It was at this time that a relatively docile man talked to Zhou Zhang softly, and he seemed to be very kind.

After listening to the other party like this, I was also very happy in my heart, and I was also very excited to encounter such a thing.

After all, there don't seem to be many at the moment. I'm quite happy in my heart to meet a good person. I've experienced a lot of things, and finding the right one is a bit bleak in life.

But it's quite happy to hear that the other party didn't say anything, after all, the other party is also thinking of himself.

"Big brother is too polite. We caused you trouble, and we still need your help."

"By the way, eldest brother, I want to ask what kind of place this place is. It's so desolate."

Zhou Zhang was puzzled and said that he was helpless in every way. In this scene, he and he must figure out, where is this?

Otherwise, if you die, you don't know where you died, and you don't know what kind of scene you're running to. You must figure it out.

"I see that you are really confused, and you don't even know what this place is."

"But you children are really pitiful, just follow us."

"Then let me explain to you, what is this place?"

The shopkeeper said happily beside him, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time, and he was very excited to speak.

"Here we have reached the place of the black unicorn. This place is quite terrifying. There is a city of kings in front."

"There is the most luxurious place here, and it is also pulsed by the vicinity of the black unicorn."

"Right now, we're going to the King's City to send a batch of medicines, which are quite needed there."

The shopkeeper said excitedly next to him, as if he could make a lot of money.

What the other party said, Yingmen also understands very well in his heart. After all, people are fortune and birds are killed for food. This kind of truth, he still understands very well in his heart.

I also know very well what the other party is thinking in my heart. If so, then I have to ask myself.

"Then why is this place so desolate, I heard from you that this place is also a very luxurious place."

Zhou Zhang was silent next to him. After all, he didn't know much about the current matter, as if this place was not like this all day long.

"That's of course. In the past, this place was quite luxurious, but the legendary black unicorn has been resurrected."

"That's the most terrifying black unicorn, and it's what humans need most."

"Once you get him, your strength will definitely skyrocket."

"It is also for this reason that some masters have come here in all places, in order to compete for the place here."

"It is also to compete for the blood of the black unicorn. After all, as long as you get a drop, you can purify the blood of human beings."

The shopkeeper said dully beside him, adding a lot of pride to you in his tone, as if there were already many experts gathered in front of you.

Hearing what the other party said, even if he knew something in his heart, it seemed like he was about to have something new soon.

Chapter 46 Passed

Zhou Zhang also knew very well in his heart, it seems that there are still many stories in it.

Otherwise, everyone would not be so vigilant.

Zhou Zhang knew in his heart that this was not a trivial matter. After all, it had already involved a race.

Especially when I heard the other party say that it can purify human blood, I was very excited. After all, this is not a small matter.

"Treasurer, is it really hard to say that if you get the bloodline of the black unicorn, you can make your own bloodline evolve?"

Zhou Zhang asked suspiciously from the side, and his heart was even more thumping, after all, he absolutely needed such a bloodline.

If his bloodline can be evolved, then his strength will definitely be greatly improved, and he will not be too passive when it comes to a decisive battle with Taiyi.

After thinking of this, I was also very excited.

"What are you thinking about? It is true that human blood can be evolved, but what does it have to do with you?"

"I'm very excited to see you like this. I want to tell you that in order to get the blood of the black unicorn, many strong people have gathered here."

The shopkeeper said frightened next to him, as if he had no way to do it, and usually there are not so many strong people.

Listening to the other party, he didn't say anything about Zhou Zhang, and nodded silently. What he did just now, and those expressions, were indeed very crooked.

"Okay, brother, don't talk nonsense, you still want the blood of the black unicorn with your current small body, let's forget it."

"Besides, we just need to get to a safe place safely, and we don't need to think too much."

Fenghuang said helplessly from the side, looking at his brother, he also knew very well in his heart, although he said what the other party was thinking, he also knew very well.

But in front of so many people, if he wanted to get the blood of the black unicorn, it would be hard for everyone to believe.

After all, gathering here, it is a powerful existence, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can imagine.

"Phoenix, you wake up the dreamer with one word. I was really thinking about it just now, and it has nothing to do with me at all."

"After all, it's something that only the strong can have, but there's nothing I can do for a mentally handicapped person."

Zhou Zhang shook his head helplessly beside him, but his tone strengthened a lot.

I also know very well in my heart that I must succeed no matter what this time, otherwise, I will have a lot of pressure when fighting Taiyi.

If one's own strength is improved when fighting against them, it will have a special impact on the entire battle situation.

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