The third master of Jiulongshan silently said that he was happy in his heart. In fact, he was not afraid of the other party, but just wanted to use some strategies.

After all, this batch of materials is too important to me, and the big boss has issued an order, and they have to get all these materials back no matter what.

Therefore, at this time, you must be careful, and you must not have any carelessness. First let the other party increase their attention and exhaust their energy.

Wait until the evening, and then go all out to attack, only in this way, maybe the production capacity wins.

The scene in front of you means that you can't give yourself such a cosy opportunity, and you must be careful, otherwise, you really don't know what to say.

You must be careful, otherwise, if there is an accident or if you are beaten down by the opponent, it will be too big for the entire Nine Dragons Mountain.

After all, this is not a joke. Once these accidents occur, it will be a considerable loss as a whole.

So in any case, you must be careful, and you must not embarrass the big boss, otherwise, you will be considered useless.

He also understands the importance of all this in his heart, and Wu Hao himself needs to take all these responsibilities.

Otherwise, it's useless to say anything else.

"Okay, don't worry, we will definitely make them quite tired for the third-headed family, and we will never let them have any procrastination."

"We have to see what kind of ability they have to dare to speak like that, and I have to see how long they can hold on."

I saw the other robbers talking beside him, as if the other party had already entered his own trap, and he didn't take the other party seriously at all.

I am also quite confident in my heart, after all, these things are really meaningful to me.

There is no need to say anything more. After all, the scene in front of you is really hard for everyone to imagine. There is always a feeling that there is a victory over there.

This is indeed the case. Those freshmen of the other party have already laid the foundation, and they are too careless.

They didn't take everyone into consideration at all, that is, because they were careless, they wouldn't necessarily lose.

Listening to what the other party said, I nodded silently and asked him to pick me up, which was the best result, and I quite liked it.

This time, he had to keep the other party no matter what, otherwise he wouldn't have to go out in person.

And when it is full this time, this batch of materials must also be obtained, otherwise all these efforts will really be in vain.

The third master of Jiulong Mountain is quite proud in his heart. After all, this fact in front of him actually makes him quite happy, and the other party has already fallen into his trap.

Judging from the other party's thoughts, I don't know what the other party thinks, so they would be so careless. After all, the strength of the two people is not much different.

However, in this way, the other party unintentionally sold himself on the road of death.

What kind of development will be in the future, it is quite clear without guessing that they will be overworked little by little, but they have no ideas.

At that time, when I came out, it really broke everyone, and it was considered a face for myself.

After thinking of this, I was also quite excited. After all, this is not a trivial matter, and it is also quite important to me.

Chapter 69

Looking at everything in front of him, Zhou Zhang was also quite speechless. He never thought that the fifth leader of the World Association would be so careless.

What's going on right now?Do you mean they can't see it?Could it be that you can't be a little smarter?

Zhou Zhang also knew very well in his heart that if he was like this, how would he fight them in the future, after all, they would never give him any chance.

It's quite terrifying to think about. The other party's actions are really too smart, and it's no different from himself. It's good to not know what to say about the scene in front of you.

After all, this is indeed the case. Only when the opponent consumes almost the same amount of money will they have a better chance of winning.

At that time, you don't need to occupy yourself, and you can basically win. Thinking about it is also very happy, but the other party is really too careless.

After that, Zhou Zhang didn't say much, only to see that the Sword of the Sky appeared as a whole with many hidden weapons. The number of these hidden weapons was too terrifying.

It was as if he was looking for something to prepare for them, there was no fault at all, and he rushed towards them directly.

Seeing all this in front of him, the fifth leader of the World Association also frowned, and he never thought that so many hidden weapons would emerge.

Even if you are powerful, if you want to block all these hidden weapons, it will take some time.

When thinking of all this, there are all kinds of helplessness in my heart, but there is no way at the moment, after all, I have already fallen into the trap of the other party.

If you think about breaking through at the beginning, not only will there be nothing, or there will be no chance now.

"Okay, let's work together quickly, we must bring down all these hidden weapons."

"Otherwise, these people in the back are really suffering, and no accidents are allowed."

The fifth head of Tianxiahui said silently next to him that he was quite worried. After all, these materials belonged to this group of people. If there is any accident, it is really unimaginable.

Therefore, we must protect the other party no matter what, this is the most important thing that has been discussed before departure.

It is precisely for this reason that the other party agreed to sell these things to his own gang. Once he breaches the contract, it is really hard to imagine his own reputation.

Then I saw that all the big men acted at the same time, and everyone knew the scene in front of them very well, and they were not very optimistic.

Once something unexpectedly shows up, the result is quite frightening, and there is no way to solve it.

Therefore, no one dared to say anything more about all the things in front of them, and they just silently combined to resist all this.

I'm so scared, if something unexpected happens, I don't know what to say.

It's just that these hidden weapons don't have much power, and they are all blocked by this light screen, but this light screen is also getting dimmer.

After all, this is the truth, so many tricks have been played, and if we go down before this, it will be a little difficult to support.

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