The Supreme Being

Chapter 1017 Tengu Eating the Sun (Third Update)

"What's wrong?" Seeing Meng Qi looking back, He Qi asked via voice message.

The dark red and almost black flesh foam... Meng Qi shook his head as if nothing happened: "It's nothing."

This dark red and almost black flesh foam is somewhere between reality and illusion. You can't detect it just by relying on your spiritual senses and your discerning eyes. To be precise, you didn't see it directly, but you noticed that there were so many guests enjoying the beancurd. Due to inexplicable cause and effect, I followed the cause and effect back to see this thing inside the bean curd.

It’s not that he possesses the “One Seal of the Tao” and the “Cause of All Effects” has entered the house. Even an immortal would have to go through a lot of troubles to find out. Is this the way the “Tai Sheng Demon” Wu Daoming hides?

Breaking the demonic body into pieces, mincing it into minced flesh, and parasitic in different people's bodies, it is like planting demonic seeds all over the body, so as to hide it from the pursuit of saints such as Benevolent Saint, Heart Saint, etc., and wait until the storm has passed, or the time of transformation has passed. If it is exhausted, the magic seeds will bear fruit, a bumper harvest will be achieved, and the warehouse will be full of "food"?

After Meng Qi attained the Dharma, his "flesh and spirit" were making great progress. When he reached the immortal stage, he should be able to be reborn with blood. Therefore, he could respond quickly to similar things. He felt that this was most likely the "Tai Shang Tian Demon" Wu Daoming. A way to hide the truth.

It's just that I have already planned to be a competent onlooker, and there is no need to expose it and cause drastic changes in history. It is best to just watch and learn quietly, and let things develop and evolve on their own.

With a calm expression on his face, he joined hands with He Qi and walked towards the entrance of the alley with neither fast nor slow steps. Thoughts were floating in his mind, and he suddenly had a few more questions:

Breaking them into parts and parasitizing different people is definitely not something that can be accomplished overnight. According to the daily number of customers at Mrs. Wang’s tofu shop and the amount of minced meat in each bowl of tofu curd, calculating the time, the "Tai Shang Tian Demon" should still have a lot of Part of the demonic body has not been decomposed, so how can he hide it?

If a Dharmakaya swallows the "meat foam" in the bean curd, it will be difficult to notice or not notice it. Aunt Wang does not know the Dharmakaya, but Xuannv of the Five Dynasties does. She suddenly manifests and eats the bowl of sweet bean curd first. Could it be that he was trying to prevent himself and Senior He Qi from finding out what the problem was?

So it seems that the Fifth Generation Xuannv is helping the Supreme Demon to cover up?

Does Overlord know that she did this?

Doubts were like bubbles, popping up and disappearing quickly. Meng Qi did not dwell on them because they were of no importance to him. He was now calculating a very important thing:

If you are a supreme demon and discover that two Dharmakayas "accidentally" found Wang Auntie's tofu shop and almost ate the problematic sweet tofu, causing the Fifth Generation Xuannv to stop them, what should you do next?

Even if they don't seem to have discovered anything, they can't be careless at all. Sooner or later, the sudden manifestation of the Fifth Generation Xuannv will make people realize that something is wrong. Therefore, there are only two options left. One is to launch the arrangement in advance to seize the opportunity, and the other is to kill people as soon as possible. Silence, and the fall or disappearance of a Dharmakaya will inevitably attract the attention of powerful people such as Ren Sheng. If you follow the clues and investigate, it is possible to find clues. Therefore, it is decided that there is only one. Even if the real time has not come yet, we can no longer wait. Yes, the longer you wait, the greater the risk!

This is the best choice after gambling!

Meng Qi took a breath and had a clear understanding in his mind: changes are coming.

Is it really impossible for me to be alone and be a good spectator to the crowd?

I hope that the Supreme Heavenly Demon has other ways to hide, and will not force a breakout because of this... Meng Qi smiled bitterly, feeling a little uneasy, and strolled towards the street with He Qi.

One step, two steps, three steps... The surroundings were calm and there was no change. Meng Qi gradually breathed a sigh of relief. As expected, the "Tai Shang Tian Demon" had a lot of backup plans, and he would not be able to make major changes just because his little butterfly flapped its wings. plan.

At this time, a figure stood out at the street corner, and it was Ren Qiushui in men's clothing. She looked at Meng Qi thoughtfully, as if she had been ordered by the forces behind her to come to test and communicate.

Meng Qi showed a sincere smile and was about to speak when he suddenly found a shadow covering Ren Qiushui!

High above Luocheng, the blazing white sun was quickly covered by dark shadows, as if swallowed up.

"Tengu eats the sun!"

"Tengu eats the sun, and all actions are avoided!"

The light disappeared in an instant, and the surrounding area was so dark that no one could see anything. Sounds came from all directions, and someone started beating gongs and drums in an attempt to drive away the tengu.

But more importantly, in such darkness, not even the consciousness can penetrate too far, and the Dharma Body can at best look like an ordinary person on a cloudy day!

The big sun in the real world is different from the stars, and has many mysteries. The so-called Tengu eclipse the sun is not blocked by the movement of the planets, but for another reason. Once it is "eclipsed", the sun disappears, the coldness rises, and the aura of nine ghosts rises. Half descended upon the earth, bringing absolute darkness.

Meng Qi's heart skipped a beat, and he intuitively believed that the "Supreme Demon" had made arrangements in advance.

His arrangement can actually create a real "Tengu Eclipse"!

In the Luocheng Academy, the free and uninhibited Xinsheng, with his wide robes and big sleeves, raised his head, looked up into the sky, and sighed: "The three heavenly kings of the Demon Sect jointly activated the Jiuyoukan Map to advance the recent 'Tengu Eclipse'" advent?"

He raised his right hand, spread his fingers, and whispered:

"If there is light in the heart, it will shine in all directions."

A bright moon suddenly rose in the absolute darkness, illuminating the entire Luo City.

But Meng Qi did not see this scene, because the black mist filled the area around him, and the dim light flickered, as if his eyes were already isolated from the real world.

Deep in the black mist, stood a man with a strange appearance. He had eyes between his eyebrows and eyes on both cheeks.

The Multi-Eyed Heavenly Demon, the Multi-Eyed Heavenly King, one of the six kings of the Demon Sect, the tyrannical immortal who protected the Supreme Heavenly Demon from breaking through the siege and escaping to Luocheng... His identity had already emerged in Meng Qi's mind.

King Duomu said with a hint of weakness in his tone: "The incident in the thatched cottage failed because of you, and you accidentally broke into the tofu shop, forcing Xuan Nu to stop it. How do you think I should deal with you?"

Stop talking... I have already felt a little correction power from heaven and earth... Meng Qi secretly turned to Wuji, resisted the restraint which was not strong, sighed and said: "Your injury is not light."

"No matter how serious it is, it will make you regret being born." The King of Multi-Eye Celestial Being said coldly, raising his palms to reveal the two eyes on his palms.

Meng Qi said no more and pulled out the Lixian Sword with flowing colors.

At this moment, the rules seemed to exclude him. Meng Qi found that he could no longer hold the Lixian Sword, and watched helplessly as it was bounced away and the black mist ejected.


The five colors of red, green, yellow, white and black flashed, and the Lixian Sword fell in front of He Qi and Ren Qiushui.

He doesn't have the fairy-level sword, and he's still isolated from the real world? Ren Qiushui suddenly felt a little worried, and he took out the Biyue Sword and tried to open the passage.

In the black mist, Meng Qi looked at his empty right hand and seemed a little stunned.

King Duomu laughed loudly: "What you rely on is just a fairy-level divine sword. I used the Jiuyoukan map to interpret that this world excludes divine weapons and magic weapons. What else do you rely on?"

He was prepared to take action and fine-tuned the rules of this world in advance to avoid being seriously injured and taken advantage of by the immortal-level magic weapons.

King Duomu's eyes turned cold: "Aren't you good at swordsmanship? Use your finger sword to show me!"

He has many eyes, a strong demonic body, and vast supernatural powers. He has never relied on external objects, so the world of interpretation focuses on suppressing magical weapons and magic weapons. At this moment, he only feels that the right time, place, and people are present, and his body suddenly It became huge, and the eyes in the palm of his hand lit up with a pale light.

But at this moment, he found that Meng Qi in front of him was gone, and he only saw two mountain peaks.

No, it's not a mountain, it's two huge legs, one of which is more than ten times the size of his own demonic body. Looking up, the Multi-eyed King saw a sky-holding giant with a light golden complexion and three heads. Each head looks like the previous Dharmakaya, looking down at itself with calm, angry, and mocking expressions respectively. The pure physical power is as majestic as the sea of ​​stars.

In front of him, I was as small as a mosquito!


Meng Qi raised his right hand and covered the sky.

My best thing has never been swordsmanship!

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