The blood demon bat is a kind of bat that specializes in sucking blood, and it is difficult to get rid of the person who is bitten.

The blood demon bat the size of a slap is scary enough, and now there is a group of people the size of a person, is this still worth it?

The blood demon bat was so black that it blocked the sky.

The blood demon bat obviously smelled blood.

When a group of blood demon bats saw the dragon moon on the ground, they began to swoosh over, opening their mouths wide, wanting to suck blood.

Zhou Zhang revolved his Wushou glazed body, and his body moved, blocking the front.That requires opening his mouth wide, facing Zhou Zhang, unable to speak.

His mouthparts bit Zhou Zhang without even the slightest reaction.

Zhou Zhang summoned the Taishang Time Saber from the system backpack, and used the daily saber technique, constantly beheading the blood demon bats that swooped down in front of him.

Ding, get energy 10000

Ding, get energy 10000.

The sound of the system kept prompting, Zhou Zhang happily killed these blood demon bats.

He didn't expect that he had killed so many people before, and there was no system for blasting energy. Now when killing blood demon bats, each kill is [-] energy.

Zhou Zhang suddenly became excited.

In a short while, Zhou Zhang killed the blood demon bat above his head.

Thousands of blood demon bats died with each stroke of his Supreme Time Saber, and it was hard to think unhappily.

At the same time, when Zhou Zhang killed these blood demon bats and was about to check the energy, several screams came.

"And the blood monster bat."

Zhou Zhang's face changed, he didn't feel it at all.

Where did these blood demon bats come from?No clue whatsoever.

"Zhou Zhang immediately rushed out of the alley, and he saw that the person who had been charmed and killed by the magic array before, and was rescued later, was in danger again.

Almost everyone of them was injured, and in the face of hordes of blood demon bats, they were powerless to resist.

In the sky within a hundred miles, there are blood demon bats, Zhou Zhang looked up at the sky, and his face was filled with excitement.

Li Yuan and Hong Qi are also saving people.

Zhou Zhang was using the sword technique to continuously kill the blood demon bats. When he saw that Hong Qi and Li Yuan were also killing them, he immediately quit.

"Li Yuan, it's dangerous here, take care of the injured, I'm here." Zhou Zhang said sternly.

"Master, I'll help you." Li Yuan looked like I wasn't afraid of death.

"You're not afraid of me, get out of here." The governor's voice was already impatient, does this kid have no face at all?All my energy has been killed by you.

Hearing Zhou Zhang's words, Li Yuan was very moved, and Master finally recognized me.He was concerned about my safety, so Li Yuan worked harder to kill the blood demon bat.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhang seemed very helpless and could only speed up the killing of the blood demon bats.

Especially when he saw that Hong Qi's speed of killing blood demon bats was also very fast, his eyes were completely red.

"The Supreme Heaven's Will Sword, the daily sword technique."

Knives appeared in both of his hands.At the same time, his spirit suddenly came out of his body.

The soul and flesh were united, and Zhou Zhang left a trace of thought to control the fleshly body to kill the blood demon bat.

On the other side, the divine soul transformed into a chaotic demon ape, constantly stirring the wind and rain, and slaughtered in the sky.

Hong Qi, who was killing him, looked at Zhou Zhang in surprise.

It was discovered that Zhou Zhang had even come out with his soul.And he also separates the idea to control the body to kill.

Did this guy take the wrong medicine?so ferocious.

Hong Qi was frightened by Zhou Zhang's performance.

"All back away, let me come."

Zhou Zhang suddenly saw a group of people being chased and sucked by blood demon bats, and immediately ran the six-character mantra, and the sound of righteous words entered their ears.

Everyone saw that there was actually a Chaos Demon Ape spitting out human words in the sky, and they saw that below, Zhou Zhang's body had a knife in each of his hands. run away.

They recognized that this was Zhou Zhang, and immediately hid and watched.

When seeing Zhou Zhang's crazy killing methods, where there are many blood demon bats, Zhou Zhang, who incarnates the Chaos Demon Ape, will fly wherever he goes to save people. He really has a chivalrous heart.

"I was still chasing him, wanting to get his sword."

"Well, me too, I never thought that he would repay his grievances with virtue and help us like this."

"We did it wrong. We must thank him for being able to live this time."

"Zhou Zhang is a righteous person."

For a time, Zhou Zhang's image became taller in the eyes of many people.

About half an hour after the killing, Zhou Zhang suddenly stopped.

All blood bats were killed.

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