"Okay, then I'll continue."

The robber said solemnly next to him, as if he had already surrendered to Zhou Zhang, and he didn't have any resistance at all.

"This is near Jiulong Mountain, and there are already signs of the resurrection of the black unicorn."

"So it is another opportunity for us in Jiulongshan, but it is also a disaster."

"The opportunity is that our Jiulong Mountain is most likely to obtain this black unicorn bloodline."

"The disaster is because of the existence of the black unicorn, and many strong people have gathered here."

"So it's also very embarrassing for us, and we have to do our best."

At that time, he said helplessly next to him, his eyes were full of fear, as if there was a great danger imminent.

In my heart, I understand very well that once those things happen, it will definitely be one of the best.

There will never be too much calm in that battle.

After listening to the other party, he didn't say that Zhou Zhang nodded silently. It seemed that this Nine Dragons Mountain was relatively powerful.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to rely on the strength of an organization to directly own the blood of the black unicorn.

This kind of education is still worthy of recognition, so at this time Zhou Zhang already understood what the other party was saying to him.

It is indeed like this, the other party should be quite terrifying, but he is also very annoyed.

I have existed for so long, and I have been in the rivers and lakes for so long, and I don't even understand this.

Could it be that he has been passed on to a very distant place?Are you kidding yourself?

"Go on, don't interrupt, I really want to know."

Zhou Zhangxiang is also very aware of his expression just now, and it is really too shrewd.

It is estimated that the thief was startled again, and he did not know what to say, so he could only silently approve.

"Okay, okay, I'll continue, but what happened next was quite shocking."

"Precisely because this battle is quite important, we must prepare good equipment."

"It was at this time that a medicine came from the east, and we needed the medicinal materials in it very much."

"In case any of our soldiers and companions are injured during the fighting, we need these medicinal materials."

The robber said helplessly next to him, after all, these facts have already exceeded his budget, so he can only silently recognize it like this.

I don't want to say all these things, after all, this is an opportunity, but it is a secret in the organization.

It's just that I accidentally heard it when I was listening to the third master.

Listening to the other party, he didn't say Zhou Zhang, but nodded silently. At this time, he understood the ins and outs.

It is really quite helpless for the shopkeeper, why did you send the medicinal materials at this time?

It's already quite chaotic here, why didn't it add fuel to the fire before it was delivered?I really don't understand what the other person is thinking.

"Then you can't just buy it from them? Why are you still here to rob?"

"With your strength, there shouldn't be much deviation. After all, your strength is quite terrifying."

Zhou Zhang said dejectedly beside him, after all, if they really needed this batch of medicinal materials, why would they snatch it?

Wouldn't it be better to just pay for it?This is also quite convenient, after all, I am quite aware of the truth.

"Don't say more, it's not that we don't want to buy it."

"It's just that this shopkeeper is really abhorrent. He wants to make more profits here."

"Just take all the money and valuables inside."

"It's just that we can't afford it, and these medicinal materials have been distributed several times."

"So we are also quite helpless. After all, it is a bit too annoying to ask the shopkeeper."

The robber said helplessly next to him, as if he could not help himself, after all, he had no choice.

If it's not like the other party, or really want to go to the other party, after all, I don't want to have so many things right now.

Hearing what the other party said, he nodded silently, and Zhou Zhang understood it in his heart.

It seems that the shopkeeper is also a little too greedy, so there are so many things, but there is no way.

After all, businessmen are indeed like this, and generally want to get greater profits from it.

I understand this kind of thinking very well, but I just can't understand why the other party would take such a big risk.

"Then what's the matter with them? Could it be that they will obediently send these medicinal materials to you?"

"And isn't this a very high price? Why does he still use it?"

Zhou Zhang said suspiciously from the side, after all, the shopkeeper is not a fool, and he still understands this reason very well.

"It is indeed like this, the medicinal materials have risen many times."

"But don't worry, there are still many rich people in this area."

"They are also ready to be robbed by unicorns, so they are also preparing these medicinal materials."

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