The Supreme Being

Chapter 1023 Zhuo Biting (first update)

Two thick and medium-sized secret books lay quietly on the table in front of Meng Qi. They contained the supreme swordsmanship passed down from ancient times - Zhuxian and Juexian, including many ancestors of Ren Qiushui's sect. of calligraphy.

This is not the inheritance of the true meaning. It can only record the parts that future generations have mastered or understood. Because their own temperaments, experiences, and paths are different, each person who left a calligraphy treasure has a different description of Zhu Xian and Jue Xian. Of course, if it is true, both If you can reach the other side and completely master these two sword arts, you will reach the same destination through different paths.

"There shouldn't be much of a problem from enlightenment to legend. From legend to legend, people will have different opinions." Meng Qi flipped through the pages and emphatically compared the differences between the first chapter of Dharmakaya.

He Qiduan sat across from the desk, calmed down his slightly wandering thoughts, and said without squinting: "Anyway, for you, it's more of a reference. Take the essence and incorporate it into your own martial arts. It doesn't matter whether there are any flaws."

"Yes, especially the two sects of Zhuxian and Juexian, which involve time and space. If they can understand it, it will be of great benefit to the legend and the path of creation." Meng Qi smiled and pushed the secret book of "Juexian Sword Sutra" in front of He Qi.

"This is it?" He Qi suddenly looked into Meng Qi's eyes.

Meng Qi said with a smile: "The inheritance of the Four Sword Classics and the Immortal Killing Sword Formation does not belong to the juniors. Previously, because Jin'ao Island threatened the entire Jianghu, regardless of north and south, he persuaded the 'master' to let the juniors wait with Mr. Lu Da. Each holds a sword and uses a sword formation to deal with Jin'ao Island, so they don't dare to spread the news."

The so-called "master" is the deceased Chonghe and the group of Xianji. No matter what differences there are between them due to sects and families or the Jin and Northern Zhou Dynasties, when facing Jin'ao Island, their interests are relatively consistent. Therefore, Meng Qicai He will directly understand the jade slip and pass it on privately to Mr. Lu Da and others.

He Qiwei nodded, indicating that he understood this, so he never expected to be able to practice these four sword arts.

"If this generation has gone over to replace me and exchanged the incomplete Four Sword Scriptures and the complete Zhuxian Sword Formation for these two secret books, it will be beneficial to the master and harmless. I believe they will not be surprised. Compared with the original, these two secret books have more power after Dharmakaya. This important chapter can be regarded as the contribution of the younger generation, so I feel that I have the right to deal with it a little bit." Meng Qi said that he only wanted peace of mind when doing things.

These two secret books, as well as the Immortal Trapping, Immortal Killing Sword Scripture and Immortal Killing Sword Formation that I have understood, will be secretly sent to the Chunyang Sect when I return to the future. I believe that if it were not constrained by the rules of the Six Paths, Senior Chonghe would have completed this matter long ago. , I can be regarded as fulfilling a wish for him.

He Qi was silent for a while, without any pretense, and reached out to touch the cover of "The Book of Immortal Sword": "I have received a lot of kindness from you, but I have never been able to repay it, and I feel really ashamed."

"Junior has always believed in a saying, those who have attained the Tao will be helped more." Meng Qi smiled and said, "We are in the Middle Ages, with Dharmakaya everywhere and many immortals. We may encounter danger at any time. If there is an opportunity to improve the strength of our camp, There is no doubt that it is a good thing. Senior He Qi, your formless and formless sword energy involves the meaning of formlessness, the way of truth and illusion, and also involves void. The 'Absolute Immortal Sword' is the supreme sword technique that symbolizes void. It should be helpful. You perfect the skills of the East China Sea Sword Sect and take that crucial step."

He Qi has accumulated enough, but due to the fact that he has to explore and perfect his skills on his own, he has not made much progress. With the "Absolute Immortal Sword Sutra" as a reference, it may not be long before he can be promoted to an Earth Immortal - he has already mastered the "Extreme Immortal Sword Sutra" "The content of "Rubbing" has come to my mind, and I have the Void Seal. I feel a bit unreasonable in this regard. On the contrary, the Zhuxian Sword Sutra is of great use to me. Not only is the time mysterious, but it can also indirectly promote my understanding of "Wuji". Seal", comprehend and master it, and gain insight into the infinite Tao that "has no beginning and no end" and "has no time"!

"I hope so." There was a bit of joy and hesitation in He Qi's expression, "Where should we go next? Where is the inheritance of Xijian Pavilion, where is the inheritance of Zhenwu Sect, or is it the mausoleum of Chunyangzi, the heaven of Yuhuang Mountain?"

Meng Qi pondered for a moment and said: "Mr. Lu Da and Senior Su will definitely guard against Gurdo, Han Guang and the King of Transcendence from destroying the inheritance and changing history after they realize that they have returned to the Middle Ages. Therefore, Senior Su will most likely protect the Xijian Pavilion inheritance. , Mr. Lu Da may go to Chunyangzi’s mausoleum.”

"There is a Time Sword in the Heavenly Court of Jade Emperor Mountain. If it is not willing, the Demon Buddha may not be able to find it even if he comes, let alone Guldo and the others? We'd better go to the secret cache obtained by the Zhenwu Sect to lay it out and leave the causal connection."

He Qi reminded: "But we can't ignore Yuhuang Mountain too much. No one knows the current state of the Time Knife and whether it wants to change history."

Meng Qi smiled bitterly and said: "If it has its thoughts, how can I stop it, but a magic weapon of this level is quite spiritual, so it may not be impossible to understand it with emotion and reason."

Having said this, he said seriously: "Senior He Qi, this junior is now in the limelight, and his reputation is about to spread far and wide, which will surely attract old friends to gather. At this time, if he travels far away, he may miss you, but if he goes there with great fanfare, he may attract Come and pay attention, let the secret treasure appear in advance, and the junior has ruined the good things of the demon sect and killed a heavenly king. It is better to hide his whereabouts to avoid being attacked and killed by the supreme demon or other heavenly kings. Therefore, please stay. In Luocheng, while studying the "Jue Xian Sword Sutra", I am waiting for the arrival of my old friends. "

After the Great Tribulation of Demons and Buddhas in the middle and modern times, the terrain changed a lot, and Meng Qi could not guarantee that he could go back quickly.

"Okay." He Qi agreed without hesitation.

Meng Qi smiled and reminded: "Senior and I have a very close past, and I'm afraid the Demon Sect will pay attention. You need to be careful when you stay in Luo City. It's best to hide in the dark and hire someone to watch out for any acquaintances."


The Mo Palace in Luocheng has continuous eaves and brackets, and a towering "wooden tower" that reaches deep into the clouds.

In the Middle Ages, the long-distance teleportation array had not been completely lost. It was arranged in many places to communicate with the world, and the teleportation array in Luocheng was in Mo Palace.

Meng Qi didn't know the geography of the Middle Ages and was too lazy to escape. He planned to use the teleportation array to go near the Zhenwu Secret Treasures first, and then slowly search based on what he learned. Therefore, he came directly to Mo Palace after bidding farewell to He Qi.

At the same time, he also planned to meet the owner of the local Mo Palace, ask for advice on mechanism techniques and refining various artifacts, and also proposed to pay a visit to the artifact saint.

After this trip to the Middle Ages, if we can return safely and safely, the Universal Knowledge Ball should really be on the agenda!

There were people coming and going in Mo Palace. Although it was not as crowded as the bustling city, it was still quite lively. Some people came to pick up the things they had received, and some people were delivering goods or messages to distant places. Meng Qi saw them stuffing letters into packages more than once, or Remove from package and watch.

The letters contained news from other states and counties, as well as information related to Luocheng, such as "The net set by the saints and the two swords of heaven and earth was cut through by the overlord, and the supreme demon escaped from the dead", such as "With one cut of the overlord, the rituals and music collapsed. , Immortals are falling like rain." For example, "There is a mysterious dharma body, Su Meng, who teaches the world's swordsmanship and lists the top seven swordsmanships. The earthly immortals 'persuaded' one by one." For example, "Su Meng, armed with an immortal-level magic weapon, blocked the strike of the Demon Sword Heavenly King, destroyed the Snowy Heaven Realm, and beheaded the seriously injured Multi-Eyed Heavenly King in Luocheng"...

As expected, the news was delivered quickly enough... Meng Qi moved forward thoughtfully. Soon, he would be famous in the Middle Ages and gain another nickname.

Hope it's not too bad...

I subjugated five factions with one sword and killed the Multi-Eyed King. I look so outstanding, so it shouldn’t be too bad...

Passing through the teleportation array, the flow of people became sparse and the surrounding area gradually became clearer. Meng Qigui was the dharma body and was soon introduced into the flower hall. He met Qiu Han, the master of the Mo Palace here, a half-step dharma body with a ruddy face and gray brown hair. The physical body has been replaced by magical mechanical things.

There are two women in the flower hall, one sitting and one standing. The one standing is obviously a maid, wearing a light blue dress, with a round face, and a bit of gentleness. The one sitting looks like a girl, wearing a white dress, with an elegant appearance. Outstanding, beautiful and fragrant, with a holy temperament that makes people dare not look directly at him, and his strength is also a great master.

"Who are these two?" After exchanging pleasantries, Meng Qi asked casually.

Qiu Han chuckled and said, "This is Zhuo Biting, the saint of the Luo religion."

A Roman saint? Meng Qi looked over subconsciously, and Zhuo Biting nodded gently in greeting, looking holy and inviolable.

The Luo Jiao saint actually appeared in Mo Palace openly?

No, in the Middle Ages, Mother Wusheng was not ready to wake up and return. She just spread the faith and developed the sect in a low-key manner. Although her ideas were evil and unconventional, she was not a heretic. The saint at this time was definitely related to Wusheng. The old mother’s reincarnation has nothing to do with her, she is more of a symbol or a candidate for the leader.

"We have also heard about Mr. Su's victory over the five major sword sects with one sword, and we really admire him." Zhuo Biting's maid interjected with a smile, with the intention of winning over the newly minted Dharmakaya.

At this time, Luo Jiao was not yet one of the Nine Paths of Evil. He was quite timid about developing, not daring to cause trouble, and to make a wide range of connections.

Meng Qi glanced at them and suddenly smiled: "Miss Zhuo, as a saint, holiness is one thing, but being holy alone is easy to be seen through, and you can only get false awe and obedience. It is best to have thousands of people with thousands of faces." , moody and unpredictable, this, this is how..."

Halfway through, Meng Qi shook his head and laughed at himself: "It's me, Meng Lang."

Zhuo Biting stood up calmly and said Qingya: "It doesn't matter."

The maid next to her had a confused look on her face and kept talking to each other. Is Su Meng, the new dharma body, so reckless in what he says and does? Or is it because of sex?

Seeing that Zhuo Biting was about to leave, Meng Qi moved out of the way and let them pass by.

As the two of them passed each other, Meng Qi suddenly heard an elegant voice coming from Zhuo Biting:

"Mr. Su, do you want to go back?"

go back? Meng Qi's pupils shrank suddenly.

she knows?

Sweat, the second update is still around midnight, and I can’t finish writing at 11 o’clock. .

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