The Supreme Being

Chapter 1051 The Road to the Single Heart Sword (Third Update)

In the west of Ningxia, the scenery is very beautiful with green mountains and flowing water.

Mr. Lu Da and He Qi pressed the escape light, fell into the city, and walked slowly forward following the guidance of the Haotian Mirror and the East Emperor Bell fragments in their hands, looking for Mr. Lu Da's medieval past life.

The Haotian Mirror can illuminate the outside world all over the heavens, allowing people to sense "others and me", but it is not a treasure of the universe's light and cannot illuminate the past and future. It was originally difficult to use to find past lives, but everyone returned to the Middle Ages by chance and was in the same place as their past lives. They are in the same time and space, almost equal to "he and I", so they can sense each other in a subtle way. Coupled with the assistance of the East Emperor Bell, a fragment of the treasure of cosmic light, the clues are no longer clueless.

Moreover, Meng Qi also possesses the "Three Generations of Ming Wang Chakra", which uses magic weapons to help Mr. Lu Da and He Qi see their bodies in this life when they relax their guard. All factors add up, and things naturally become simpler. They have already locked in the candidate.

Zhu Buxuan shook his folding fan and walked slowly out of his yard towards Luofang Street, where he spent money like water.

He is a disciple of the Ningxi Sword Sect. He comes from an ordinary family. He has a simple and honest appearance, looks harmless to humans and animals, and is a kind man. He has left an impression of loyalty and honesty to the masters in the sect. Relying on this, he has been able to achieve success in both directions and in the Ningxi Sword Sect. He has prospered and gained a lot of trust. Now he has nine orifices and is expected to be on location.

Most of the people they met along the way recognized Zhu Buxuan and nodded and smiled in greeting. However, a few looked unhappy and turned to other streets when they saw him from a distance.

"Zhu Buxuan looks loyal on the outside, but he's actually full of bad intentions. Senior brother, I suffered from him and ended up guarding the Sword Sect's martial arts gym." A man holding a long sword said angrily.

The sword-wielding dwarf next to him was shocked when he heard this: "Zhu Buxuan has always been known as honest and kind in the sect, but he actually harmed you, senior brother?"

Do you think that real people should not be judged by their appearance?

The senior brother snorted: "If he is really just honest and kind, how come he is liked by most of the senior uncles and elders? Why did he open the Nine Apertures without wind and waves? Although our Ningxi Sword Sect is not as good as the top forces, But there are also many talents in the faction, and the secret disputes are quite fierce. As a result, he has taken advantage of him many times, pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger! "

"I once spoke frankly to Master Zuo about this matter. What did he say? He said he is honest on the outside but sinister on the inside. Not bad, not bad!"

He was feeling satisfied when he vented his anger, when suddenly his heart moved. He looked back and saw two old men standing at the entrance of the alley. One had slightly gray hair and focused eyes. He had a temperament that made people unable to take their eyes away. The other His breath was erratic, almost invisible, and his eyes seemed to contain the boldness and confidence he had in the past when he dominated the world.

The senior brother's words stopped abruptly. Seeing that both old men were extraordinary, he hurriedly grabbed his junior brother and left in a hurry. He just said bad things about Zhu Buxuan and had nothing to do with the master!

"I didn't expect that in your previous life, you were honest on the outside but sinister on the inside." He Qi laughed.

There is no resemblance at all.

Mr. Lu Da said nothing, turned out of the alley, returned to the street, and walked slowly forward following Zhu Buxuan's back.

After crossing Zuo Street and passing through the promenade, Zhu Buxuan arrived at Luofang Street and entered the "Jinyage" with ease.

"Oh, Mr. Zhu, you haven't been here for a long time. The girl in the building is always thinking about you." ** came over with a fragrant breeze.

Zhu Buxuan smiled a little shyly: "Master's discipline is very strict, and he is often unable to leave the sect. I wonder if Miss Yuexia has any free time? We got together that day, and I still miss her all the time."

"Oh, Yuexia just had a distinguished guest, yes, yes..." ** pointed in the direction of Ningxi Sword Sect, indicating that he was an elder in the sect.

Zhu Buxuan's face changed several times, from red to green, and he forced a smile and said: "What a coincidence. Please say hello to Miss Yuexia."

After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave. Wherever he looked, he saw two old men who had always been extraordinary. Before he had time to think about it, he saw the police standing in front of him: "Oh, my Mr. Zhu, there is no such thing." Yue Xia, Yue Lan, Yue Qiu and the others!"

"I only think about Miss Yuexia." Zhu Buxuan shook his head.

"Hey, he's quite dedicated." He Qi looked at him with interest and whispered. Mr. Lu Da's eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was thinking.

** twisted the handkerchief, hesitated for a moment, and then lowered her voice and said: "Yue Xi is free tonight..."

Yue Xi is the top courtesan of Jinyage, and her sex appeal is far beyond what Yue Xia can match.

Zhu Buxuan was stunned for a moment, thinking of that beautiful woman with icy skin and snow-skinned skin, thinking of that happy and angry face, the memory of Yue Xia in his mind blurred, and his breathing became heavy: "Can I kiss Fangze?"

"I'll lead you there. Whether you can succeed or not depends on your own performance." ** said with a smile.

Zhu Buxuan nodded heavily and followed the woman into the inner courtyard.

Mr. Lu Da looked at this scene and suddenly sighed, seeming to be moved, and turned around and left Jinyage without hesitation.

"He's leaving now? Don't you observe the past life and understand his interaction and connection with the long river of history?" He Qi was surprised and followed.

Could it be that Mr. Lu Da has completed his observation and understanding?

No, you have to use the fragments of the East Emperor Bell to observe it carefully, it won’t be done in a short time!

Even if Mr. Lu Da still carries the "Three Generations of Ming Wang Lun", he can't be so fast, at least he didn't sense him using two treasures!

Mr. Lu Da's eyes were calm and his tone was calm: "No need."

"No need? Fellow Daoist Lu, although you and Fellow Daoist Xiao Su have special paths, cut off the self and others, and do not seek past lives, you still have to project the Ten Thousand Worlds and look back to the past. Now observe the past lives more and understand the interaction between him and the long river of history more, which will help you leave your own mark. Why don't you use it?" He Qi knew that Mr. Lu was not an impulsive and reckless person, and everything he said and did had his own purpose, so he was more puzzled and asked a question using Su Wuming's previous words.

Mr. Lu turned into a secluded alley, walked slowly, and said with a smile: "The old man and Xiaoyou Su seem to have the same path, both do not transform the self and others, and do not seek past lives, but there are still great differences in essence. It was not until today that I understood it."

"What's the difference?" He Qi was even more confused. In his opinion, they were both "self-centered" ways.

Mr. Lu walked with his hands behind his back, smiling and saying, "The martial arts practiced by Su Xiaoyou is an ever-changing path. He adheres to himself and experiences the world. He sees all things as what they are and knows what he is. Therefore, he can play different people, experience different lives, leave legends, create marks, and adjust his image according to the feedback of the world and the long river of history. Even if this image is very different from himself, it will not cause him any trouble."

"To tolerate all things, to accept changes, and not to be confused by oneself, that's true..." He Qi nodded gently, affirming Mr. Lu's statement.

When they were discussing the Dao with each other, Meng Qi once mentioned the wonders of his own Eight-Nine Mysterious Art.

Mr. Lu's voice became softer: "But I can't do that. I am Lu Zhiping, Ye Yuyan's husband Lu Zhiping, the owner of Huamei Mountain Villa Lu Zhiping. The unique experiences in the past constitute the essence of this old man. I can't be 'others', whether it is my own 'other self' or 'previous life'. If I want to imitate them and leave a mark between heaven and earth, I can't do it."

What is the only me, this is the only me... This thought suddenly emerged in He Qi's mind, and then frowned, "Then how do you project the myriad worlds and trace back to the past?"

Is it just a matter of heavenly immortals?

Mr. Lu shook his head and smiled, "We can only continue to explore."

"I have some vague ideas about this. The normal path is to enlighten others and accumulate quantity to qualitative change, so that one's own essence can be improved and become a legend. Su Xiaoyou's path is to create a 'false self', leave a mark, and then complete the accumulation of quantity, produce qualitative change, and become a legend. The second half is the same as the normal path, and I am thinking whether I can 'purify myself' and change slowly, first improve my own essence to legend, and then naturally project the world, and the same is true when looking back to the past."

"This path is very similar to the innate great power, but they are born as legends." He Qi still frowned. Mr. Lu's path seems very difficult, very, very difficult.

Mr. Lu smiled peacefully and said, "Do your best, don't go against your heart, and you will have no regrets even if you die."

He looked at the Yixin Sword in his hand with a gentle look, and whispered to himself:

"Yuyan, I have felt the 'other self' and seen the previous life. Only now do I know that my path does not depend on others."

"My path does not depend on others..." He Qi was shocked and confused, and this sentence kept echoing in his heart.

The path of Yixin Sword does not depend on others.


Mo Palace.

As soon as Meng Qi entered the hall, his eyes were attracted by a thin and decayed old man. His Dharma body was flawless, his Tao power was abundant, and his blood and qi were vigorous. If he closed his eyes and did not operate the causes of all fruits, he would have no doubt that he was in his prime and his days were in the sky - this is not an adjective, but an accurate description, but now that he saw it directly, he found that the old man was full of traces of time, and there was a kind of decayed smell emanating from the inside out.

Under time, who is immortal?

The old man was changing the seals with his hands, concentrating on refining the puppet in front of him, which was exactly like him. Various arms were hanging from the top of the hall from time to time, including dragon claws, magic hands, and mechanical creations, each with different flames, assisting his manufacturing. The whole process was full of the beauty of precise machinery.

After a while, the old man completed a stage of refining, raised his head, and looked at Meng Qi with vicissitudes of life: "Friend Su, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

"It doesn't matter, I have benefited a lot." Meng Qi didn't mind at all, and asked with a smile, "Weapon Saint, do you want to refine a substitute?"

This old man is the Mo Palace Weapon Saint, who competes with the Ren Saint and is at the forefront among the saints. He is considered the oldest of the Nabo Tianxian.

The Saint of the Artifacts looked at the puppet, his expression showing some emotion and confusion: "It can be regarded as a substitute. Although there are differences in the quality of souls, spirits and true spirits, they are ultimately difficult to be immortal. If they do not reach the other side, they will age and "rot" sooner or later. Therefore, I want to rely on the mechanism to imitate the characteristics of the soul, so that the puppet has the ability to think and explore, which is close to a newly created life but can last forever in the world."

He sighed and smiled with a trace of longing: "Maybe when I decay into a myth, even the Ink Palace will be mottled, it will still travel through the heavens and the worlds, exploring the avenue for me..."

Meng Qi was in awe. Regardless of whether he agreed with the Saints' views or not, at least their spirit of adhering to their own ideas and always exploring the avenue is worthy of admiration.

After a while, Meng Qi restrained his emotions, calmed his mind, and began to discuss the idea of ​​"All Worlds General Knowledge Ball" with the Saint of the Artifacts.

As time went by, day after day, Meng Qi gradually had an idea for the "Universal Knowledge Ball of All Worlds". Just as he was about to thank the Saint of Weapons and leave, the solemn and ethereal voice of Moonlight Bodhisattva rang in his ears:

"Guerduo and Su Daji have separated from the Overlord and are heading to Jade Emperor Mountain."

Correction: I was sick and dizzy, and forgot in the last chapter that Xu Bei and Shan Heng had already died on Jin'ao Island. I have now revised it and would like to correct it. I am sorry.

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