However, those people died in his hands, Du Haisheng.

Du Haisheng didn't believe that the guy in front of him could defeat him.

The previous few times, it was because I didn't know him well enough, and I was careless.

"You're very strong, but that's just it." You and I are not in the same realm.

With that said, Du Haisheng's thoughts moved, and the clouds in the sky surged.

Deep between his eyebrows, a Yasha king flew out.

Immediately afterwards, another Yasha king flew out from the eyebrows.

One after another.Until dozens of Yasha kings flew out from his eyebrows.Du Haisheng just stopped.

"This is my thought, and each one has [-]% of my strength."

"At our realm, it's not as simple as one plus one equals two."

Du Haisheng pointed at Zhou Zhang. "So, it's not a loss for you to die on my trick."

As Du Haisheng's voice just fell.The Yaksha King he summoned has a fork in his hand, and each one looks exactly the same, even the gestures are the same.

Zhou Zhang held a large sword in both hands.

The changes in the second layer of the daily saber technique gradually showed.

For a time, Zhou Zhang fought with dozens of Yasha kings.

The governor's sword dance is airtight, the light of the sword is constantly flashing, and the sword is vertical and horizontal.

In the sky, occasionally there is a knife light passing vertically and horizontally, landing in the distance, the knife light splits the house, the knife gas falls on the ground, and the ground is split into a big hole by the knife gas.

His attack is gorgeous and explosive.

Every time, it shows the charm of the peerless swordsmanship.




In the blink of an eye, black blood burst out from several Yaksha kings, and their bodies began to become transparent, disappearing under the light of Zhou Zhang's sword.

Du Haisheng stared, a little anxious.

"Kill, I think you kill fast, or my Yasha King resurrects fast."

Du Haisheng said loudly.

As he spoke, his thoughts moved, and the Yaksha King, who had previously died, was resurrected and rejoined the battle group.

"I will kill as many as you want."

Zhou Zhang was unmoved.

Every time he kills Yasha King, a lot of energy is absorbed, which is not too cool.Therefore, Zhou Zhang raised his hands in favor of Du Haisheng's summoning of the Yasha King.Although he remained silent, he had already earned a lot of energy.

The energy lost from the previous upgrades was almost replenished in this short period of time.

At this moment, Du Haisheng suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"What's the matter? My thoughts are depleting and my soul power is weakening." He panicked.

The loss of thoughts is not a big thing, but the soul is also lost.

If this continues, his strength will decline, and the decline in strength at a critical moment is very fatal.

Du Haisheng didn't want problems at this time.

So, between his eyebrows, more Yasha kings came out.

"Quick fight, this kid is weird, only kill him first, then find a way to restore his soul and increase his thoughts."

Du Haisheng thought.

However, he didn't know that after seeing more Yasha Kings, Zhou Zhang laughed wildly in his heart with excitement.

He didn't expect this Du Haisheng to be so good. He was such a good person who gave him energy for free.

"No, you kid is absorbing my soul."

Suddenly, Du Haisheng stopped attacking. He looked at Zhou Zhang as if he was looking at a monster, with fear in his eyes.

This was the first time that Du Haisheng was afraid in front of others.

The unknown is the scariest.

This sentence was vividly displayed in front of Du Haisheng.

"What is it? Those two knives? Or are there other treasures on his body?" Du Haisheng was puzzled.

He looked at the two knives in Zhou Zhang's hands and shook his head.

Those two big knives were really powerful, Du Haisheng could see that they were peerless weapons, and even he had some treasures that he looked at and envied.However, it could not be the sword that absorbed the power of his soul.He could feel this.

Every time Yasha King is killed by the opponent, the soul power is a little less.This kid is evil.

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