strong enough, it cannot be too far away from the physical body.

As soon as Zhou Zhang's spirit flew out, he saw spirits coming out of several rooms next door.

Divine Soul is blind to all kinds of obstacles, and in the blink of an eye, it flew out dozens of feet away.

Seeing a few spirits go out, Zhou Zhang also hurriedly chased them out.

His speed is much faster than the previous ones.

"What are these people going to do?"

Before they knew it, several figures had already flown a hundred miles before they stopped.Seeing the appearance of several people, Zhou Zhang guessed that it was their limit.

"My elders of Shenxiaotang were killed by most of them. When the elders return tonight, they will definitely want that kid to die without a place to be buried."

"Hmph, that kid lives in the inn just like us. If the elders didn't want us to scare the snakes, he would have been killed."

"Okay, be quiet, the elder is here."

During the conversation, I saw an inhuman thing flying over from a distance.

Zhou Zhang stared at it and saw that it was actually a bear, and this bear, like a human, had cultivated a divine soul, but the divine soul came over.

The spirit of Xiongba fell on the field, and immediately, several other people around stepped forward.

"Welcome to the elders."

Xiongba nodded, "I heard that kid is at the station."

"Elder, let's kill him now to avenge the six guardians of Shenxiaotang," one of them said.

Xiongba shook his head: "You are not his opponent yet."

"There are eighteen guardians of my Shenxiaotang, of which nine have been sanctified in flesh, three have reached the level of ghost immortals, and three have dual cultivation of spirit and martial arts. Last night, six guardians died in one fell swoop. It can be seen that the strength of that person is infinitely close to human beings. fairy."

"This time I'm here, it's also the hall master's intention. The hall master is preparing to transcend the calamity in a secret place. Once the thunder calamity is over, my Shenxiaotang will be a new strength in this world of Shenwu. Therefore, before doing anything , be careful."

Xiongba had his hands on his back and looked quite diverse.

Suddenly, Xiongba's eyes turned to the woods not far away.

There, the same pair of eyes stared at him.

"Ah, it's him."

The rest of the people also looked over.

Zhou Zhang slowly flew towards the field.

"One less hall master, it's okay, it's not a waste of time."

Xiongba was puzzled by Zhou Zhang's words: "Why, you are waiting for us on purpose."

"Oh, you can say that, but I want to see the strength of your hall master, but it's a pity."

Zhou Zhang's voice just fell, and one of them couldn't bear it anymore.

"Boy, arrogant."


A leaf in the distance flew towards Zhou Zhang.

"Soul Royal Object!"

The leaves are wrapped with special energy, which can damage the soul.

"You don't use it that way."

Before the other party's leaves could reach him, he stopped in front of Zhou Zhang.

The aura around Zhou Zhang was too strong, and the leaves couldn't get into him at all.

Afterwards, Zhou Zhang waved his hand gently, the surrounding bushes and branches began to sway, as if a strong wind was blowing, the leaves fell one after another and stopped in the air.

Every leaf is wrapped in a strange power.

These are the power of the soul.

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