"It's too shameless, it's too bold." Zhou Zhang said dully.

Chapter 50

After all, for himself, the shopkeeper is also quite good to himself.

So I don't want to see any accident from the shopkeeper.

Therefore, when he encounters danger, he has already figured it out, and he will definitely help the shopkeeper.

"Okay, brother, don't be in such a hurry, I guess they will appear soon."

"Their gang also felt that the people here had noticed them."

"It is estimated that they will not be able to calm down, and it seems that they are about to play."

"A lot of things will happen here, let's just wait and see."

Phoenix said excitedly beside him, as if an exquisite story was about to happen.

There is no such depressed mood at all, as if Zhou Zhang is there, there will never be any danger.

"I want to tell you, you can be careful with me, after all, I don't dare to promise you."

"We should be more careful."

"And the Taiyi faction hasn't been resolved yet. They probably have arranged for a killer to chase after them."

"So at this time, we can't take it lightly no matter what."

Zhou Zhang reluctantly said that he knew the current scene very well.

I also know what kind of scene it is, after all, this is not a joke.

Although I am quite satisfied with my own strength, I also know very well in my heart, so I must not be too careless.

Otherwise, the boat overturned in the gutter, and these things are uncertain.

"I see, now we're still in danger."

"So I don't have anything else coming up."

"Don't worry, brother, don't you understand my character yet?"

Fenghuang said sweetly from the side, as if he didn't take the things in front of him into his eyes at all.

Looking at the other party like this, Zhou Zhang was extremely helpless, and really didn't know when to tell the other party.

He didn't know where to put his hands, and his face was full of depression.

It was at this time that a rapid voice suddenly came out.

Zhou Zhang's eyes widened, he really didn't expect the other party to use a hidden weapon.

Anyway, his perception is particularly strong, and he was not frightened by these things.

"Phoenix be careful, they have already shot, and they are also using hidden weapons."

"You have to hide for me later, there must be no accidents."

Zhou Zhang shouted from the side and started talking. He was also very nervous in his heart, especially this kind of atmosphere made him feel special.

So I don't know why, but I also feel this way, as if I met a strong man.

Hearing what Zhou Zhang said, Fenghuang was also very surprised, and quickly hid behind Zhou Zhang.

For Phoenix, the most attractive character is Zhou Zhang. If Zhou Zhang can't do anything, he doesn't know what to do.

So when you encounter any danger, you will always hide behind Zhou Zhang inadvertently.

Zhou Zhang didn't say much, and was quite proud in his heart, anyway, his sister believed in his own strength.

This is also a kind of affirmation for myself, and there is not much objection.

The two hands were gently opened, looking at this posture, it was necessary to protect the Phoenix, so as not to let any disaster happen to the Phoenix.

However, it made Zhou Zhang Huahua breathe a sigh of relief, and found that these hidden weapons were not sent to him at all.

I was also quite helpless in my heart. It seems that no one will notice your own dress up at all.

As if he was a little minion, there is nothing to be afraid of.

However, at this time, he also discovered the actions of the big man.

Looking at it like this, the big man has become their target. After all, the big man is too flamboyant and stands at the front of the team.

And still holding that big knife, like killing.

So from the very beginning, those bandits focused all their eyes on the big man.

It can be regarded as a relief for Zhou Zhang and others.

"If you have one, then come out to me quickly, don't pretend to be a ghost here."

"Wait a few moments with your uncle, you can't be so sneaky."

The big man screamed beside him, as if he had been provoked by the other party.

I didn't find my scene at all, and at this moment, I was surrounded by many people.

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