The Supreme Being

Chapter 1025 Fortune Telling

"Yuhuang Mountain?" Meng Qi raised his eyebrows and asked back.

If someone else said that, he would only doubt it and not rule out coincidence, but now the one who said these three words is "Sage of Numbers", who has mastered the art of numbers since the mythological era, and no newcomer can surpass him in the next tens of thousands of years.

Sage of Numbers said with a smile: "Your heavenly secrets are chaotic, and it is difficult for me to see through, but this is limited to you, not involving external things. When I calculated the matter of Yuhuang Mountain, I found that it was somewhat related to you."

As expected of the ancestor of Wang Dashenggun... Meng Qi sighed inwardly, but Wang Dashenggun likes to play tricks, not saying everything, and stopping at the right time, creating a mysterious and profound image, while Sage of Numbers speaks frankly and takes care of everything.

Yes, the Wang family's family motto of "don't calculate the hexagrams, don't do things to the extreme, and don't say everything" is the legacy of Sage of Numbers after he suffered a loss.

"What will happen in Yuhuang Mountain?" Meng Qi asked.

The Sage of Numbers smiled without saying anything, turned around and stepped into the teleportation array. Meng Qi pondered for a moment, took a step forward, followed him in, first went to Jade Emperor Mountain, then to the Zhenwu Secret Treasure.

The light rose up, obscuring the sight, time and space changed, shaking the perception.


The Jade Emperor Mountain is towering and covered with all kinds of strange lotus flowers. They are not afraid of cold, heat, height, or wind. There are flowering species in all seasons, attracting many visitors to the mountain.

Meng Qi and the Sage of Numbers sat in the pavilion halfway up the mountain, facing the misty valley, like tourists stopping for a rest.

"What exactly is going on?" Meng Qi couldn't help asking.

The Sage of Numbers touched his snow-white hair and smiled, "I don't quite understand it either. I just calculated that there was a change in Jade Emperor Mountain when I was tracing something. Just wait patiently here."

"I thought you, the Sage of Numbers, had calculated it clearly and thoroughly, and deduced all kinds of changes." Meng Qi deliberately showed a puzzled expression.

The Sage of Numbers chuckled, "If there is no great power covering up the past, I can indeed predict it to be almost accurate. However, the future is full of possibilities. Even the ancient other side dare not say that they have all of them. I can only calculate some of the possibilities and the key points involved, and then guide things at the key points to make things develop in the possible direction and get the desired results. Of course, ordinary people have fewer encounters and fewer variables, and there are only a few possibilities in the future. I can see through it. Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, I have calculated all the secrets of heaven, made accurate predictions, and never lied. I am called a saint in this world." "I didn't expect that you, the Sage of Numbers, would tell me this directly." Accustomed to the style of the great charlatan Wang, Meng Qi was a little uncomfortable with the style of the Sage of Numbers. The Sage of Numbers said, "When I saw you, I felt that I had a good impression of you. You seem to be closely related to my Wang family. Seeing you is like seeing a member of the Wang family. Hehe, this kind of thing is purely a feeling of the unknown, chaotic and vague, but for an old man who studies the "Mathematical Classics", feeling is true."

Can this be felt? Meng Qi seemed to have a new understanding of Luo Shu and the "Mathematical Classics". He smiled and responded, "Maybe in the future, I will really be closely related to the Wang family."

This future is not the same as that future.

Speaking of this, because of the magic shown by the Sage of Numbers, Meng Qi asked with interest, "Sage of Numbers, if I don't hide myself and show you my palms and face, can you calculate something through the chaos of the sky?"

After cutting off the connection with the Demon Buddha, the five-color fate brought by his reincarnation method must have dissipated. I wonder what the situation is now?

The eyes of the Sage of Numbers lit up, and he immediately replied: "I'll try."

He showed an eager expression, as if he was worried about the difficulty of peeping into the chaos of the heavenly secrets, and tried his best to prove himself, like a competitive child.

Faced with such a Sage of Numbers, Meng Qi's mouth twitched. It is said that the older you are, the younger you are. Some people have more and more childish personalities as they get older. The Sage of Numbers seems to belong to this category. "Rejuvenation" may not be just magical, but may also be a description of personality.

As his thoughts turned, he spread out his left hand and handed it to the Sage of Numbers. The Luoshu appeared in the Sage of Numbers' eyes, and black and white light spots flew. It seemed that a group of fireflies were hidden in the depths of his eyes.

The Sage of Numbers looked at it for a few breaths and slowly said: "Life connects two lives."

Accurate, really accurate! Meng Qi, who was just trying it for fun, began to become focused.

The Sage of Numbers frowned slightly: "The True Spirit is two lives, and the Dharma Body is also two lives. Since they are both two lives, then it can only be counted as one life. Could there be some changes in the middle, first taking over the body, and then returning?"

He did not make a definite conclusion, but continued to calculate, because he could use other things calculated to determine the answer later, but Meng Qi was quite surprised and admired. It was really close to the truth, much better than his own half-baked Yuxu Divine Calculation. Professionals are different. The Sage of Numbers has the ability to compete with me in physical strength!

As the Sage of Numbers calculated, he suddenly sighed and looked at Meng Qi kindly: "The road of love is full of twists and turns."

Meng Qi was stunned and could only smile and remain silent, or smile in silence.

The Sage of Numbers continued: "First encountered setbacks, then lost his partner, destined to be alone for a lifetime."

Don't show off the accuracy of the calculation... Meng Qi smiled bitterly.

"But in the state of 'neither dead nor alive', there is still a glimmer of hope." The Sage of Numbers smiled.

Meng Qi's heart was shocked, and he blurted out: "A glimmer of hope? What glimmer of hope?"

Is it a glimmer of hope to revive Xiao Sang?

"A glimmer of hope to not be alone in this life." The Sage of Numbers chuckled.

"Where is the hope?" Meng Qi asked.

The Sage of Numbers blushed slightly, a little ashamed: "It's too chaotic, I can't calculate it, I can only see a sign."

"What sign?" Meng Qi asked in a deep voice.

The Sage of Numbers said solemnly: "Stars fall like rain."

The stars are falling like rain... Meng Qi chewed on these four words, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

The number sage did not dwell on the matter anymore and continued to make calculations. He suddenly let out a light sigh: "The destiny is extremely smooth, but it also lurks the disaster of annihilation. It gradually evolves and is completely severed, just like the severed eyebrows and severed palms, which are 'cut off' from now on." , I can’t see the remnants of your past life.”

He raised his head and looked directly into Meng Qi's eyes: "You haven't passed."

"Yes." Meng Qi answered calmly.

"There is no past person. I have seen it before. It seems that you are a reborn soul." The Number Saint nodded, and frowned suddenly after taking a breath. "Your next life is also cut off. No matter how many possibilities and brilliance there are in the future, as long as this is Once this life is over, it will disappear completely, because you have no future life and no way out!"

"Junior knows better." Meng Qi said calmly.

Shusheng glanced at him in surprise, shook his head, and suppressed his doubts: "Then let's consider this life and the future."

The black and white light spots in Luo Shu's eyes were spinning even more, and it took him a long time to say: "Most of your future possibilities, I can't see clearly, I can only vaguely grasp a few of them, and among these few, most of them indicate that you are involved in chaos. Or arranged by the mighty powers, they died directly at the hands of the mighty powers or by strong men who were instructed by them."

"Some of the endings are 'wedding clothes', making wedding clothes for others and helping others to be fulfilled."

Meng Qi nodded lightly, as expected, the future was very dangerous.

The number sage continued to calculate, and then said: "There are several more similar futures, and they all have the same result, which is your success..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly paused, his high crown trembling slightly, his silver hair moving automatically like snow waves, as if he had come to some terrible result, and then he slowly uttered a few words:


"Become Yuanshi Tianzun!

Shu Sheng suddenly raised his head and his eyes met with Meng Qi's. Apart from Luo Shu's figure, there was only surprise and uncertainty in his eyes.

Yuanshi Tianzun!

Meng Qi was stunned, and suddenly he felt something in his heart. He looked to the side and saw a person walking on the mountain road. He was wearing a plain skirt, full of fairy spirit, smart and restrained, fresh and refined. He looked like the "Hunyuan Fairy" Bi Jingxuan.

The number of words in this chapter is a bit short, I will make up for it in the second half of the month~

The second chapter is in the early morning today because I have something to do in the afternoon. After today, the update time should be normal.

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