After all, he is also quite afraid of the other party and has nothing to do with himself. Once he starts, he will definitely be ruthless.

After thinking of this, I was also very worried, and I absolutely couldn't stay here, otherwise it would be really unimaginable.

"Okay, I won't tell you too much, let's go quickly."

"Don't ask me why, just understand that I am good to you."

Zhou Zhang said silently, and then there was not much explanation.

"You are here waiting for me to have absolutely no accident."

"I'll pull on Phoenix later, let's go together."

Zhou Zhang said silently, there is nothing he can do right now, if he brings Zhang San, it will be a drag.

I don't want to look like that, after all, the other party is too stupid, and the other party's strength is very easy to reveal his whereabouts.

At that time, there was no way for him to do anything, and he was particularly taboo towards this third-headed family.

If I am too close, I will definitely be like my boss in the future, there is no way out, and I don't want that to happen.

"What's going on? Wasn't it okay just now? Why are you so scared all of a sudden?"

Zhang San was bored to receive it next to him, and he didn't have any understanding at the moment. Why the other party would say this, he seemed very worried all of a sudden.

I always feel that there is no need for that. After all, I have been hiding so tightly here. If I am found again, it is really unimaginable.

I was still very depressed and didn't know what was going on.

"Okay, don't think too much, just let you listen to me, it will never hurt you."

"Okay, I won't tell you more, you just stay in this position and don't move."

Zhou Zhang said silently, he was quite concerned about all of this, and had absolutely no other thoughts.

My heart is also quite nervous, and I really want to leave this unclean place as soon as possible, or that the other party is about to kill.

If I had mixed in at that time, I would have become a scapegoat inside, and it would have been a little uncomfortable.

Zhou Zhang said silently, that he knew this situation very well in his heart, and there must be no mistakes, and it can only be like this at the moment.

There is no way I can do it. If I drag on like this, once any danger arises, I will not dare to subvert those responsibilities.

"Okay, you don't have too many choices, I'm leaving right now, you stay here."

Standing silently, he said that for all of this, he has any mistakes, otherwise, he is really helpless.

I don't have any way to do it myself, and I can only silently recognize it on this day. After all, there is no way to solve it.

There is no way to solve all this by myself, after all, this is not a joke.

I don't want to say anything more, I just want to silently acknowledge, after all, the situation at this time has already exceeded everyone's budget.

"Okay, then I'll be waiting for you here, but you have to hurry up, I don't dare to stay alone."

Zhang San said silently beside him, as if he was also quite useless, and he didn't have much embarrassment at all.

I didn't expect to say such a thing, it's really too stingy, this is not a joke.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll come to you after I'm done, this is no small matter."

"I can't continue to drag it here, and I can't be as careless as I am."

Zhou Zhang said silently, that he had already made such preparations in his heart. After all, this is not a joke. If it is really like what he said, it is really very serious.

After that, Zhou Zhang didn't say much, just turned around and left. He didn't want to continue dragging it here, otherwise there would be an accident.

At that time, it is really too late for anything. After all, there is no way to solve it at that time.

I know this situation very well in my heart, and I must not have any accidents, otherwise I would really be too late.

Then Zhou Zhang disappeared into the shadows, and he didn't say anything, just like a special symbol.

After watching Zhou Zhang disappear, Zhang San didn't say anything, just stared at all the things in front of him silently, and his heart was quite nervous.

After all, this is not a joke, the two sides are about to develop it soon, and it is also quite happy and exciting for me.

You have to take a good look at what's going on, otherwise you've been living in vain for so many years.

I was very excited in my heart. This is not a joke. The war between the two sides is really a devastating blow for me, and there is absolutely no mistake.

After all, the war is about to start, and the atmosphere is quite strong. If there is any mishap, it represents the ownership of these medicinal materials.

If it's really like what Zhou Zhang said, I'm really too excited. After all, the current affairs have exceeded all budgets, so I have to do it well.

Otherwise, it is really hard to imagine that the current situation has told everyone that these things must be treated properly.

Otherwise, there is no way to do it, and now I don't know what to say, just wait silently.

I hope there can be a better breakthrough here, otherwise, I will be waiting for this time in vain, and waiting is quite boring.

Chapter 79

After that, Zhou Zhang disappeared into this forest, and he was also so afraid, even more afraid of escaping here like a phoenix.

After that, he didn't say anything, what he used directly, and he went straight to a state of eyes.

After all, I don't dare to have too many ideas, and I don't dare to be discovered by others. After all, I have already felt that the third master will definitely attack this time.

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