He never thought that his companion had fallen to the ground, and his throat was still bleeding.

It was at this time that he realized that he was quite dangerous.

Afterwards, Zhou Zhang saw that he stretched out his hand to cover the other's mouth.

He didn't give any explanation to the other party at all, and the speed of opportunity was also quite sharp, and there was absolutely no procrastination.

After that, Zhou Zhang didn't give him any opportunity to explain at all, and directly added the other party's aorta.

The thief is also in great pain, and he will soon be able to pass because of these pains.

"You want to die or live, give me a happy word."

"If you want to die, I can kill you now without any hesitation."

Zhou Zhang silently said that he knew very well in his heart that he had to ask him about the specific situation.

After all, I don't know much about these layouts, so I absolutely can't use them. They should figure it out a bit. What is the situation?

"I want to stay alive, you have to let me go."

"I am old and young, and I definitely don't want to die here." The thief shouted, as if he had no way to do these things at all.

Chapter 54 The Thief Begging For Mercy

Zhou Zhang also did not expect that after doing this, he actually asked the other party about this.

It's really depressing, as if he is a killer, and he doesn't give them some way to survive.

I was also quite depressed in my heart, I never thought that the other party would actually say such a thing, as if I were a devil.

"If you talk nonsense again, I will kill you without any hesitation."

"You have to pay attention that your words must not be messed up, otherwise you really have no way to survive."

Zhou Zhang said silently, with a lot of majesty in his tone, as if he had already told the other party.

If you sell off here, there is no benefit at all, and there is no way for him.

"What do you want me to say? What do you want to hear?"

"I know what you want to hear, and I'll tell you all."

The thief said sadly beside him, as if it was a little broken, there is no man smell at all.

He couldn't hold it at all, Zhou Zhang did it as if he had already confirmed it, and he didn't give himself any chance to explain it at all.

Zhou Zhang's face was also full of embarrassment. It seems that this person is also knowingly asking, after all, what can he ask him.

The other party can definitely figure out everything, but he is just cheating on himself and delaying time here.

After that, Zhou Zhang didn't say anything more, just stretched out his hand and grabbed the other's arm, that is, he squeezed it hard.

I saw a burst of sound, as if it had broken directly, and there was no reality at all.

The speed is also quite fast, and he directly broke the opponent's arm. This time it was considered to be extremely painful for that person.

The pain now seems to have been tortured a lot, and it is impossible to extricate itself.

Zhou Zhang didn't say much when he saw this. He was very calm in his heart. He had to give him some color to see, otherwise he wouldn't know what to say.

Otherwise, such a person will not be able to get down, after all, what kind of character he is, and he knows very well in his heart, he is definitely procrastinating with himself here.

However, he would never give him any chance, and he would never go on talking with him.

"If you don't say anything, I'll abuse your other arm."

"Don't ask me what I want to ask, just think what you should say."

"Otherwise, it won't do you any good at all. Do you understand the truth?"

"I will never let you go if you don't say anything."

Zhou Zhang said cost-effectively, with a lot of power in his tone, as if he saw the other side to death.

He didn't give the other party any opportunity to explain at all, and his heart was abnormally surging, as if he had put the other party to death.

Looking at Zhou Zhang like this, it was quite terrifying even without a thief, and there was a lot of fear in his eyes.

I didn't even think that with such a light grip on the convenience, I broke my arm.

I still know quite a bit about my own physical fitness, although it is not quite good, but it is about the same.

After all, he has been in the mix for so many years, how could his physical fitness be poor, and as a result, his arm was pinched by the other party.

I never thought that there would be such a terrifying strength. It is really difficult to subvert my imagination. The strength of the other party is so terrifying that I can't even imagine it.

"Who the hell are you? How did you come here?"

"Actually, I really don't know anything. After all, I'm also a little boss."

"Our boss is not here at all, and we are also forced to be helpless."

The thief said helplessly next to him, as if he was forced to help himself, and there was no way at all.

There was a lot of helplessness in his eyes, as if he had told the other party that he was forced to be like this.

I was also quite afraid in my heart, after all, the current situation was beyond my own imagination, and I would encounter such a thing.

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