It only took an instant for it to arrive from the air, but at that moment, Meng Qi had already felt the surging counterattack force. He wanted to throw himself out of the long river of illusion, into the turbulent flow of time, and send him back to the "current node" in the future. As for himself, Whether it will be torn to pieces by the turbulent flow of time, whether it will stir up whirlpools and be washed away and eroded after re-entering the long river, is completely outside the "consideration" of this force.

At this moment, Meng Qi and Mr. Lu Da seemed to be repulsed by the world, hit by the rolling waves, and almost lost control. Fortunately, the causes of his effects naturally activated, and the characteristics of the other shore emerged in response, and the long river of time around them became illusory. Barely resisting the wrath of heaven and earth.

This is the power of the correction of heaven and earth and the converging power of world lines.

During the fierce battle at Chunyangzi's mausoleum, Meng Qi had already felt it, but it was not so terrifying. Gein had not really affected the historical trend at that time, and there were many possibilities to save it. But now, he has brought Chunyangzi's inheritance with him. Far Escape, beyond the scope of normal evolution, immediately suffered a fierce backlash.

If there is no possibility of rebuilding the mausoleum and re-establishing the inheritance, Meng Qi believes that unless the Jue Sword awakens and protects him, he will never be able to withstand the corrections of the long river of time. Only the great figures on the other side can do this, and the perfection of creation can only be achieved with the help of the corresponding Zhouguang treasure. .

The "wave" washed away, and the memory in Meng Qi's mind was suddenly blurred, but then it became clear. He was shocked to find that he had almost forgotten Chunyangzi and Senior Chonghe, and his own existence seemed a little more unreal.

Is this a sign that history will be distorted and tampered with?

If the causes of all effects and the characteristics of the other side are not present at the same time, even if there is still the hope of re-establishing the inheritance, my corresponding memory will probably be a lot fuzzy, just like a normal person's grasp of the details of the past... Meng Qi really realized this The price of "playing wildly in ancient times", my mind raced, and several ideas quickly emerged.

First, Chunyangzi’s mausoleum cannot be hidden from the surrounding experts, and it will inevitably become a “public place.” We can only find another hidden place nearby to rebuild the mausoleum, build a bronze coffin, arrange formations, and create a scene in the cottage, giving In the future, the founder of the Chunyang Sect left behind a legacy. Compared with the re-interpretation of the history of the Chunyang Sect and Taoist Chonghe, the founder of the Chunyang Sect lost his way and went to a nearby cottage mausoleum to get the true inheritance. The degree of change required is different. However, the convergence of the world line has basic rules that strive to change the minimum. In this way, the power of correction will be reduced, and it will not be turbulent and wash away itself like it is now.

Second, the backlash and corrections that have been suffered cannot be made up. The time that one can survive in the medieval era is getting less and less, no more than half a month at most, and he must find a way to return as soon as possible.

Third, Guldo and others will not give up. Relying on the blessing of the Heavenly Punishment Ax, they will definitely cause trouble again. For example, they will spread the approximate location of the Zhenwu Sect and Xijian Pavilion's secrets, and use the power of medieval powerful men to attack themselves. People, therefore, cannot always be passively beaten, but must take the initiative to kill Guldo as soon as possible and eliminate the trouble.

Fourth, there are too many things to do, and I am too busy to handle them. Everyone must divide work and cooperate. When I return to Luocheng this time, I should be able to meet most of the "future Dharmakayas". We are strangers in a foreign land, and we should be with the seven seas and twenty-eight realms. Those who are sincere will join forces, and each of himself, Mr. Lu Da, Brother Doubi and Senior Su will lead a team and act separately. In order to increase the combat effectiveness and prevent the recurrence of encountering strong enemies in the Chunyangzi Mausoleum, which makes it difficult to support, You have to see how many true inheritances of the great magical power of "One Qi Transforms Three Pure Ones" are left. If there are more, then the leader will sharpen his spear in battle, and it will be bright even if it is not bright. Of course, there are few people who have mastered it in the history of Chunyang Sect. It is so short. What results can be achieved within the time limit can only be determined by destiny.

Similarly, with this cooperation foundation, if we can safely return to the future, most of the real world and the seven seas and twenty-eight realms can unite to send messages to each other, respond to the return of powerful forces, and nip danger in the bud.

Many thoughts flashed by in an instant. Before Meng Qi could think deeply, he appeared in a secluded courtyard. Mr. Lu Da's body was slightly blurred, but he soon returned to normal.

It was quiet and deserted. After a brief inspection, Mr. Lu Da solemnly said: "I can't remember some things about the Chunyang Sect and fellow Taoist Chonghe."

"This is the corrective power of history." Meng Qi sighed. Mr. Lu Da did not have the causes of all effects and the characteristics of the other side than himself, but because he took the inheritance directly, the backlash he received was relatively weak. Initially, He had to help resist the erosion, so he was not thrown directly into the turbulence of time.

As for the others, except for Guldo and Su Daji, they were not directly involved in this matter. They were only affected. The backlash they received was very weak and would not have any impact. It was just because the history may have been tampered with and the corresponding memories were partially blurred.

"Without further delay, let's wait for Senior He Qi to meet up first, and then gather the Dharmakaya who came to Luocheng to discuss important matters together." Meng Qi walked to the main room first.

This is the place where he and He Qi agreed to meet, and it is also the place where he left a causal connection to facilitate his arrival in the air - He Qi wants to avoid the search of the Demon Sect and other forces due to Meng Qi, so it is difficult to have a stable causal connection. , so we can only choose this indirect method. He Qi will come here once a day to see if Meng Qi has returned or left any traces.

As soon as he reached the door of the main room, Meng Qi suddenly paused, feeling a bit strange in his heart. Mr. Lu, the only one in my life, also looked at him a bit more solemnly, sensing that something was wrong.

Meng Qi raised his head slightly, and a glazed lamp stood out in his eyes, illuminating the illusory world of cause and effect in the main room. After it was confirmed that there was no ambush, his spiritual consciousness penetrated in and opened the door.

The door creaked open, revealing the beams, with a piece of white paper attached to one of them.

There were black words on the white paper, with dragons flying and phoenixes dancing, giving off a somewhat filthy and evil feeling, and there were only two lines of content written on it:

"East China Sea Ghost Island, I congratulate Mr. Su Meng."

"'The Supreme Heavenly Demon' Wu Daoming."

Wu Daoming? The Supreme Heavenly Demon? The fifth-generation descendant of the Demon Emperor's Claw? Meng Qi and Mr. Lu looked at each other and realized that He Qi's whereabouts had been discovered by the Supreme Heavenly Demon, and he was captured by mistake.

"Doesn't the Supreme Heavenly Demon have ten days to complete the transformation?" Meng Qi frowned in doubt. If Wu Daoming completed the transformation, he had no doubt that he could find He Qi's whereabouts. After all, he was a powerful celestial being with the body of the Demon Emperor, and he had the assistance of the Demon Emperor's Claw, a peerless magic weapon. Moreover, the Demon Emperor's Claw had many magical and cunning ways, and was best at this kind of thing.

Mr. Lu said, "The news of the transformation in 49 days is from the Demon Sect, so it may not be accurate."

"That's right." Meng Qi nodded, thinking to himself, the Demon Emperor's Claw is also a thing of the other side, the past, present and future are unified, it must know Brother Qi and himself at present, should we try to establish a relationship? No, Brother Qi is suppressing the erosion of the Demon Emperor's Claw, how can we establish a relationship?

"First, let's see which fellows have come to Luocheng, and contact people to go to Guijianchou Island." Mr. Lu suggested.

Yes, let the Supreme Heavenly Demon see the upgraded version of the Zhuxian Sword Formation! Meng Qi had a plan in mind, and he and Mr. Lu found another secluded place, let him heal his wounds first, and change his appearance and breath, step into the street, and look for the "future Dharma body".

Just entering the most prosperous downtown, Meng Qi suddenly saw a building ship flying in the sky, simple and solemn, full of human breath, and many Luocheng strongmen greeted it respectfully.

"What is that?" Meng Qi said to himself subconsciously.

"That's the immortal ship of the descendants of the Human Emperor. They guard the Dragon Terrace and rarely go out. I don't know why they came to Luocheng." Someone next to him showed off his knowledge, "The Human Emperor led our human race from the lingering to the peak of the universe. Everyone respects him, so all the strong men welcome him with open shoes." "Oh, the descendants of the Human Emperor?" Meng Qi suddenly realized, and saw the door of the building ship opened, and two guard-like men came out. They were dressed in simple clothes, with a strong breath and a slightly arrogant attitude. After all, they were descendants of the Human Emperor. Then they respectfully welcomed a man in an emperor's robe. He was tall and handsome, with very thin lips, and seemed cold and deep. He was Gao Lan! Brother Doubi is so glorious wherever he goes... Meng Qi was stunned at first, and then the corners of his mouth twitched.

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