The Supreme Being

Chapter 1054: The sword is turbulent when it comes out, but it returns to its sheath and the grass i

In the Divine Capital of the Jin Dynasty, Sima Shi, the chief arrester, left the palace and returned to the Six Gates.

When the great masters are fighting to be the first to be promoted and control the situation in the world, people often forget that Sima Shi is also a half-step dharma body. Even he himself seems to have forgotten this, and he wholeheartedly assists Qin Wang Zhao Jingshi and Today's Zhao Heng, because he clearly knows that there are hidden worries in his foundation, and it took many years of hard work to make up for it. If he wants to break through, he still lacks accumulation, and he is not as good as the King of Qin. If the King of Qin attains the Dharmakaya, it will be easy to enjoy the shade under the big tree. .

But reason belongs to reason. Seeing a strong man in the same realm working hard for the Dharmakaya, Sima Shi still couldn't hide his slight envy and desolation. With such complicated emotions, he boarded the Zhuyi Tower and pushed away. door.

Tonight the moon is shining brightly, the clear light shines on the window, a figure stands with hands behind his back, facing Sima Shi

This figure has a wide robe and long sleeves. His hair is black and tied with a wooden hairpin. He has an indescribable sense of chicness and unruliness, and there is a bit of majesty in the mist.

"Mage!" Sima Shi's pupils shrank violently.

It turned out to be "Magician" Han Guang!

The "magician" Han Guang went missing while attending Jin Ao's banquet!

At that time, all the dharma bodies in the world were gone forever, but now only the "magic master" can escape the trouble?

He wanted to activate the Shendu formation, connect with the palace, and tell Zhao Heng to sacrifice the magic weapon. However, Han Guang, who was standing casually, gave him a sense of danger that he had never experienced before, as if he himself Everything he tries to do is in vain. If he has murderous intentions in his heart, he will be doomed.

It's not that Sima Shi has never seen a person of great height, but at this moment, the muscles all over his body are tense and the pores are tight, like a cat with fried hair. His heart is ups and downs, and it is difficult to see his usual calmness. It is worse than the first time he met a person of great height. To be unbearable.

Based on this, he did not react excessively in the end.

"Yes, those who know the current affairs are heroes." Han Guang turned around with his hands behind his hands, praised with a smile, and then coughed a few times, as if he was injured.

Sima Shi took a deep breath, slightly relieved the tension in his heart, and asked in a deep voice: "Is the magician here to prevent King Qin from breaking through?"

"Preventing Zhao Jingshi from realizing the Dharmakaya?" Han Guang laughed and shook his head, "Today, what else does he have that is worth stopping? Even if he is promoted, he will not be able to make waves."

He looked around and said with a half-smile: "The Shendu Grand Formation is already outdated. With today's situation, if the Grand Array and the Divine Weapons cannot stop the Immortals, they will have no choice but to withdraw from the stage of history and become a vassal of the truly top forces."

Can't stop the angels? Sima Shi swallowed hard. Did Han Guang mean that he had become an immortal?

A heavenly being who can reach the ninth heaven? The realm of immortality that no one has been able to achieve since ancient times?

Han Guang stepped forward with his hands behind his back, leisurely admiring the center of the six doors: "Zhao's only chance is the Banquet of Qionghua. If Zhao Wuyan succeeds in breaking through at that time, he will be able to seize many opportunities in the future. In addition, there are hundreds of millions of sentient beings. Now, even if it is not as good as Gao Lan, it is not much different, and it is enough to protect oneself. Unfortunately, one step is too late, every step is too late, this opportunity has not been seized, the Zhao family has no way to save the day, if Zhao Jingshi wants to break through, if I can do it smoothly, You should not hesitate to stop him, but you will not specifically target him, just like Dharmakaya never cares if someone from other families wants to cross the second level of the ladder and become a master."

He coughed a few more times, and the injury seemed quite lingering.

"Then why is the magician here?" Sima Shi gradually regained his composure.

Han Guang said with a smile: "The building is about to collapse, and everyone is looking for an exit. I just stopped by to ask, does Mr. Sima want to change the family? Is the Zhao family in the capital of God willing to seize a chance of survival?"

Sima Shi didn't expect this answer at all, and it took him a long time to say: "The magician is an orphan from the previous dynasty, and he didn't take the opportunity to destroy the Jin Dynasty?"

"As far as the current situation is concerned, the existence of the Jin Dynasty is more beneficial to me than its destruction. How can we not do something beneficial because of old hatred?" Han Guang said in a leisurely manner.

At this moment, Sima Shi seemed to see the almighty Emperor of Heaven, who treated all things equally, and did not affect his judgment or behavior based on closeness or emotion.

Compared with the magician, King Qin does not have the structure that should be possessed at this level.


The flowers on the building and the boat are like brocade, and the clouds and moons are walking among the fragrant flowers. The young master went to Jin Ao's banquet. After many years, there is no trace, which really worries me and others.

What happened on Jin'ao Island?

Is the young master trapped up there?

Suddenly, her eyes flashed and she saw a familiar smile, a smile that seemed to trickle into her heart.

"Master?" Yunyue shouted, covering her mouth with tears, "You, you are finally willing to come back!"

Huo Lishang, whose white clothes were not stained by dust, smiled and touched Yunyue's head: "With you here, how can I not be willing to come back?"

"I have gained a lot from this Jin Ao banquet. Not only have I been promoted to Earth Immortal, but I have also tricked Han Guang, the 'Taiyi Heavenly Master', and vented my anger on your behalf."

"Really?" Yunyue opened her starry eyes in unison, "Young master is really amazing."

Ye Di smiled proudly and walked towards the cabin with his hands behind his hands:

"In addition, this young master is now the Dharma King of Luo Jiao."


In the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Changle, the imperial palace was deep.

While taking charge of the overall situation, Gao Teng was seizing the time to practice, hoping to break through before Zhao Jingshi of the Southern Jin Dynasty.

Huh, he breathed out, feeling that he was stuck in a bottleneck, and the news coming back from the south pointed out that Zhao Jingshi was expected to be promoted!

"How can I practice if my mind is not calm and my mind is restless?" Gao Teng became agitated, stood up suddenly, and paced back and forth.

At this moment, a familiar majestic voice sounded in his ears: "Haste makes waste."

"Emperor, Your Majesty?" Gao Teng sensed it and went away, and found that the handsome Gao Lan had been sitting opposite him without knowing it. His aura was deep, more terrifying than two years ago, and a little more mysterious that was indescribable.

Gao Lan nodded lightly and said calmly: "It's been a hard work these past two years."

"It should be." Gao Teng replied, his spirit suddenly lifted, "I wonder if the other dharma bodies have returned? Now is a great opportunity for us to go south!"

"There's no rush." ​​Gao Lan said calmly, with a cold expression, "First go north and annex the grassland."

"Annexing the grassland?" Gao Teng responded blankly, "Where are Gurdo and Tianchu Ax?"

"Guldo can't come back." Gao Lanyan announced the news in a concise and concise manner, which was enough to shock the world.


Thrushcross Grange, thanks to the support of the "Ice Fairy", has become increasingly prosperous in the past two years. However, the situation is so turbulent and the undercurrent is turbulent that they dare not relax at all.

Ye Yuqi has thick black hair that hangs down around his waist. When he walks, he is surrounded by the void universe and the bright stars. He exhales and inhales, expands and contracts, and is extremely vast.

She sat in front of her sister's grave, trying to concentrate on her cultivation and break through as soon as possible, but the spiritual platform was not quiet, and her heartbeat often fluctuated, worrying about that figure.

"There is something strange happening in the Endless Abyss. Is Jiuyou about to open the door?" Ye Yuqi's thoughts turned around, thinking about the affairs of the Western Regions and the turbulent general trend of the world. His heart was filled with ups and downs, and it seemed that he was unable to do so because of the current situation. peaceful.

Suddenly, she saw a pair of feet, wearing clean black cloth shoes, and a familiar smell hit her face.

Looking up, she saw Mr. Lu Da's focused and soft eyes: "Thank you for your hard work."

"Just come back." Ye Yuqi's lips curled up slightly.

Mr. Lu Da nodded lightly, walked back to the thatched cottage and sat down cross-legged, placing the Yishin sword next to him. The only sharp edge disappeared, like a magic weapon sheathed.

For some reason, Ye Yuqi's mind calmed down like this. He felt that there was no longer any worry about the general situation of the world, and all undercurrents had calmed down.

If you can't ask for it, don't ask for it. Just watch and protect it quietly.

When the sword comes out, the wind and clouds move, but when it returns to its sheath, it remains quiet in the grassy hut.


The Dharmakaya who went to Jin Ao's banquet has returned!

This news spread all over the world at an explosive speed. All the simmering thoughts disappeared and the wind and clouds dispersed. But more people understood that this was only temporary. The changes in the situation caused by the two-year blank period will turn into a game between Dharmakayas, even if they are both on the right path. , and also have different positions, such as how to deal with the matter of the Southern Wilderness Demon Emperor.

Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain.

Fang Huayin has golden lotuses all over her body, ancient flags floating on the clay balls, and yin and yang flowing behind her, like Tai Chi without eyes. She majors in the three seals of Kaitian, Wuji, and Yin and Yang, and has been promoted to outdoor scenes.

"Junior sister, your realm has been solidified. Brother, you can leave with peace of mind and continue to search for Master in the East China Sea." He Mu, the protector next to him, said calmly with his sword across his knees.

Fang Huayin put away the vision and pursed his lips: "According to Master Jiang, the master's soul lamp is blazing, so it should be worry-free. Moreover, the master has vast magical powers and profound wisdom. Senior brother, you don't need to worry too much."

He Mu smiled bitterly and said: "As a disciple, you have to do your best. Before I started, I searched for my master for ten years. Not long after I started, I searched for another two years. I feel like I am always struggling with the question of where the master has gone."

"Then let's go to the East China Sea together." Fang Huayin suggested.

As soon as they finished speaking, they felt something in their hearts, and they all looked at the door of the Taoist temple. With a creak, the door of Yuxu Palace opened, and Meng Qi, wearing a neat green robe, showing a slight vicissitude, walked in.

"Master, are you okay?" The two disciples hurriedly rushed forward, asking with surprise and joy.

Meng Qi chuckled and said humorously: "You don't have to worry so much in the future. Being a teacher is a rare scourge in the world, and as the saying goes, scourges last for thousands of years, how can it be so easy to fall? It would be good if others are not harmed by being a teacher. "

He silently lit a candle for the great sage Yuan Hong of Meishan. This guy had a bad start and was harmed by himself. Now he is hiding somewhere to lick his wounds. As for the matter of Lu pressure on the list of gods, he needs to confirm something first.

He Mu and Fang Huayin laughed out loud. The master was really funny. Later, Meng Qi tested their martial arts, gave instructions and ordered them to retreat first.

At this time, Meng Qi clasped his hands together and recited sincerely:

"Namo's moonlight shines all over Bodhisattva Mahasattva."

Three times in a row, a solemn and ethereal familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Little friend Su, do you need help with something?"

"It's okay, I just want to see if Bodhisattva is here." Meng Qi replied with a playful smile.

Moonlight Bodhisattva, who had escaped death, was speechless and did not respond.

With such a smile on his face, Meng Qi walked to the lotus pond, sat casually on the ground, and moved his hand. Suddenly, the two realms were separated, and the lotus pond was under the boundless starry sky.

"Stars falling like rain?" Meng Qi looked calm and whispered. He pointed his hand and the stars in the sky fell one after another. They were as bright as light, trailing light tails and falling like rain, showing a dreamy scene. .

However, in the lotus pond, the white lotus remained unchanged, without any change.

The stars were falling like rain, and the smile on Meng Qi's face disappeared at some point. He was quiet and restrained, leaving only a low sigh:

"Do you need the reincarnation seal?"

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