"Is he special?" Long Yue hurriedly asked.

"It's not special, it's because I don't know much about him. I just heard that as soon as this person appeared, he killed dozens of top experts within two days. Moreover, there are rumors that the Great Elder of Shenxiaotang , died in his hands, and now, Du Haisheng, the hall master of Shenxiao, who has just experienced three thunder tribulations, will come to kill him in a few days."

Listening to the senior brother's words, Long Yue's heart was shocked.

Involuntarily, Long Yue began to look at each other.

Zhou Zhang is now wearing ordinary blue clothes, drinking wine with Hong Qi, and listening to Hong Qi introducing the people who come and go.

His soul has been paying attention to the pair of dragon men and women behind.

He found that the dragon girl had been watching him.

Suddenly, Zhou Zhang turned his head and stared into the woman's eyes.


Long Yue didn't expect the other party to suddenly turn her head, and she looked straight at her, so frightened that she turned around quickly.

"Junior sister, let's go!"

Seeing the changes in Long Yue and Zhou Zhang's reaction, Long Ye frowned, a trace of killing intent flashed between his brows, and he was quickly suppressed by him. He pulled Long Yue and left quickly.

"Brother Zhou, are you interested in the Dragon Girl?" Hong Qi teased when he saw the two leave.

"Just a little curious." Zhou Zhang didn't hide it.

She thought that this dragon woman was very interesting.

Soon, time flew by, and three days passed.

During this period, Zhou Zhang never saw the two of the Dragon Clan again.

During this period of time, Zhou Zhang practiced every day and night, and became more adept at controlling his body and soul. On the third day, he opened dozens of acupoints and made rapid progress.

The acupoints and openings are connected to the mind, and the body's sense of the world is more sensitive, and it is more effective to practice with half the effort.

On this day, Zhou Zhang was practicing.

Seeing Hong Qi rushed in quickly.

"Brother Zhou, the treasure land is open, come with me."

Zhou Zhang's expression changed, he stopped cultivating and followed Hong Qi.

Soon after Hong Qi finished speaking.

The rumbling sound shook the ground.

In the distance, the sky is full of red clouds, and there is a vision falling from the sky. It seems that something incredible is about to be born.

Zhou Zhang also looked at the sky.This was the first time he had seen such a scene.

"The vision of the sky is that a heavy treasure is born, and the treasure land is opened. Quick, whoever enters the treasure land first will get the treasure."

For a time, many masters were dispatched.

Some directly ride the magic weapon and rush in front.

Some started fighting halfway through.

The treasure land was opened, and all forces exerted their magical powers.

In such a battle, the weak cannot move forward at all.

Zhou Zhang walked slowly, his body was full of infuriating energy, someone was fighting, and accidentally spread to the vicinity of Zhou Zhang, a person just happened to accidentally attack Zhou Zhang, the weapon bounced off automatically before it landed on Zhou Zhang, and the person flew upside down. Go out, life and death do not know.

Some people also attacked each other. The aftermath hit Zhou Zhang, and before he touched his body, he was bounced off by the forces around him. The two who were fighting with each other were suddenly seriously injured.

Hong Qi's body was unpredictable nearby, and he couldn't touch his body at all.

At the same time, there are also many masters like them, ignoring the chaotic attacks.

About half an hour later, Zhou Zhang came to the place where the treasure land opened.

This is a cave house. This cave house was built by a master many years ago. Mysterious runes are engraved on it, and there is a powerful force inside.

This power, from a distance, can feel terror.

At this time, many people stopped and began to observe the cave.

The courageous, directly entered the cave, and suddenly, a scream came, the flesh and blood were blurred, and even the soul did not escape.

The rest of the people looked at each other, each thinking about countermeasures.

Suddenly, a master sacrificed a magic weapon, wrapped his body, and rushed into the cave.

Zhou Zhang saw that two dragon men and women were holding a black scale in their hands. The scale gradually became larger, like a small boat. The two stood on the scale, floated away, and entered the cave.

"That's the scales of the Black Dragon King. I didn't expect it to be the blood of the Black Dragon King." Hong Qi looked at it and said.

"Brother Zhou Zhang, let's go in too." As he spoke, a pagoda suddenly flew out of his body.

Hong Qi got into the pagoda, and the pagoda flew into the cave in an instant.

In just a short time, countless experts entered it.

Of course, there are also those who are not strong enough. They want to enter with the magic weapon, but they are strangled by the gang wind on the spot, and there is no escape.

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