The Supreme Being

Chapter 1002 Frustration (first update)

"Black Emperor?" Huo Lishang felt inexplicably familiar, "I once encountered a mysterious organization whose members were all named ancient immortal gods. I didn't expect that Jin'ao Island also had such a habit."

It feels like they have the same origin, but "Yin Ancestor" Xu Bei was a secret subordinate of Jin'ao Island and wiped out all members of the mysterious organization "Huang Long Zhenren". Could it be that they are old enemies or rivals?

Su Daji had a few strands of hair hanging down on the left side. She moved it with her delicate hands and said with a smile: "There is no owner in the world and great catastrophe. I am the only one in Jin'ao Island who wants to recreate the glory of the Yin Shang Dynasty in heaven. Why should Mr. Li Shang make such a fuss?"

"It makes sense." Huo Lishang nodded. He was calm and composed. He was not about to take the "Nine Turns of Li Xuan Pill" and become a worry for the subordinates of Jin'ao Island. It seemed that just as he said just now, all kinds of life changes. , different experiences, each has its own beauty. Since we are forced to "leave home" and go through ups and downs, it is better to put down the package, let go of all the externalities, experience and enjoy to the fullest, and not be entangled by the sorrow of separation.

At this time, he changed the topic and said with a smile: "I still have something unclear. Please ask Fairy Su to clear up the doubts."

No matter the tone, expression, or behavior, Ye Di seemed to be a family with Jin'ao Island, regardless of each other, and would not resist, so he asked boldly.

"Young Master Li Shang is one of the most intelligent people in the world. Why don't you know anything about it?" Su Daji felt charming even when he chuckled.

Huo Lishang looked around and saw only Yin Weiyang shrouded in mist and the Taoist Tianming who was full of fate and despair. Then he smiled slightly and said: "From what I can see so far, there are four immortal masters on Jin'ao Island, let alone the unpredictable ones." Fairy Su, you and the island master, among the vast fragments of the ancient wilderness, the wild beasts and ferocious birds that you encounter are all tyrannical, comparable to great demons, and there are many in them. It seems that they don’t have the power to use force. Could it be that we clean the palaces, clean the buildings, and ships, etc. lack of manpower?"

He expressed his doubts in a humorous tone. With the strength shown by Jin'ao Island, why bother to mobilize troops and hold a special banquet for himself and others?

The emperor may visit the thatched cottage three times to prepare for the prime minister, but I have never heard of him giving a banquet to the government officials.

If necessary, the right way would be to directly send angelic messengers to coerce and conquer them one by one. This would also prevent the Dharmakaya from colluding with the alliance.

Su Daji's beautiful eyes flickered, her eyes moved, she covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Young Master Li Shang must also be aware of the upcoming catastrophe, and also understand that this is an opportunity?"

"Yes." Huo Lishang didn't understand why Su Daji suddenly mentioned this matter.

"But do you know how to survive the catastrophe? Do you know how to seize the opportunity? Matters involving the great road are mysterious and mysterious. It is definitely not a legend. God and other great supernatural powers will return like rain like stars, and then fight with each other to determine the winner. , and the leader was finally awarded the Dao Fruit?" Su Daji's lips curled up slightly, "This is not a competition."

Night Emperor admired Su Daji's frown and smile, and said with a thoughtful expression: "I really don't know, but all the ancient books and classics only talk about an eternal catastrophe, and only say that a catastrophe is also a great fortune, but there is no mention of the details. "

Her implication is that this banquet melee involves arrangements related to the catastrophe, or is it at least related to the arrangements of the mysterious island owner?

Before he could ask more questions, Su Daji already had a red elixir in her hand. It was like a flower on a river at sunrise. It was brilliant on the outside, but it was also like the bottom of a river with deep water. It contained dangers. No need to describe it, you can feel it when you see it. .

"Master Li Shang, please take this 'Nine Turns of Li Xuan Pill' first." Su Daji blinked and pushed the pill over.

Ye Di laughed, looking at Su Daji's white and delicate palm with hot but not obscene eyes. He took the Jiuzhuan Lixuan Pill and swallowed it without hesitation, as if it was a flat peach rather than poison.

After seeing Huo Lishang take the "Nine Turns of Li Xuan Pill", Su Daji smiled sweetly, and Pingping Tingting bowed: "We belong to Jin'ao Island in the future, please take more care of me."

"I have my wish, but I don't dare to ask for your attention." Ye Di admired this rare beauty and seemed to have begun to enjoy the beauty of this experience.

In the ancient fragments, at the cracks in the gray stone, where Huo Lishang's black shadow merged, a little bit of blood suddenly seeped out, mottled and hideous.


"Emperor Taixuan" Song Jianjia's martial arts practice is both good and evil. He is famous for his strangeness. There is no need to kill, destroy and plunder. He is an unnatural evil demon. The reason why he has become the first of the three demons is that he can stop children in the seven seas and twenty-eight realms. Ye Ciao is a giant of the left, and the reasons are all due to herself.

She looks pure and beautiful, without makeup, but she has a perverse and extreme personality, is moody, and has strong strength. She has no scruples about many things. For example, if someone takes one more look at her, the whole family will be destroyed, such as forcibly accepting someone. A hero is a "concubine". For example, if a subordinate is bullied, it will definitely bring disaster to the other nine tribes.

At this moment, when Song Jianjia saw the man in green robe who had just attacked him appeared and restrained "Yin Ancestor" Xu Bei, Song Jianjia snorted coldly and raised his right palm.

Her entire palm had become translucent and crystal clear, as if it were carved out of condensed rays of light, not like a dharma body, but like a divine weapon.

After previous battles, Song Jianjia knew very well that the enemy's dharma body was stronger than the Vajra and was difficult to shake. Therefore, he did not hide his secrets and directly used the famous "Qing and Turbidity Two Mysteries Slash", combined with the tyranny of the "Tai Xuan Immortal Hand" Magical power.

This cut is the "Qing Xuan Zhengli Cut".

The clear air rises and becomes the immortal world, carrying the righteous principles of heaven and earth, which is extremely mysterious and wonderful. Song Jianjia's chop imitates this meaning.

Whenever she performs this magical skill, her expression is always solemn, because no one knows the horror of "Pure and Turbidity Two Mysteries Slash" better than her. If it were in a different position, she believed that she would not be able to stop it.

And the man in green robe in front of him must be like this too. The gap between the two sides has been fully exposed in the previous confrontation.

Slashing out with his right palm, Song Jianjia looked solemn, with only the slash turning into light in his pupils.

The heaven and the earth seem to be divided, the pure air is filled, surrounded by light, rejecting all laws other than the right principles, only I am the only one, and this is the only way to achieve righteousness and close to evil.

Meng Qi was a little surprised by Song Jianjia's attack. In his opinion, no matter whether there was any other conspiracy on Jin'ao Island, in the melee, the strong ones should avoid fighting each other from the beginning. It is best to coexist peacefully for the time being and explore other ways out. , instead of fighting like a snipe and a clam, give the fisherman a chance. This "Emperor Taixuan" has met him for the first time, and he doesn't seem to be an irrational person. Why must he take action?

Accidents are accidents, and his premonition of danger has always been outstanding among the best. Even when Song Jianjia raised his hand, he had already drawn the Overlord's Blade and slashed to the side leisurely.

The blade is transparent, as if it is made of purple thunder, and the electric light flashes, coming first and turning the place filled with pure air into a sea of ​​thunder.

At this moment, Song Jianjia struck out with his left hand!

This palm was dark and pitch-black, like a piece of black jade, filled with the cold feeling of filth, depravity and death, and filled with the deepest and most evil turbidity. Instead of slashing at Meng Qi, it struck at the "clean Qi" that had been diffused previously. .

"Zhuoyou's evil words will be cut off."

When the pure and the turbid met, there was a sudden offset. Meng Qi's surroundings suddenly lit up. Everything was annihilated and returned to the sea of ​​energy. It quickly spread outwards, destroying the earth and swallowing up the woods. Even the sound could not be heard. The sky and the earth seemed to Pasted together.

The real terrifying thing about "Purity and Turbidity Two Mysteries Slash" is that the front and back collide and annihilate each other. If the strength is enough, it can produce a chain reaction, spread infinitely, destroy the world, and even the "Tai Xuan Emperor" Song Jianjia himself feels it Fear.

No matter how strong his Dharma body is, it will be difficult to stop him!

Song Jianjia watched the annihilation of good and evil gradually come to an end, and found that "Yin Ancestor" Xu Bei was sent away by Jin Ao's forbidden talisman at a critical moment.

Her expression was calm, without any cruelty, and she was waiting for the results to appear, feeling very confident.

The annihilation stopped, and Song Jianjia's pupils suddenly shrank, because a green-robed figure floated in the distance, with chaotic clouds shrouding its head. The surrounding dim light fluctuated like a tide, and became much dimmer and thinner, but there was no rupture or collapse. trace.

Wushang blocked the positive and negative annihilation of "Pure and Turbid Two Mysterious Slash"?

Before Song Jianjia had time to think more, he saw a flash of purple lightning and the light of the sword falling on him.

She frowned, and her body became ethereal and illusory again. The light of the sword suddenly seemed to hit an illusion or a reflection in the water. After a ripple, she could only watch helplessly as she returned to her original state.

Good means... Meng Qi nodded slightly. Emperor Taixuan has been famous for many years. He is only inferior to Fairy Hunyuan in the Seven Seas and Twenty-eight Realms. If he is somewhat capable, he is not someone who can be defeated easily.

He didn't want to dwell on this, so he raised his sleeves and the world immediately became dark.

Come back to the world in your sleeve again? Song Jianjia was about to sneer, but suddenly her expression froze and her eyes were shocked.


This feeling is completely different from just now. It is a universe of its own, with heaven and earth as a cage!

If we met the "Zhen Yuanzi" of the mysterious organization before, now we are the "Zhen Yuanzi" who has genuine and timely goods. The difference between true and false is clear at a glance!

Is it an "impostor" who sneaks up on me to cause conflict?

While struggling to hold on, Song Jianjia suddenly came to a realization. Just as he was about to explain and remind him, a figure suddenly appeared outside the dark world, with five colors of red, green, yellow, white and black brilliance falling behind him.

As soon as the five-color divine light flashed, Song Jianjia immediately fell into it, unable to speak.

It wasn't until Taili appeared that Meng Qi sensed it. At this time, he was half a beat too late and could only watch helplessly as he snatched Song Jianjia away and fled away quickly.

"Why did Taili save Song Jianjia?" Meng Qi frowned slightly.


"Peacock Demon King" Taili flew away for a while, and suddenly sensed a familiar aura. It was "Baize Demon King" Zhu Wu.

"Finally I met you." Zhu Wu has been suppressed for many years and is still stuck at the peak of the Human Immortal. He has never been able to advance. He has little confidence in facing any Earth Immortal. Moreover, the Demon Holy Spear is in Taili's hand. So after seeing the other party, he let out a long sigh.

Taili stopped escaping the light, and the five-color divine light behind him shook, red, green, yellow, white and black, and said in a deep voice: "Wait a moment and get closer."

While he was speaking, he flashed his divine light and brushed away the confused Zhu Wu.

After closing his eyes for a few breaths, Taili flicked out the five-colored divine light and revealed the Demon King Bai Ze. He said slightly arrogantly: "You also know who the island owner is, so naturally I have to guard against you being a fake."

"It should, it should." Zhu Wu said with a bitter smile, "Then you force your way out of the island?"

Taili looked around and pondered: "Do you know how to escape from this ancient fragment?"

The Baize clan is famous for knowing everything about the world.

Zhu Wu looked up at the sky and said hesitantly: "We have to wait until the Golden Ao forbidden talisman is activated or the angel messenger comes to save people, then we can see the reality and find a way to escape. Eh..."

He was stunned, as if he had discovered something extraordinary or found Cardinal Dejima high in the sky.

Taili subconsciously sensed it and went away. He saw the sun hanging high like an uncooked egg yolk, and the surrounding area was empty. There was nothing unusual about it.

At this moment, his head suddenly became dizzy and colors appeared in his eyes.

Zhu Wu didn't know when he had a gourd in his hand. A white light shot out of it, and a banner hung inside, blooming in five colors, just like a banner to attract monsters.

Taili's whole body went limp and he was already on the road. The demon holy spear in his hand burned quietly without any warning, as if this was an internal dispute within the demon clan.

"You!" Taili shouted in a low voice.

Zhu Wu coughed and chuckled: "You have always had smooth sailing since you were born. You rarely encounter setbacks. Even if you miss a few times, you are still safe and sound. Therefore, you are always arrogant. This time you should learn a lesson and setbacks."

"Before I was suppressed, I was the 'Qing Emperor' of Jin'ao Island!"

Sweat, I’m not in the right mood today. I obviously have a plot, but I’m stumbling when writing. In the past, when I wrote, words would automatically appear in my mind, and I would write heartily and brilliantly. But today, I write every sentence and think about it, and it’s very painful. , I feel like I have lost my literary talent. I wrote a hundred words in half an hour, so the whole chapter of 3,500 words took me more than five hours. . If I am in good condition, I can write three chapters and ten thousand words. .

There have been similar situations before. It is an intermittent low period for coding. I have to wait for time, write more, and slowly get over it. There will be another update this morning, but I can’t say the time. Everyone will read it tomorrow morning. I have agreed before. I can only wait two days for the third update, which is extremely embarrassing.

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