After Xiongba saw that his subordinates were dead, his bear eyes turned red.He regretted that he didn't bring the body over.

His martial arts strength is already immortal, because he is a monster with a strong physical body, and ordinary human immortal-level masters can't match him at all.

However, this kind of thought is also a momentary thing, Xiongba knows that at the moment, the other party must be solved.

With a roar, Xiongba rushed towards Zhou Zhang.

"Although I regret not bringing my body here, my spirit, in terms of attack, also crushes ghosts of the same realm."

Saying that, the heroic palm of the soul body slapped Zhou Zhang.

"Chaos Demon Ape!"

Chapter [-] Death?

In the darkness of the night, Zhou Zhang's Great Sun Tathagata suddenly changed and transformed into a huge demon monkey, baring its teeth and grinning, its black hair floated with the breeze, and the black aura emanated from it, as if a peerless demon monkey was born.

If it is accompanied by a stick, Zhou Zhang at this time is definitely an unborn demon monkey.

Seeing Zhou Zhang transformed into a magic ape, Xiongba was stunned, but he rushed out quickly.

Even if it is a magic ape, Xiongba's soul is the body, and he is just an incarnation at best, and Xiongba is not afraid of it.

Spiritual transformation does not mean that the stronger the transformed thing, the stronger the strength. Strong strength requires constant running-in.

Take the magic ape for example, although Zhou Zhang has transformed into a magic ape, he needs to constantly observe the ape and carefully figure it out.Only by studying all the movements of apes can you gradually form your own moves, truly achieve the unity of humans and apes, and improve your strength.

Judging from Zhou Zhang's appearance, he was only in his early twenties, and it was impossible to cultivate his avatar to a high-level realm.

"There are quite a few Divine Soul exercises. Unfortunately, you are too young. If you practice for a few years, maybe I will be afraid of you for three points."

Xiongba came to the front in a blink of an eye, punched down, and the gloomy wind burst.At his level, the soul has come out of the body, and it has been condensed to the essence, and every attack of the soul hits the body.

Zhou Zhang was not afraid of the opponent's attack, and hit the same punch.

Immediately, the fists intersected, and the air waves rolled.

The rest of them wanted to go forward, but they were instantly blown away by this air wave, and they were astonished.

They did not expect that Zhou Zhang's strength could be so powerful.

At this moment, in an inconspicuous place, the same young man was paying attention to their every move.

This person is a young master at the moment, and his name is resounding throughout the world of Shenwu in a short period of time. He is Hong Qi.

Hong Qi started cultivating at the age of fourteen, and he has been cultivating for ten years now. He cultivates both soul and martial arts, advancing hand in hand. His current strength has reached a terrifying level. All those who are enemies of him have played against him. Basically died at his hands.

When Hong Qi came this time, he heard that a mysterious master appeared in Daluo Temple.

Hong Qi wants to challenge this mysterious master to prove his Taoism.

Unexpectedly, I met the person I wanted to see here, so I observed it.

In fact, there is another reason why Hong Qi passed by here. It is rumored that there is a treasure land that is about to open. It is said that there are powerful treasures from ancient times in the treasure land. He also wants to try his luck this time.

Zhou Zhang, who turned into a Chaos Demon Ape, was constantly fighting with the demon Xiu Xiongba.

The attack methods of the two are very simple, relying on brute force to kill each other.

From the ground to the air, and then from the air to the ground, the spirit and soul can be transformed freely.


The dust and smoke rolled, and a figure fell to the ground.

When the smoke cleared, the one who fell to the ground was the tyrant.

At this time, Xiongba, when looking at Zhou Zhang, looked at the indomitable appearance of the Chaos Demon Ape, and his Dao Heart was constantly destroyed in the process of fighting against Zhou Zhang.

During the battle, the more he attacked, the more surprised Xiongba was.

Zhou Zhang incarnates into the powerful power of the magic ape, the use of moves, and the control of rhythm.

Xiongba felt that Zhou Zhang was not using his full strength at all.

"You are strong."

Xiongba said: "What's your name, why did you want to kill me Shenxiaotangren?"

Knowing that he is invincible, Xiongba asked the question in his heart.

"Zhou Zhang, as for why you want to kill your Shenxiaotang disciple, would you believe me if I said I happened to be passing by?"

Dispersing the incarnation of the Chaos Demon Ape, Zhou Zhang said lightly.

"Just passing by?" Xiongba frowned, puzzled.

"Just passing by." Zhou Zhang nodded.

Seeing this, Xiongba suddenly laughed.

This person's name, he has never heard of it, and listening to the other party's tone, it seems that he is really just passing by.

But why, why did things turn out this way.

It's pointless to think about it now.

The Shenwu Continent is too big, and there are too many masters, but he has never heard of such masters as Zhou Zhang, maybe he is really ignorant.

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