Some people swallowed their necks unconsciously, and the shock in their hearts couldn't be further added.After they read it, their footsteps were a bit vain.

Too strong, Du Hai died.

Now here, who is still his opponent.

A thin boy suddenly began to tremble.

It was Du Haisheng who he had notified before, telling him where Zhou Zhang was.

Now, Du Haisheng was actually killed by the other party.

The disciple of Shenxiaotang couldn't figure it out.

Originally, Du Haisheng promised that as long as Zhou Zhang was killed, he would be the elder of Shenxiaotang.

Now that the hall master is dead, where did this elder come from?

"Escape!" The skinny boy immediately made a decision, intending to leave this place quietly.

Just when he had this thought and was about to leave.

Just as he turned around, he heard footsteps in front of him.Then, a figure blocked his way.

He raised his head and saw Li Yuan looking at him with a smile.

Ding, get energy.

Ding, get the practice of Asura, the spiritual sense of the Yasha king, with the increase of strength, the number of Yasha kings gradually increases, until after a certain number, there will be Shura born among the Yasha kings, and countless Shura will eventually become the Shura king.

Ding, get the mind-building technique, and increase the power of spiritual mind.

Ding, get the unnamed remnant, unknown.

Immediately, between Zhou Zhang's eyebrows, a Yaksha king began to evolve.After learning the Asura exercises, his thoughts became clear, and his soul became a little stronger. In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of Yaksha kings between the eyebrows.

System, deduce nameless exercises.

Ding, it's playing.

After the deduction is completed, you will obtain the divine-level mental method: the divine jade art of the Nine Heavens Jedi, the supreme mental method.

There isn't much to say about this dharma.

In an instant, after Zhou Zhang accepted this mental method, his whole body changed astonishingly.

His Wushou Glazed Glass Body suddenly came to life when he obtained the Heart Technique, and automatically spread all over his body. After that, the power in his body gradually increased, and he actually broke through to the fourth layer from the previous third-layer realm.

Moreover, this is more than that, his other exercises, the daily sword technique, the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra, the six-character mantra, the newly acquired soul technique Asura, the building of mind techniques, etc., have all been upgraded by one level.

Except for the Chaos Demon Ape Cultivation Technique, which was not improved due to the sealed state, the rest of the Cultivation Techniques were improved by one level.

Zhou Zhang's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

This practice is worthy of being a divine art. It surpasses the previous practice, and it is the practice that Zhou Zhang lacks.

Host information:

Name: Zhou Zhang.

Age: unknown.

Race: Human.


Strength: Human Immortal (the essence of boxing) / Ghost Immortal.

World: Shenwu World.

Energy: 1 million.

Zhou Zhang's body was already smoking, and the powerful force caused a lot of mist to evaporate from his body.

The Wushou glazed body under the mist looked like a piece of white jade, making people wonder if it was really the flesh.

Now Zhou Zhang, his thoughts radiate out, perceive the changes around him, his thoughts directly radiate thousands of miles, as long as there is any change in the surrounding places, he will be discovered by him.

A wisp of thought, observing the changes around him.

Suddenly, a ray of thought observed the scene where Li Yuan killed the thin man.

Zhou Zhang thought back, and after a while, he saw Li Yuan come back.

"Where did that kid Hong Qi go?" Zhou Zhang asked.

"He left when he saw that you had won the battle. He said that a secret passage was discovered ahead, and he asked me to tell you that the real treasure hunt will begin. Those powerful and masters are about to appear, so be careful. , don't be too pushy."

Zhou Zhang shook his head when he heard Li Yuan's words.

"If I don't ask people to trouble me, there will always be people who will trouble me. It's impossible to keep a low profile. In the face of provocation, the only way is to take the initiative."

"It's unavoidable to be in the limelight."

With that said, Zhou Zhang's thoughts of radiation continued to spread, and finally, Zhou Zhang found the trace of Hong Qi.

"Come on! I found him."

Saying that, Zhou Zhang stepped out.

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