The Supreme Being

Chapter 1063 Blocking the road with death

The night was like ink that was too thick to melt away. The Wang family was surprisingly quiet, as if everyone had fallen into a deep sleep. The night watcher did not say a word and moved as lightly as a civet cat. This is the rule of the aristocratic family. It was normal, but in this situation In the night, there was a bit of depression on the eve of a heavy rain.

Meng Qi held the handle of the knife with his right hand, stood up slowly, counted the time, opened the door, and walked out of the Tianji Tower. He Xiang was nowhere to be found. For a maid like her who was not very powerful, she could hide far away. Staying far away is the only option, and then concentrate on praying for the success of the family master's plan, otherwise how can the eggs be completed when the nest is overturned?

Taking one step forward, Meng Qi crossed the woods and appeared at the entrance of the Wang family's ancestral hall.

The door of the ancestral hall is tightly closed, with black as the background. It is solemn and solemn at the same time, giving people a strong sense of oppression. The two black-armored guards who were originally guarding here have disappeared, leaving Hidden Vein Wang Huai'en with a fluttering black beard to sit cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by the ancestral hall. Covered by forbidden laws, there was a heavy iron-black coffin placed in front of him. It was covered with messy and wild grass patterns, showing extremely evil abilities.


The harsh sound of teeth scratching the lid came from inside the coffin. Meng Qi's heart skipped a beat and he stared at Wang Huaien.

"Monster of Heaven"?

Hidden Pulse somehow stole a Dharmakaya body that was transformed into a body by practicing the Sutra Sutra. It screamed before it died and turned into a Dharmakaya body that was transformed into a monster of heaven?

They are trying to stop themselves at all costs, even if the Wang family is broken, after all, it is better to be broken than destroyed!

Do the people of Jiangdong Wang family have crazy blood hidden inside?

Meng Qi took a step forward and raised his sleeves to change the world and set off a strong wind to contain Wang Huaien and prevent him from opening the coffin. If it were a normal season, since the Wang family was not afraid of being broken, he would be interested in giving the so-called As long as the heavenly monsters don't encounter the "head" transformed by the Wang family's first ancestor, who is at least a legendary power, he will not be afraid of the others. If they are transformed by a dharma body of the same level or a lower level, the "Yuanshi Golden Seal" will be added Who can be afraid of "Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills" coupled with rich combat experience, in-depth mastery of skills and various characteristics?

In a sense, he is one of the biggest "monsters" at the Earth Immortal level!

Even if he encounters a "monster of heaven" transformed into a dharma body of the immortal level, he still has full confidence in escaping. No matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than the Overlord?

However, at this moment, I have the entrustment of Prince Wang. If I am forced to flee or be entangled for a long time, things will be in trouble. If I don't kill Boren, Boren will die because of me.

As soon as his sleeves and robes were lifted, Wang Huaien smiled calmly, with a calm look of death in his eyes, without any fear.

Bang! The lid of the black iron coffin was directly lifted off. He seemed to have calculated the time and made preparations. The forbidden method of sealing the monster suddenly disappeared at this moment!

"Heaven!" A scream sounded out, full of fear and ferocity, and a chaotic, evil and somewhat natural aura suddenly rushed out, as if shaking the stars an unknown distance away, causing them to flicker obviously.

But Meng Qi's "The Universe in His Sleeves" encountered inexplicable resistance, as if the "monster from heaven" in the coffin was neither real nor illusory, and therefore could not enter the universe!

This is a rare mistake that Meng Qi has made since he learned the great magical power of "The Universe in His Sleeve". As long as there is no gap between the two realms, even someone as powerful as the Overlord will have to surrender himself. The only difference is how long he can be trapped. However, the current "Tiandao" "Monster" seems to be only at the level of earthly immortal, but he resists the absorption of Wang Huai'en by "The Universe in His Sleeves".

The breath filled the air, and the vitality in Wang Huaien's eyes suddenly disappeared, filled with a strange and chaotic look. The body's flesh and blood squirmed, and his hair lifted up one by one. With a bang, his eyes burst out and turned into two palms, with black beards and black hair. All of them turned into tentacles with life of their own, and one arm after another sprouted from the body, so densely packed that it made people feel frightened.

Just the breath caused a human-immortal-level dharma body to die on the spot and turn into a monster!

Wang Huaien never thought about returning alive during this trip!

A palm rested on the edge of the black iron coffin, like a sapphire that had experienced the erosion of time. The blood vessels were distinct and the roots were squirming, as if it had its own intelligence.

Suddenly, a tall body turned over and sat up. It was green and moist, with many corrosion spots. The clothes derived from Tao Li turned into pieces of black scales, flying tightly against the body surface, glowing with something strange. The light on his face was blurry, his eyes, nose, and mouth were constantly changing, and his hair was all green.

As soon as he saw this "monster of heaven", Meng Qi's vision suddenly became hazy. Countless strange thoughts arose, and it was difficult to have normal thoughts. Every acupuncture point, every flesh and blood, and every organ seemed to be blessed by heaven and earth, and they were talking to each other. , compete with each other.

At the critical moment, Meng Qi grasped a glimmer of clarity, circulated the Yuan Xin Seal, opened the mud pill, and flew out of the Supreme Wuji Yuan Shi Qingyun. Roads of chaotic light hung down, isolating himself from the monsters of heaven.

At the beginning of everything, chaos devours everything, and chaos and madness are no exception!

The chaos faded away, the madness subsided, and Meng Qi finally returned to normal thoughts.

Although Meng Qi had never experienced the feeling of chaos and madness before, Meng Qi felt that there was no more vivid experience than this. The monster in front of him seemed to be synonymous with madness. Even if he only felt the breath and touched the sight, he almost couldn't bear it!

"The way of heaven!"

The monster raised its head and hissed, and stretched out its hands into fists.

In silence, dark clouds gathered above the ancestral hall, silver snakes danced wildly, and a faint and dark thunder quietly fell, blessing the fists of the monsters of heaven and the monster transformed by Wang Huai'en.


The thunder shook the forest of pines and cypresses inside the Forbidden Law to the point of breaking and collapsing, and flames burst out. The "Tiandao Monster" and Wang Huai'en had no skills, so they just struck Meng Qi with the dark thunder light.

Seeing that the monster of heaven had been released, Meng Qi eliminated all the distractions and treated it with caution. He slashed out with his sword like the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves. The changes were subtle, and the sword formed an array, covering the simplest and the most complex.

Purple lightning flashed, the chaotic thunder light was broken, and the heavenly monster and Wang Huai'en were killed at the same time.

"Heaven!" In the scream, the monster and Wang Huai'en broke into two pieces at the same time.

So simple? As long as you can withstand chaos and madness, can you easily deal with monsters from heaven? Just as Meng Qi had this idea, he suddenly saw the two parts of the monster's body growing longer, with an upper body and a lower body respectively growing out. It was running around again. The only problem was that just now it was a monster from heaven, and now it has two heads, and the breath and feeling They are all tyrannical and have not weakened compared to before. The same is true for Wang Huaien's monster. In other words, Meng Qi's enemies have become four, and their strength has doubled!


The heavenly monster opened its mouth, and the dark lightning turned into arrows and shot out. Wang Huaien's tentacles also attacked one after another. Taking advantage of Meng Qi's slight hesitation, he hit Taishang Wuji Yuanshi Qingyun.

The chaotic light like a water curtain in front of the eaves swayed, with only a few ripples. Meng Qi changed his mind and struck out with the sword again. The purple lightning brightened, illuminating the place. The sword light differentiated, became fine and subtle, and penetrated deep into the bottom layer of the material structure.

With the long sword slashed down, Meng Qi planned to use the electromagnetic power represented by the sword to destroy the bodies of the Tiandao monster and Wang Huai'en directly from the underlying structure in the same way as the Blood Sea Rakshasa!

The purple thunder was like silk, forming a cocoon, shrinking suddenly, wrapping up the Tiandao monster and Wang Huaien who were trying to resist at the same time.

Amidst the crackling sound, the monster screamed again, and the two figures disappeared into thin air, while no damage was seen around them, which showed Meng Qi's ability to control every detail.

Everything returned to calm, and the gate of the ancestral hall appeared in front of Meng Qi.

At this moment, the surrounding void squirmed, the green color stood out, and the heavenly monsters were regenerated one after another without relying on matter.

The monster Wang Huaien transformed was completely dead, but the monsters from the heavenly path became densely packed, blocking the area around the ancestral hall. Although it was not how many branches Meng Qi's sword light differentiated just now, it regenerated as many as thousands or tens of thousands. Absolutely, it's green and green, and the blood is swaying.

Meng Qi's scalp was numb when he saw it, and screams of "Heavenly Way" kept coming one after another in his ears, attracting the blessings of thunder, flames and mixed holes, hitting Meng Qi from all directions and every corner.

Qingyun trembled and the dim light shook. With just one blow, Meng Qi's Wuji Seal, which was an absolute defense, almost reached its limit. The quantitative change of the "Tiandao Monster" triggered a qualitative change.

What kind of monster is this?

Even if the material structure is destroyed, can it be reborn?

Could it be that the way of heaven and the way of heaven are regular monsters that transcend reality and illusion? If the way of heaven exists and the rules are still there, then how many monsters can be divided into and regenerated?

As his thoughts turned, Meng Qi planned to try this direction. If it didn't work, he could only use Yuanshi Qingyun and Bajiu Xuan Gong to forcefully break into the ancestral hall.

There is basically no way to deal with things like rules, but Meng Qi is different. He lives in the legendary characteristics, the characteristics of the other side, and the cause of all effects. One word can be the law of the world, and the Wuji Seal is a supreme magical power that can swallow up and contain rules. , the Zhuxian Sword Formation can erase the rules and create the most complete destruction, and the Kaitian Seal can replace the old rules with new rules. The problem is that they have to be practiced to this level, and they must be at least legendary.

If you add your own characteristics and the causes of various effects, you might be able to give it a try.

Taking a deep breath, Meng Qi's body suddenly swelled, as if it were the heavens and the earth, and then there was a multi-colored Lixian Sword in his hand. From a high position, he shouldered countless flames, thunder and holes, and slashed out the sword light towards the densely packed heavenly monsters.

The sword light differentiated into red, green and black, time and space interpretation was slow, and material and energy transformed into each other, forming a murderous sword array, falling suddenly, wrapping up all the monsters of heaven.

"Under this sword, all things will end, rules will cease to exist, and nothingness will be king!" At this time, Meng Qi shouted loudly, and the glazed lamp in his eyes and the illusory river around him appeared at the same time.

The sword energy was everywhere, the void was shattered, and the heavenly monsters were completely destroyed by the Zhuxian Sword Formation before they even had time to scream.

The light dissipated, and there was a heart-stopping void around the ancestral hall. A sea of ​​external energy surged, rules spread, and madness filled the place, but the monsters of heaven never reappeared.

As expected, Meng Qi breathed a sigh of relief, opened the door of the ancestral hall with a knife, and prepared to step in.

At this moment, the lead clouds in the sky gathered again, and the five-color fairy thunder descended sharply and penetrated into the ancestral hall, as if it had penetrated time and space.

Wang Dashun is trying to prove the Dharmakaya? And it attracts immortal thunder that even the heavens and caves cannot block? Meng Qi frowned.

The update will be late tonight, please check it out tomorrow morning~

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