"Let me go." He cried out in pain.

However, Zhou Zhang exerted a little force on his hand.


His arm was crushed by Zhou Zhang, and then, he suddenly noticed a greater pain coming from his chest, as if he was hit with a heavy hammer, his chest shrunk, and the man flew out a long way.

The rest of them shot at the same time and attacked Zhou Zhang.

Some with whisks, some with swords, slashed towards Zhou Zhang.

The sword passed directly through Zhou Zhang's body, and the one holding the whisk, then, their bodies landed on the place where Zhou Zhang was standing.

It was found that Zhou Zhang had left the place where he stood just now, and what they attacked was just Zhou Zhang's shadow.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

A Taichi asked, his voice trembling a little.

"Zhou Zhang."

Zhou Zhang, who was already several feet away, opened his mouth.


After hearing Zhou Zhang's name, the two teams did not hesitate, and even ignored the person who died before, and immediately withdrew, leaving no room for nostalgia.

Just kidding, not long after the treasure land opened, the two strongest masters of the young generation in Taiyimen and Yingmen were suppressed by Zhou Zhang alone, and now they are still hiding and cultivating, how could they be his opponents with their strength.

Especially after Zhou Zhang escaped from the treasure land, more rumors about his record came out.

It is said that Zhou Zhang not only killed Taiyimen Keqingwood and others, but also fought against the Black Dragon King for a long time without defeat, such a terrifying resume, no matter who is afraid.

At a young age, he has the capital to be able to fight the Black Dragon King, which will be good in the future.

After Zhou Zhang finished speaking his name, he took Phoenix into Heiliu Island.

When the team leader Liu Yan heard the word Zhou Zhang, he didn't know who this person was. Seeing Taiyimen and Yingmen's fear of this name, he saw that Zhou Zhang was not simple.

In a small shop, Zhou Zhang sat in the shop and ordered some pasta.

Phoenix hugged the big bowl and ate happily.

Seeing that Fenghuang quickly ate the noodles out of the bowl, Zhou Zhang asked, "Is it delicious?"

Phoenix nodded shyly.

"Do you still need it?"


Phoenix nodded like smashing garlic.

In this way, Phoenix ate eighteen bowls of noodles in a row.

Phoenix's body is like a bottomless pit, no matter what he eats, he can eat a lot.

The scene here quickly attracted many people to look over.

There was a big bearded man, while drinking the wine from the bowl, he greedily looked at the purple gold bell on the wrist of Phoenix's right arm, with greed in his eyes.

There was also a man with a sullen face on the second floor, staring at Phoenix's arm from above.

There was a dwarf-like man at the outermost periphery, also looking at the little girl.

One is bright and dark, and they all see that the things in Phoenix's hands are not simple.

As the saying goes, wealth does not leak out, and what they leak now is not only wealth, but also danger.

"Zhou Zhang doesn't care about these greedy eyes.

After Phoenix had two big bowls again, he checked out and left.

At the same time, after Zhou Zhang checked out, several people followed Zhou Zhang in a hurry.

Zhou Zhang started to walk outside.

Everyone didn't know why, so they followed Zhou Zhang closely.

They were all surprised that Zhou Zhang was going out.However, there was an excited look on his face.They did not expect that Zhou Zhang would walk outside.

Inside, they will have scruples when they shoot, but after they go out, no one cares when they kill.

Seeing how stupid this person was, two of them looked at each other and laughed.

Liu Yan, who was bored and finished cleaning the battlefield, suddenly saw Zhou Zhang come out.

Why did this evil star come out again?Liu Yan looked suspiciously.

I found a few greedy stalkers behind Zhou Zhang.

Chapter [-]: Taiyi's decision

Seeing such a scene, Liu Yan's heart skipped a beat.

No way?

A bad premonition sounded in his head.

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