The Supreme Being

Chapter 1073: Heart Attack Strategy

As the shadow appeared, the wind blew. He Mu suddenly felt his blood vessels stiffen, as if frost covered every inch of his body. His mind was struggling to function. Everything he saw was covered with yellow-brown ice, and even the air seemed to be frozen. There were many illusions in his mind, as if he had fallen into the bottom of the Nine Netherworld in the legend, surrounded by ghosts and an army.

If it weren't for the clanging of the immortal sword, the five elements covering the light, and the dazzling red, green, yellow, white and black, He Mu believed that he had turned into an ice sculpture and turned into ashes by the wind.

The world seemed to have turned into the Nine Netherworld, and the breath of death was all around. The black-armored demon general next to Qi Zhengyan took a step forward, clenched his right hand into a fist, and stared at the shadow.

Is this a thousand-year-old ghost summoned from the depths of the Nine Netherworld?

His black magic armor also had yellow-brown frost on it, which was not easy. Although he had awakened his self-awareness, he was still billions of universes away from restoring his peak level.


The sound of ghosts crying was heard everywhere, and a terrifying force like a cold sun was surging. Qi Zhengyan had a blank expression on his face, and a red stream was around his body. Two golden stars flew out from his head.

One said "equality", and the other said "self-improvement".

As soon as equality appeared, the terrifying aura of the ten thousand year old ghost was immediately halved. Qi Zhengyan's power rose steadily, and both sides were already at the same level. The star of "self-improvement" shone with red light, like the vigor and vitality of the morning sun. Wherever it swept, the ghosts stopped, as if they had the idea of ​​self-rebirth and the intention of striving forward.

"How can you sleep forever after death? The red stream swept through the ghost den!" Qi Zhengyan shouted, clenched his fist and punched out, and the Demon King's claws were calm, as if they were subdued.

The red light converged on the fist, and the ghosts seemed to be summoned, and they all turned against each other, raised their flags, and rushed towards the ten thousand year old ghost.


Yin Qi was steaming, black fog was dancing, and the terrifying ghost was broken into pieces, turning into black air, trying to condense again.

At this moment, He Mu saw the colorful fairy sword in his hand flying up by itself, as if coming from the sky, drawing a circle of light, binding Yin and Yang, reversing Tai Chi, and forming a little chaos.

The black air fell into the circle, disappeared, and there was no sound.

The ice around melted, only a little gloomy breath remained, and everything returned to normal.

He Mu came back to his senses, his heart was beating, worried that the Demon Emperor would be furious, thinking that he deliberately concealed the breath of the ghost and let it hide from the forbidden method.

"The Ghost Emperor who has been cultivating in the Nine Netherworld for countless tens of thousands of years does have the ability to possess others without being noticed by the gods and ghosts. If we can't find his body, annihilating him on the spot will only consume his power, and he can be reborn in the Nine Netherworld." The black-armored demon general suddenly spoke.

Qi Zhengyan nodded slightly: "The old subordinates summoned by the Demon Lord."

He said briefly and didn't say much, then looked at He Mu and said calmly: "The aura of the immortal sword alone can't stop the ghost emperor from possessing the body, only the full display of power can do it."

"Thank you for your guidance, senior." He Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

It was not until then that he realized that the face of the Demon Emperor was so familiar, and he seemed to have seen him in Yedu.

It turned out to be a disciple of the Huanhua Sword Sect.

Qi Zhengyan took the letter, unfolded it and browsed it, and said: "It's no problem to give the skills I created to the righteous sects, but they must guarantee that they will not stop those who are interested from coming to the Southern Wilderness."

"I will tell my master, but my master has also said that with peerless magic skills, who would go far away? There is no need for the righteous sects to stop the frustrated people who have been screened." He Mu said honestly.

"That's great." Qi Zhengyan, who always spoke little, ordered the Black Armor Demon General to prepare the opening and exterior scenes of the peerless technique. It is the essence of many techniques and will not hinder the sublimation to most directions in the future. As for the Dharmakaya, Qi Zhengyan himself has just been promoted. Although he has the inheritance and knowledge of the Demon Lord, it is not easy to deduce and perfect it.

Watching He Mu put away the "Lei Xian Sword" and the technique chapter and leave, the Black Armor Demon General frowned and asked: "Demon Lord, the righteous are really ignorant and actually come to ask for divine skills!"

"No problem." Qi Zhengyan looked beyond the cliff with his hands behind his back, "I just want to give all living beings a chance, an opportunity for those who are willing to strive for self-improvement and endure hardships to make progress. I never thought that I must be above the sects and families. Now, those with good talents do not need to come to the Southern Wilderness, and the local sects can practice, and those who are not selected still have this opportunity in our Southern Wilderness. Why not do it?"

"The Demon Lord has a broad mind, and I am ashamed to be better than him." The Black Armor Demon Saint sighed.

Qi Zhengyan smiled: "But in this process, whether the aristocratic sects will collapse and essentially perish is not something I care about."

"Huh? The Black Armor Demon Saint was often disturbed by the intention of killing and expressed confusion.

"Every sect has practiced our skills, and the differences between them have become minimal, and the essence will inevitably change accordingly." Qi Zhengyan said without emotion, "But the temptation of the peerless skills and the effective solution to the current crisis have made them ignore the long-term, and it seems that the inheritance and sects themselves still exist. As for how they exist, that is another matter. "

"The great trend, those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish." The Black Armor Demon Saint seemed to be suddenly enlightened, "Therefore, the Demon Lord must stop this matter, lest before he wakes up, the Demon Lord has become too powerful to control, or even completely subdues the Demon Emperor's claws. "

“The Demon Lord was able to create the original magic path in the gap between the Human Emperor and the Demon Saint. He is definitely not a traditional evil demon whose power is stronger than wisdom. He must have learned the lesson from the incident of the Jiangdong Wang family. He is more cautious and thoughtful. He will not blindly attack for the time being.” Qi Zhengyan walked to the window of the palace with his hands behind his back. “He summoned his old subordinates who have turned into ghosts. First, he wants to test my current strength and really figure out the role of the two stars I condensed to prepare for future attacks. Second, he wants to create a sense of oppression for me, let me know that he is watching me covetously, so that I will lose my composure, become eager for quick success and instant benefits, and have more conflicts with the righteous path. Then he will cover me up.” "He is really cunning..." The Black Armor Demon Saint did not expect that a simple attack would contain such a deep meaning. "Fortunately, you are always rational and see things clearly." Qi Zhengyan shook his head and said, "He will never understand the path I pursue, so no matter how much he imagines and deduce, he will make mistakes and it will be difficult to restore my mentality correctly, and the "heart-attack strategy" will also be difficult to succeed. " "However, we will fight with the righteous sooner or later, and the longer it is delayed, the better." "Sooner or later, we will fight?" The Black Armor Demon Saint said in astonishment. Didn't he send out the peerless magic before? It seems that he can get along with the righteous! He is better at fighting, killing and filth, and is often affected by emotions in this regard, and seems dull in analyzing situations. This is also a common problem of the Nine Nether Demons. Only a few can get rid of this shackle. Qi Zhengyan's expression was calm, and he said calmly: "People are greedy and want more. If we give in blindly, they will get more and more. When they have digested the technique and have more confidence, they will definitely have other ideas. Only by competing head-on and not fearing fighting can we truly get along with each other." "Throughout the ages, there has never been a unilateral concession in exchange for true friendship." "So, we have to prepare early." ………… As time went by, the furnace in the Jinwu Sect was always bright, and the auxiliary parts of the Wanjie Tongzhi Balls were successfully refined one by one. Fang Huayin always worked hard to watch the refining. In the training of the blazing fire waves, his own progress in refining the treasures of heaven and earth was greatly accelerated. In a few days, all the items will be completed. Above the sea of ​​clouds, Ye Di's gorgeous ship drifted quietly. Yun Yue was reporting the news she had received:

"Sir, the materials given by the disciples of Yuxu Palace are of extremely high quality, but the things they refined are very strange, with inexplicable functions and seem to have no meaning. According to that acquaintance, it is probably just the auxiliary part, and the core items are not made by outsiders, but should be completed by Yuxu Palace itself."

Ye Di's eyes were full of love for life and life, and he smiled and said, "It's really curious. Well, let that acquaintance write down the details of refining some items. We will provide the materials and let him imitate one or two and send them to us. This lord will carefully examine it to see what Yuxu Palace wants to refine, so as to make targeted arrangements."

"Then pass the message to Luo Jiao and ask them to send strong men to intercept the disciples of Yuxu Palace. It would be best if they could take all the items. We will not come out directly. The 'Yuan Huang' is in full swing, and it is not good to offend him openly."

PS: I have something to go out in the afternoon, so the chapter in the evening will be in the early morning. I will start to make up for the missed chapters tomorrow~

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