
"Mi (mēi)!"


The six-character mantra was recited from the mouth of the Buddha, and the powerful soul force immediately shocked the scene.

Dozens of people were shocked by this mental force and their eardrums bleed, and some fainted on the spot.

"The six-character mantra of Buddhism, the Great Sun Tathagata, what is the relationship between this boy and Buddhism?"

"It's no wonder that Daluo Temple was in trouble and he went to support it. It turns out that he has an inseparable connection with Buddhism."

Someone thought of this and said loudly.

"This kid is at the end of the road. Let's all work hard and kill..."


A knife to end a person's head.

Another cold light.

Another knife beheaded a man behind him.

In this way, Zhou Zhang slashed and killed in the crowd.He was expressionless and kept killing these masters.

"No, if it goes on like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to support it."


Zhou Zhang kept retreating, and he also suffered a lot of injuries. Many people took the opportunity to sneak attack on him, and there was always someone who could hit him. He is not a god, and now Zhou Zhang's strength is not enough to disdain the heroes.

If the consumption continues, it will be difficult for Du Haisheng to kill.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang immediately retreated without any hesitation.

"This kid wants to escape, everyone pay attention."

"You can chase after me."

Speaking of Zhou Zhang's footsteps, the whole person flew towards the distance like a humanoid bomb. At this time, his body was covered in blood, and there were enemies and his own, but Zhou Zhangyi was not afraid.There was no expression on his face.

However, at this time, deep in his heart, he had already developed a killing intent, and he had a strong killing intent towards the person who wanted to kill him just now.

After escaping the pursuit of these people, Zhou Zhang suddenly saw a thatched hut.

And outside the thatched cottage, stood a strange tombstone.This tombstone is like jade but not jade, as crystal clear as glass.

The top is very smooth, and there is no dust at all, although time has passed, and the years are passing by.

I don't know how many years ago the tombstone looks like colored glass. What material is it made of?

Zhou Zhang observed the tombstone and found that he couldn't see it.

Sudden.He looked at the words on the tombstone. He didn't know any of these words, like tadpole words.

"The system can help me see what is written on these?"


Start detection.Legendary martial arts exercises detected. 【Stainless Glass Body】.Do you study?

The sound of the system resounded in Zhouzhuang's mind.

Zhou Zhang did not hesitate, and immediately said happily,


Swish, as Zhou Zhang's voice just fell, the system's energy began to decrease.The tadpole characters on the tombstone all entered Zhou Zhang's mind, a wonderful feeling flowed through his body, Zhou Zhang's body gradually changed, and in a moment, his body became flawless, and his body was indescribably comfortable.When she opened her eyes, Zhou Zhuang looked at her body and found that her current body was crystal clear and exactly the same as the tombstone in front of the thatched cottage.

"This is the Wushou Glazed Glass Body." Zhou Zhang was extremely surprised.

Stainless glazed body: The body is like glaze, as white as jade, the body is more beautiful than a newborn baby, the skin is snow-white, and it looks better than a woman. After training to the highest level, the body can tear the void and nothing can hurt.

At the same time, the glazed body is not bad, and it is not invaded by a hundred poisons, and it is almost a top-level existence in defense.At this time, Zhou Zhang's injuries have completely recovered, and his strength has improved greatly.Several acupoints all over the body were also opened at the same time.For the perception of the power of heaven and earth, to a higher level.

Zhou Zhang put the tombstone into the system backpack.

After absorbing this technique, Zhou Zhang knew that the Wushou Glazed Glass body had nine layers, and the current Zhou Zhang only had the strength of the first layer.

However, with the strength of the first floor in front of him, his body has become stronger, and he can't find a single wound on his body, and he is as white as the clouds.Zhou Zhang even found an ordinary blade and slashed at him, not even leaving a white mark, but the edge of the blade, almost cracking.

At the same time, the energy obtained by the system, as well as the energy obtained by killing people before, was almost consumed after learning the Wushou Glazed Glass Body.

This exercise is the best exercise that Zhou Zhang has obtained so far, but unfortunately, his energy does not seem to be enough to improve the level of cultivation.

"System, is the current energy enough to integrate all the lower-than-legendary ones that I have obtained before, including the magic-bending sword technique, which is based on the sword technique and integrated into a single exercise technique.

Zhou Zhang asked.

Ding, enough.

"Alright then, help me deduce all those exercises."


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