"Don't think I don't know what's going on inside, it's too dangerous inside."

"How could it be that a small gang of you can hold on to it?"

The fifth head of the World Association said excitedly next to him, his eyes were full of a lot of small abuse, as if he didn't take the other party in his eyes at all.

It is quite clear in my heart, after all, those strengths are really difficult to subvert, even if the entire gang of the World Association can get on at the same time, there may not be a way.

After all, these things are really too big, not only the two gangs, even the black unicorn family, and the royal family have already intervened.

It is also particularly difficult to think about. It is another opportunity for Jiulong Mountain, but it is also a disaster. If it is not handled well, the disaster is too terrifying.

Listening to the other party, he didn't say that Jiulongshan was in charge, and he was clenching his teeth. It was indeed like this. During this time, the head of the family also had a special headache.

Thinking about it is also very depressing. Although it is said that it is the Qilin bloodline, it is a very good thing. It can make the whole person purify and sublimate, but there are many dangers of encounter.

"Have you noticed the danger here? It seems a little distressed."

"I didn't lie to you, let's put down the butcher knife and go back quickly." Wu Daojia laughed beside him.

Chapter 66

At this time, Zhou Zhang finally understood, no wonder the other party would say so, looking at Jiulong Mountain, there is still a lot of pressure.

It is indeed like this, the blood of the black unicorn appeared within the scope of Jiulong Mountain.

The pressure on Jiulong Mountain is also relatively large. Although his own strength is also quite strong, when facing several forces at the same time, it is quite ugly.

I don't know what to say, no wonder this batch of medicinal materials must be taken back. It seems that I understand it at this time.

"The pressure on your Nine Dragons Mountain is really too great."

"After all, this is not a trivial matter. If something unexpected happens, it will be really ugly."

Zhou Zhang said silently beside him, and he knew the scene in front of him very well in his heart.

After all, if several forces attacked Jiulong Mountain at the same time, it is really hard to imagine such a scene.

"It's really like this, our big boss is also quite distressed."

"I don't know how to deal with these situations during this time."

"You have probably understood the scene here. It is indeed like this, and Jiulong Mountain is also quite dangerous."

Zhang San said silently beside him, as if in this scene, he didn't know what to do.

There is no way to solve it right now, after all, I couldn't accept it at all before.

"Okay, don't mention Jiulong Mountain. I hope you Jiulong Mountain can withstand these pressures."

"I guess you are also quite distressed now. After all, the situation in front of you is too dangerous."

Zhou Zhang shook his head helplessly beside him, even if he was chased by several forces at the same time, it would be quite embarrassing.

In the current scene, I can only respect his introduction, and I don't know what to say. After all, the current interaction scene is really hard to imagine.

"Okay, let's not talk about the Jiulongshan thing, why don't you hurry up and watch the show."

"Look, it seems that the fifth leader of the World Association is also very arrogant."

"I didn't take the other party into my eyes at all, it was really annoying."

"I don't know what kind of courage he has to say such a thing!"

Zhou Zhang said silently, because he knew very well in his heart, and after listening to Zhang San's introduction, the strength of the two should be similar.

One person is in the dark, and the other is in the light. If confronted, it is more likely to be in the dark.

After all, this is not a joke. If there is any accident, the loss is too great, and no one wants to bear all these losses.

After all, this is not a child's play. If something unexpected happens, it will definitely be life-threatening.

"Okay, then let's take a look at their situation first. I don't know what to do when you say that."

"It sounds like there are a lot of difficulties to hear you say that, but I want to see what's going on."

Zhou Zhang silently said that there are all kinds of helplessness in his heart, but in this scene in front of him, he can't change too many opportunities for him.

You can only insist silently, or say this is what you need the most. If you don't persist, there is no way at all.

"Okay, don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it, just watch it carefully."

"When the time comes, let you see what is called the powerhouse among the powerhouses, and you can feel the strength of Jiulong Mountain and the World Association."

Zhang San said silently beside him that he was quite the same in his heart, as if he had those strengths, and he didn't care about Zhou Zhang's feelings at all.

In my heart, I also understand quite a bit. Although Zhou Zhang is also quite terrifying, I understand that the third master of Jiulong Mountain and the fifth master of the world are quite terrifying.

It is definitely not that ordinary people can easily accept him, especially those strengths, which are particularly taboo for everyone.

After all, I still understand these situations very well, and I also understand very well what kind of open and secret struggles are involved.

Therefore, at this time, I need to stabilize my qi no matter what, I must not mess around, and I must not have any accidents.

Otherwise, in the end, it will definitely be him who suffers. After all, these things are definitely not a joke.

After all, you must understand the situation in front of you. If you go on like this, you will be very depressed.

Even I don't know what's going on. If something goes wrong, it's a slap in the face for me, which is a little bad.

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