The Supreme Being

Chapter 1037 The witty Xiao Meng

Meng Qi's eyebrows opened, and there was a colorless ancient lamp floating in front of his eyes. The black and white light that continuously flowed into the dark world, making the illusory world of cause and effect filled with bright stars emerge.

The sword cuts off the past, and the sword cuts the future. The threads of cause and effect are windless and shake violently. Overlord, Gurdo, Su Daji, Mr. Lu, and even the entire mausoleum seem to have a somewhat unreal feeling. Once cause and effect The world will collapse and everything will be in complete chaos, and will return to the cause of all effects.

The phantom summoned by the Overlord from the long river of time became weaker and weaker, as if it had lost contact. At this time, the differentiated sword light fell, and their fate changed. They all deviated from their original targets, such as halberds, knives, tripods, etc. He turned around and hit the Overlord. The light intertwined and the heavy rain poured down, leaving no angle to dodge. No, there was an angle, which was the position occupied by the Overlord itself.

However, Mr. Lu Da formed a formation with one sword and unified the heaven and earth. He used his most proficient basic swordsmanship to interpret the meaning of heaven and earth as "the four directions above and below are the universe". He poured all the power of heaven and earth into it, and his majestic slashes were incomparable. To this location.

At this moment, the Overlord seemed to be in the boundless starry sky, with enemies in all directions. He was recalling the past, which no one had ever seen before, and looking forward to the future, which was unprecedented. The universe was long, and he shed tears of sadness. He was alone as never before, and he seemed destined to be surrounded by enemies all over the world.

"Well done!" Overlord suddenly shouted, his body expanded rapidly, with an extra layer of black armor on his body, his long hair fluttering behind him, and every acupuncture point and every muscle burst out with vast and terrifying power, as if there was something there. The round star shines, not spreading its light, but only expressing its domineering energy.

The domineering force spreads across the world, whether it is the shadow that has been manipulated by Meng Qi to cause and effect, or the destiny that is secretly affected, or the sword light struck by Mr. Lu Da, they all stop for an instant, not because time is frozen, but because they are suppressed by the domineering force. pause.

This is the unprecedented "dominance" of the Overlord, and this is his "True Body of the Overlord"!

Seizing the brief pause, Overlord swung his sword, which suddenly disappeared. It also penetrated into the world of cause and effect and struck Meng Qi's palm, making him unable to control the connection between the shadow and himself.

The illusory collision between the knife and the palm caused the shock of cause and effect to subside for a short time. The sword flicked out of the illusory world, and then slashed down violently, crushing the void. It was as fast as lightning and unbreakable, gathering all the thunder in the world.


The lightning exploded, and the body entered the Nine Netherworld, where the demon gave its head. There was no strong or weak within the range, and the attack of the phantom completely engulfed the sword light of Meng Qi and Mr. Lu Da.


Meng Qi and Mr. Lu Da flew upside down out of the sea of ​​lightning and hit the wall of the mausoleum on one side, breaking through the remaining forbidden laws and collapsing half of the antechamber of the legendary powerful mausoleum.

The Wuji golden lotus withered around him, and the image of the universe revealed in the acupoints was shattered. With one blow, Meng Qi, who was blocking Mr. Lu Da, was seriously injured. Fortunately, the Yin and Yang seals were rotating, life and death changed instantaneously, and the injury and strength were rapid. He recovered, but Mr. Lu Da looked even weaker than before.

With the help of Baqi, he can actually use two swords in the same time as one of our strikes. However, no matter the realm or strength, he cannot compare with him. How can we fight? Meng Qi stood still with fear in his heart. He had experienced so many frontal battles, even if he had killed the shadow of Demon Buddha Ananda, he had never felt that the enemy on the opposite side could not be defeated.

Of course, this may also be because he was affected by domineering.

The Overlord did not take advantage of the victory to attack and capture the two of them in one fell swoop. Instead, he stopped where he was and gave them a chance to breathe. He nodded gently and said, "Yes, manipulating cause and effect and influencing destiny. Since the natural tyranny has become extinct, there have only been so few in the world. There are a few people who have the characteristics of the other side before the legend, and you and I have gathered here today. This trip has not been in vain. "

"Yes, together you can force me to show my complete Dharma body, which is comparable to all saints, and I can die in peace."

His domineering energy was like a tide, instinctively attacking Meng Qi and Mr. Lu Da, creating numerous phantoms in their hearts and minds, launching mental shocks, and slowing down their recovery speed.

At this time, Guldo looked at the passage that had been penetrated by the battle just now, and then looked at the sword in the Overlord's hand. He was worried that it would betray him, find a new love, and abandon the old love, so he decided to seize the current favorable situation. He quickly said: "Overlord, I'm afraid things will change soon, so why don't we go get the great magical power of 'One Qi Transforms Three Purities' first."

Overlord was about to refuse, saying that he was not afraid of changes, but found that Meng Qi's injuries were recovering faster than he expected. He and Mr. Lu Da struggled to continue to block him, so he changed his mind, nodded and said, "They Worthy of a solemn death, I will come a little later."

He took a step forward and stood in front of Meng Qi, Mr. Lu Da, Gurdo, and Su Daji. If he wanted to stop them from going deeper, he had to get past the Overlord first!

Seeing this, Meng Qi took a deep breath and said to Mr. Lu Da:

"Set up the formation!"

Mr. Lu Da heard the elegant meaning of Xian Ge and immediately opened a little distance to attack the overlord.

The Overlord did not make a move, waiting for them to attack. He seemed to be quite interested in what tricks they could pull off together, and he was full of confidence.

The Lixian Sword in Meng Qi's hand suddenly shook, and it shot out five colors of red, green, yellow, white, and black sword light. The sword light was differentiated and controlled to the smallest detail. Each formed a formation, interpreting the mystery of time and void. The four directions above and below are called the universe. From ancient times to the present, they are the universe, heaven and earth. Curled up and frozen like a chicken, the heavy pressure and the slowness of time seemed to be connected together. One person deployed the Zhuxian Sword and the Absolute Immortal Sword.

And Mr. Lu Da slashed out with his sword, the same differentiation of sword light, the same subtle control, the same formation of each other, layer upon layer, intertwined with each other, explaining the relationship between matter and energy, matter is energy, energy is matter , transformed into each other, and were extremely exquisite. He also deployed the Immortal Trapping Sword and the Immortal Killing Sword with one person.

As soon as the two sword lights merged, the front hall of the mausoleum suddenly fell into complete chaos. The forbidden law was shattered and the building turned into energy. The Overlord's face suddenly became solemn and less arrogant.

Two people with two swords, the Immortal Killing Sword Formation!

Meng Qi once tried to set up the formation on his own, but the effect was not very good. Now he has been promoted to Earth Immortal, his control has been improved, and he cooperated with Mr. Lu Da. With only two swords, the power of the Immortal Killing Sword Formation suddenly increased by an unknown amount compared to one person. , only slightly worse than when the four of them joined forces.

At the same time, Meng Qi sent a message from his mind and shouted:

"Brother Dao, help me!"

You can’t ignore me as your master!

The chaos spreads and seems to be unstoppable and unendable. The Overlord in it seems to be at the stage of being ambushed from all sides and at the end of his rope. He is about to be involved in the chaos and become a part of the chaos.

"Okay, okay, okay!" The Overlord shouted the word "good" three times in a row, and his domineering energy surged. He briefly resisted the chaos, raised the sword in his hand, and solemnly declared: "Heaven and earth will not exist, but I will survive alone!"

The sword light moved forward, invincible and invincible, creating a gap and a road in the great destruction and destruction, splitting the chaos, and sending Meng Qi and Mr. Lu Da flying again!

Bang, Meng Qi crashed into the bottom of the mountain, and the light gold dimmed a lot. He felt that the Overlord was simply an invincible enemy. At least for him at the moment, he had exhausted all means and could not shake him at all.

No, you can’t be affected by domineering!

But Jue Dao didn't help me...

At this time, Overlord stood proudly in front of the two of them and said calmly: "I'll give you one more chance and leave on your own until the immortal comes to see me again."

After saying that, he turned around and walked away without any fear of being attacked. His body was tall and strong, and his steps were like a dragon or a tiger.

Is it really impossible to beat him?

Is there really no chance?

Is this the protagonist from the Middle Ages?

If you don't stop it, you will be thrown into the turbulent flow of time and torn apart by the power of correction. If you stop it, you will die at the hands of the Overlord? Meng Qi felt a little dazed, and then saw Mr. Lu Da standing up again.

His Gengjin Immortal Body was covered with broken marks, and it seemed that only the sword in his hand was the only support.

Fuck, you don’t care about life and death, just do it if you don’t accept it! Meng Qi cursed secretly, then flew up, spinning his immortal Yuanshi body, ready for a life-and-death fight.

At this moment, the thought of Jue Dao sounded in his mind, which was very vague. It probably meant: You have to create an opportunity for me to let go!

Problems cannot arise out of thin air!

Opportunity to let go, opportunity to let go... Meng Qi's thoughts flashed, his eyes suddenly lit up, and Mr. Lu Da said through the message: "Senior Lu, Guldo and Su Daji are left to tangle with you, I will hold the Overlord back."

Before Mr. Lu Da could reply, Meng Qi took a step forward, and his aura suddenly changed. The sword was only white gold in color, and all the power of gold in the world was suppressed.

Overlord paused and felt the sword in his hand sink, as if he was affected.

The ability to control weapons that can affect even the most powerful swords? The Golden Emperor’s lineage? Overlord looked back at Meng Qi as if he were looking at a dead person.

Based on past contacts, Meng Qi used the Lixian Sword to simulate the false power of the Golden Emperor. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Jue Dao being "suppressed", Meng Qi suddenly raised his sleeves!

The sky and the earth are dark and form a realm of their own. They are chaotic and contain all things. Meng Qi's sleeves opened wider and wider. The Overlord's face changed slightly, but due to the influence of Jue Dao, he was involuntarily thrown in and absorbed in it in an instant!

"The Universe in the Sleeve" is a great magical power. It is used to being able to cross levels and capture enemies. Whether it can be trapped is another matter.

As soon as he became Overlord, Meng Qi suddenly disappeared. With the help of causal connection, he descended from the air and appeared at the entrance of Jiang Xinyuan.


As if Meng Qi's sleeves and robe were about to explode, he took a step forward, escaped from the entrance, and appeared at the bottom of the river.

At this moment, there are several Buddhist masters who appear in the golden bodies of Bodhisattvas in the surrounding water and are searching for them. The leader is none other than the great wise monk who is like Jing Yue and is holding the Maitreya Buddha Houtian Bag!

After Meng Qi knew that they couldn't track him, he would inevitably think of his previous appearance at the bottom of the river and return to search, so he took the Overlord and "thrown himself into a trap"!

Faced with "this situation", Meng Qi laughed loudly and his voice spread to the bottom of the river:

"Bald Donkey, I'm here, come and beat me if you can!"

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