Hong Qi and Li Yuan are also there.

"Why are you standing here?" Zhou Zhang asked.

"Benefactor, Du Haisheng already knows that you are here and is coming to kill you. We want to help." One of the leaders said.

"No need, he's coming, I'll wait for him. You should leave quickly, so as not to hurt innocent people." Zhou Zhangchong smiled kindly at the other party, and then came to the person who reported the letter earlier.

Zhou Zhang didn't expect that the other party hadn't left yet, so he was timid and mixed in the crowd.Presumably he wanted to watch him, so he could tip off the news.

"People from Shenxiaotang should have special contact information, right?" Zhou Zhang asked.

"I'm not from Shenxiaotang." The man raised his head and saw Zhou Zhang staring at him intently.

The people around him, when they heard that they were from Shenxiaotang, immediately dispersed, for fear of getting involved with the other party.

Zhou Zhang is their savior now, and they don't want to have anything to do with Shen Xiaotang.

Those who stayed are sincerely grateful to Zhou Zhang.

"You're actually from Shenxiaotang, it's a shame I trusted you so much before."

"Bah, Mr. Zhou saved your life, did you secretly report it just now?"

"No wonder, I saw him leave before sneaking."

"Yes, I've seen something wrong with this kid for a long time."

The man was surrounded by them, his face was pale, and he was too frightened to speak.

"You killed our Shenxiaotang people, you are dead."

"The hall master promised me that as long as you tell him your news and kill you, I will be the elder of Shenxiaotang. Zhou Zhang, you are dead."

The people around looked at him, someone heard what he said and was about to take action, but was stopped by Zhou Zhang.

Zhou Zhang stared at him and said in a flat voice, "Tell him, if you want to kill me, go to the north, where I will wait for him."

After speaking, Zhou Zhang ignored everyone's reaction.

With a vertical shape, he floated away towards the north, with a calm expression, he looked confident, and he didn't take Du Haisheng in his eyes at all.

"Master, no, you are not Du Haisheng's opponent." Li Yuan quickly followed.

Chapter [-] Lightning Attack

Hong Qi shook his head and was also curious about Zhou Zhang's words.

He also thought about how he would win against Du Haisheng. Hong Qi thought about it for a long time and felt that he would lose without a doubt.

He was curious, where did Zhou Zhang's confidence come from?

Is it an artifact?

Hong Qi thought so.

As Zhou Zhang and several others left, the others looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what to do.

To the north, fire clouds appeared in the sky.

As the evening approaches, the sky here is extraordinarily beautiful.

At this time, in another place, a white-haired man was holding a mirror in his hand, and in the mirror were the figures of Zhou Zhang and several others.

"Kill so many blood demon bats from me, and still want to leave alive? I've broken my major events many times, and I will make you unable to survive or die."

Now, let you fight with each other first, and then I will take advantage of the fisherman. "

The white-haired man smiled grimly.

Accidentally affected the chain on the body, and the pain of tearing suddenly came.


Zhou Zhang and Li Yuanhongqi waited for a while.

Finally, a figure appeared in the sky.

After three thunder tribulations, Du Haisheng was able to fly into the sky and escape to the ground, his thoughts were clear, and his soul was extremely powerful, but in a blink of an eye, Du Haisheng came to Zhou Zhang.

Glancing at Hong Qi and Li Yuan next to him, Du Haisheng said, "Have you two helpers?"

"Young talent Hong Qi, you really found the right person, but unfortunately, even if you join forces, plus the kid at the back, you are not my opponent." He said, pointing to Li Yuan behind him.

Obviously, Du Haisheng didn't take them seriously at all.

Zhou Zhang looked at Du Haisheng, and he stepped forward.

"They're just here to watch the show. Your opponent is me. You could hurt me before, but now it's not that easy."

As he said that, the Supreme Time Saber appeared in Zhou Zhang's hand.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouths, I can hurt you before, but now I will kill you."

"Boy, you're not too timid, this time you won't have a chance to escape."

As he said that, Du Haisheng rose into the air, and with his movements, he suddenly.

Lightning generated.

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