Host information:

Name: Zhou Zhang.

Age: unknown.

Race: Human.


Strength: Human Immortal (the essence of boxing) / Ghost Immortal.

World: Shenwu World.


"System, how much energy is needed to deduce the Nine Heavens Jedi Divine Jade Art?" Zhou Zhang asked.

Ding, nine-day Jedi divine jade art deduction requires [-] million.

What the hell!

Zhou Zhang looked confused. He was fully prepared and planned to upgrade this practice to the second level. He didn't expect that it would cost [-] million, so much energy, he went to find it.A trip to the treasure land is only more than [-] million.

Now there are only [-] million left, which is not enough for him to squander.

Zhou Zhang couldn't help but start to have a headache.

Since the Nine Heavens Jedi Divine Jade Art cannot be upgraded, the only way is to practice other exercises.

Looking at the exercises that I have cultivated, a few are in their peak state, and the rest of the daily swordsmanship, Asura, and Wushou Glazed Glass Body.Wugou Glazed Glass Body has been cultivated to the fifth level, which is the highest among these exercises, but in the face of battle, Zhou Zhang has become more and more dependent on this exercise. This is Zhou Zhang's most useful exercise at present. Law.

There is also the daily knife technique, which is also indispensable.

Asura is currently only one layer, but there seems to be not many places he can use.Zhou Zhang had a headache.

Although the Wushou Glazed Glass has five layers, it is still not enough to look at in the face of the strongest.

By the way, the most important thing is to improve the strength of one's own acupoints, awaken more acupoints, and reach the realm of derivation from flesh and blood as soon as possible.

Only when he reaches the realm derived from flesh and blood, his flawless glazed body can be temporarily put down.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhang immediately said.

"System, help me deduce the acupoints of the whole body."

As soon as the voice fell, the system began to deduce.

"Ding, it's being played...

"Ancestral Dragon Acupuncture Point, Earth Level Acupoint Acupuncture Point, Tianchi Acupoint Acupuncture Point, Heart Acupoint Acupuncture Point, Strength Acupoint Acupuncture Point, Yinshen Acupoint Acupuncture Point...

One after another acupoints were deduced, and Zhou Zhang felt the constant changes in the acupoints in his body, especially the development of the Ancestral Dragon's acupoints, which made his control of his own body more meaningful, and the strength of his body increased. further.

Earth-level acupoints are his own Yongquan acupoints. As long as Zhou Zhang is standing on the ground at this moment, he can communicate with the earth and achieve a steady stream of power, and his strength is unfathomable.

Zulong is facing the improvement of overall strength, as well as Tianchi, strength, and heart.

These acupoints came one after another, until Zhou Zhang developed [-] acupoints before he stopped.

Looking at the sky at this time, the sun has already set, and a round of moonlight shines from the sky.

Zhou Zhang glanced at the moonlight, it was already late at night.

Suddenly, in Zhou Zhang's perception, a figure quickly ran over from a few miles away, followed by a shadow of the same size running fast, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Zhou Zhang's curious figure moved, and he opened more than [-] acupoints in himself. His speed and strength were incomparable.

Chapter Thirty-Seven: Then Don't Learn

He came to a cemetery and found that the small things before seemed to have burrowed into a certain place in the cemetery.

Zhou Zhang's expression changed, he controlled his soul, and infiltrated his mind power into the ground.

After a while, Zhou Zhang saw what he had discovered earlier.

It was a little fox.

These foxes actually lived under a cemetery and settled in there.

The moment Zhou Zhang's soul entered, one of the older foxes found him.

He shouted, "Who?"

Zhou Zhang's spirit was revealed inside, revealing his true appearance.

"Hey, you are Brother Hong's guest."

The old fox recognized Zhou Zhang, hurriedly bowed, and bowed towards Zhou Zhang.

"Forget it!" It seemed that Hong Qi had a very high status in it.

"How do you know that I am Hong Qi's guest?"

"Young Master Hong, when you entered here, hand over your portraits to us so that we can be treated politely, as well as a Xuanwu, and a skinny boy. But the skinny boy seems to have followed Master Hong to other places. ."

"Young Master Zhou, where do you want to go so late, do you need this old man to guide you?"

Zhou Zhang shook his head and declined the other party's kindness. He looked at the other little foxes.

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