The Supreme Being

Chapter 1006 Never bow down

Zhuxian Sword Formation?

He Qi and Yun He were at a loss when they heard these four words, but Qin Yue, the "Golden Immortal of Chaos", Zhong Li Mei, the "Immortal Immortal", Shan Heng, the "Supreme Demon Lord", and others were shocked.

The "Zhuxian Sword Formation" is known as the first killing formation in ancient times?

The Zhuxian Sword Formation is comparable to the Tathagata Palm, the Seven Swords of the Sky, and the Wuji Daoyi?

And compared to these top magic skills, the Zhuxian Sword Formation has an advantage. It is a formation that can accumulate the strength of several people and is definitely not comparable to a single fight. However, after the Battle of the Gods, this killing formation has been lost. I didn't expect it to suddenly appear in front of people now!

"The four of them have shown combat power beyond that of ordinary earthly immortals. Now they have set up the 'Sword Formation of Immortal Execution'. Can they really kill the celestial immortals?"

"But the celestial immortals are a world of their own. All the power contained in them is close to the sun and stars outside the sun in the real world. It is no problem to destroy galaxies with a wave of their hands. If it were not for the specialness of the real world and the fragments of the prehistoric world, their breath could change the basic laws of other universes. They are solid in themselves, easy to be injured, and difficult to be destroyed. They have become the main battlefield for the legendary creation and other powerful people to fight for their layout. They have just fallen apart. Will such immortals really be killed by earthly immortals with the help of the Sword Formation of Immortal Execution?"

"More importantly, there is not only one celestial immortal in the Sword Formation of Immortal Execution, but two, and there are many imposters with the strength of earthly immortals. The combined strength may not be compensated by the Sword Formation of Immortal Execution..."

Qin Yue was happy at first, but then he became worried. His thoughts were up and down, with expectations and worries.

It's not that he didn't know the supreme reputation of the Sword Formation of Immortal Execution, nor did he doubt their level. It's just that the enemy is too powerful!

He and other Dharmakayas had long focused their sights on the water curtain. Su Daji also lost her calm and lazy performance and stood up from the main seat, trying to exert influence on the fragments of the prehistoric world.

In their eyes, Meng Qi showed his "Immortal Primordial Body", with thin clouds of celebration above his head and chaotic dim light hanging down, majestic and majestic, as if a god descended from the sky. The Immortal Sword in his hand shook, shooting out five-color sword lights of red, green, yellow, white and black, absorbing all colors along the way, leaving only the black and white shrouded in gray. The wind became slow, and the air flow became sticky, and everything seemed to fall into amber.

Su Wuming stood at an unknown height, with the same appearance as him, as if different types of sword energy were condensed according to different rules. His eyes were indifferent, and he was forgetful and treated everyone equally. He turned the sword in his hand and swung it down. Suddenly, sword lights burst out from all over the void, as if they were everywhere, destroying the void and blocking dodge.

Gao Lan's body was majestic, wearing a Minghuang robe and a flat crown. He was surrounded by the sun, moon, stars, mountains, and rivers. The figures of the heroes of the human race and his subjects, as well as the virtual images of demons, immortals, and gods, formed a kingly aura that overwhelmed the world. Following the mighty sword of the emperor, he slashed out, dyeing the sky golden, replacing the sea of ​​energy, and transforming everything.

Witnessing this scene, Zhu Zisheng, no matter how slow he was, had a premonition of extreme danger with a sword hanging over his head. Without thinking, he opened his huge mouth and spit out the flame god bead. Yin Buer turned into a monster with a bird's body and a human head, like a god in mythology.

At this moment, Mr. Lu, who was right in front of them, had a metallic luster on his skin, revealing the ordinary "Gengjin Immortal Body". He looked at the other three sword lights with a focused look and pious eyes. The Yixin sword in his hand seemed to be slow but fast, like thunder from the nine heavens, and a sword light remained at the bottom of Zhu Zisheng's pupils.

The sword light split, like lightning, wisps and wisps, it was hard to feel, it seemed to form an invisible sword formation, and it seemed to disappear between heaven and earth, but the void began to boil, and there were many substances gushing out in places that were normally thought to be empty, or condensing or disintegrating, bringing terrible destruction, and setting off a storm.

The four sword lights merged, time and space were immediately entangled, matter and energy mixed, and the changes from little to much, instantly soared.

Zhu Zisheng and Yin Buer suddenly felt that the surroundings became hazy, like a pot of boiling porridge, gurgling constantly, chaotic, and this chaos was still absorbing matter and energy, increasing rapidly, spreading infinitely, and seemed to continue to the end of the dead silence. The attacks made by other imposters and even themselves had no effect on the chaos, but deepened this chaos, the ultimate chaos from existence to nothingness.

The red fire bead flew out and turned into a sun, which made Zhu Zisheng and Yin Buer look as small as dust. The flame melted the surroundings and bent the void into a ball, but it did not calm the chaos, but made it even crazier. The flame was out of control, and the sphere seemed to have lost order.

This... Zhu Zisheng and Yin Buer were shocked, and then saw the extremely bright red light burst out from the inside of the disintegrating fireball, illuminating the haziness, engulfing the world, and engulfing themselves.

The full force of the peak of the celestial immortal is equal to the power of a normal star. If it explodes, it can definitely destroy the planet and the entire galaxy. Even in the vast universe, it is a matter of attention. But here, such power can only destroy the surface within a certain range and go deep into the ground. It cannot cause complete destruction, because this is the real world directly inherited from the immortal world or the fragments of the ancient times. The breath can change all kinds of other universes. It is essentially higher than the galaxy, higher than the river, and higher than the universe. I am afraid that only the struggle of the other side can cause real division and destruction.

But this level of destruction does not represent the horror of the immortal's attack. At least Qin Yue and the others saw boundless sword light shrouding the area, with flames erupting, and saw the vast sky and earth crumbling piece by piece, leaving behind shocking nothingness, and none of the wild beasts and ferocious birds nearby were spared.

With a click, the four sword lights separated, and a crack appeared in the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Zhu Zisheng, who was surrounded by demonic aura, and Yin Buer, who was wearing a feather and a star crown, rushed out. Their faces were filled with joy at being able to escape the catastrophe.

Did they really resist the Zhuxian Sword Formation? Deep disappointment and frustration arose in the minds of Qin Yue, Shan Heng and other Buddhist practitioners, and Su Daji breathed a long sigh of relief.

Is this the tyranny of immortals?

Is this a world of its own, equal to the horror of the Great Sun?

As soon as the idea came to their mind, they saw the happy expressions of Zhu Zisheng and Yin Buer solidified in the void, and there was a bit of unbelievable fear in their eyes.

Creaking, illusory cracks appeared on their bodies, and the dharma body turned into countless small pieces, each piece creating a mess.

do you died? Are we dead? Zhu Zisheng turned his head to look at Yin Buer with difficulty, only to see that the other person had become illusory and chaotic, with the same version of himself reflected in his eyes, and everything quickly fell into deathly silence.

Two immortals have fallen!

Qin Yue, Zhong Limei and others were not ecstatic, only indescribable shock.

If the two immortals died directly in the Zhuxian Sword Formation and they didn't see it with their own eyes, maybe it wouldn't be the case, but now Zhu Zisheng and Yin Buer collapsed in front of them, in stark contrast to their previous tyrannical performance. They felt an unprecedented impact.

Can three earthly immortals and a mysterious human immortal rely on the Zhuxian Sword Formation to kill two heavenly immortals?

What a killing formation, how invincible!

This is the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

At this moment, Zhu Zisheng and Yin Buer's illusion-shattering Dharma bodies twisted and squirmed, and countless light points escaped, each turning into a long white hair that collapsed inch by inch.

The last remaining true spirits of the two immortals looked at each other, only confused and horrified:

"Are we just a white hair?"

The white hair disappeared into ashes, and Qin Yue and others looked at each other in shock. The two immortals were just transformed from a white hair?

Yin Weiyang's expression fluctuated, and he took three steps back in succession, feeling a turbulent wave rising in his heart:

"Are they transformed from a white hair?"

"what about me?"

"I have complete childhood memories, I have memories of practicing Yin Shang martial arts, and I have experienced joys and sorrows, am I also a white hair?"

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of her, it was Taili with five-colored hair.

Taili raised the corners of his mouth and said with a mocking smile: "So that's it, you are all just transformed into one of his white hairs."

boom! When the sound reached his ears, Yin Weiyang was shaken by his own existence, and his body suddenly disintegrated at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a single white hair.

It turns out that I am really just a white hair, so do you think that everything I have experienced is false... Yin Weiyang left a bitter obsession.

At this time, five colors of red, green, yellow, white and black light flowed behind Taili, brushing towards the astonished Su Daji.

You don’t want the Jiuzuanlixuan Pill antidote? Su Daji's eyes seemed to be questioning.

Taili smiled proudly, his divine light brushing off, without hesitation.

So what?

I have killed countless people, I have conspired against the enemy, I have suffered setbacks, and I have no other persistence.

But the peacock will never bow its head!

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