The Supreme Being

Chapter 1082 The Twenty-Four Heavens (Third Update)

Dark clouds enveloped the planet, water marks spread across the surface, the torrent receded, and everything seemed dead.

However, Xu Xuan could not see all of this. Only the handsome monk in white came out of the dust, and a voice like a yellow bell echoed in his ears:

"The poor monk is your master uncle! It's your master uncle! Master uncle..."

He resisted instinctively and subconsciously chose not to believe it. He was about to retort, saying that the ancestors of the Xu family and other branches of the Xu family had never had an elder become a monk and had their own gods to believe in. However, he was shocked to see Meng Qi raise his sleeves and robe, and throw away the splashing raindrops with the The vast ocean that submerged the entire planet contained.

This scene is so familiar, I have just performed it.

This is the great magical power of the Wuzhuangguan lineage, "the universe in the sleeves". It is guaranteed to be fake and has never been leaked!

Could it be that he was really Uncle Master... Xu Xuan's mouth was slightly open, his eyes were shocked, and he only maintained the instinctive defensive posture of an Earth Immortal.

Ao Zhen and Ao Qing's eyes were dull, shocked and confused. Master Fa Hai was actually the uncle of their husband (brother-in-law)? And it has indeed displayed the "knowledge in one's sleeves"!

No wonder his attitude changed instantly after he heard that his husband (brother-in-law) was from the Wuzhuang Temple lineage. The so-called attempt to be a lucky man was just to confirm what his sister said.

Really, floods washed away the Dragon King Temple, and the whole family could no longer recognize each other.

After being stunned, joy filled their hearts and their faces beamed with smiles. Master Fahai could cross the vast starry sky, conquer the past, present and future lives, and put King Fu Hai into a mental dilemma with one palm. He was definitely one of the few masters in the world today. The only ones who can compete with him are the ancient demons or reclusive immortals who are only one step away from the title of Great Sage. With such a luxurious uncle, the husband (brother-in-law) no longer has to worry about the pressure of his father, which will facilitate the relationship between both parties. Reconcile and become a real family.

Because Meng Qi's "Tathagata Incarnation" was taken away by the Universe in His Sleeves and transformed automatically, the black-scaled dragon in the sky had woken up from the reincarnation of his past life. His appearance was not damaged, but his eyes were confused and he was a little confused for a moment. He knew whether he was the King of the Sea or a five-poison centipede with no intelligence.

After a breath, it completely woke up and understood that it had fallen into the trap of Buddhist magical powers. To say that it was defeated because of this was not entirely true. At least with its powerful and terrifying consciousness, the other party might not be able to keep dragging it back to its past lives. There is hope that you can break free before getting lost and engage in hand-to-hand combat with the opponent that you are good at, but it is also wrong to say that you are fine at all. It is said that the human race who is proficient in spiritual practice can experience many reincarnations without becoming confused, and the demon race The physical body and spiritual consciousness are stronger than those of humans, but there are always deficiencies in spiritual cultivation. Like most evil demons, they are often affected by instinct.

Just as it was about to continue its attack, it heard Meng Qi's "Uncle Master's words" and saw "The Universe in His Sleeve", and was also stunned for a moment.

Xu Xuan calmed down and felt that today's events were too twists and turns. Seeing that Meng Qi did not attack, he cleared his throat and said with a loud voice that shook the world: "Master... Master, may I ask what the name of the Dharma is? Although I am of the Wuzhuang Guan lineage. Withered, only a few branches of my Xu family are left, but I haven’t heard of anyone becoming a monk?”

Nan Wuzun ascended the Holy Buddha... Meng Qi whispered the Buddhist incarnation of Yuanshi Tianzun, and said with a smile: "Master Xu, have you ever heard anything mentioned by the elders? In the past, the heaven fell, Zhen Yuanzi's founder disappeared, and Wuzhuang The disciples were divided on how to avoid the disaster. Some disciples wanted to remain anonymous and hide in a secret place, while the rest moved back to the world of gods."

Now that I have learned the great magical power of "The Universe in the Sleeve", I won't be disadvantaged by being called the Patriarch of Zhen Yuanzi.

The world of gods? King Fu Hai became more and more confused. Ao Zhen and Ao Qing seemed to remember something, and Xu Xuan's eyes lit up and his voice became slightly higher-pitched: "The elders mentioned that it turns out that the master is the descendant of that branch."

Because the lifespan of all living beings has decreased, things seem to be very old. Xu Xuan just remembered the matter as if he heard a story at first, and did not think about it for a while. After being reminded by Meng Qi, he suddenly realized it, combined with the "World in the Sleeve" that the other party had just used. , no more doubts in my mind.

If you know that one of the Wuzhuang Temple has returned to the world of Fengshen and can "know everything about it", then what else is there to doubt?

He lowered his escape light and landed opposite Meng Qi. He bowed down and bowed solemnly:

"Xu Xuan pays homage to Uncle Fahai."

For the time being, he didn't know the comparison between the seniority of the Fengshen branch and his own, so he simply referred to him as master and uncle.

"Seeing that your team is still prosperous, this poor monk is very relieved." Meng Qi said with emotion, acting like an elder.

Ao Zhen and Ao Qing took a long breath, finally freed from their anxiety and worries, and bowed down with smiles on their faces:

"I've met Master Uncle Fahai."

King Fuhai put away his huge dragon body and transformed into a dragon-headed human body. He also landed on the mountain peak. He clicked his lower lips and said: "We are of different generations. Although Xu Xuan and I are sworn brothers, his master You are not my master, but those two hands just now were really powerful."

He gave a thumbs up, suspecting that the palm just now was the palm of the Tathagata, and the various magical powers that could be traced back to past lives came from nowhere.

The land is in chaos with monsters, and Buddhism has been hidden. It has been an unknown number of years since the Tathagata's divine palm appeared in the world. King Fuhai has never seen it, so he can only guess like this.

"Facing the donor, this is the only way a poor monk can do." Meng Qi said with a smile.

Because it’s not the Immortal Taoist body or the deity, otherwise it would be a try to see who is stronger in hand-to-hand combat.

King Fuhai laughed, and Ao Qing rolled his eyes and asked doubtfully: "Uncle Fahai, the Wuzhuangguan lineage belongs to the Taoist sect, why did you take the path of Buddhism?"

This is also Xu Xuan's question.

"When the poor monk was a child, he had an unexpected encounter and received the palm of the Tathagata. Later, he received the Yuanshi Talisman. He wanted to practice both Buddhism and Taoism. He wanted to find his own path. He wore Buddhist robes and was called a poor monk. Wearing Taoist robes, he was called a poor Taoist. Alas, that's right. The techniques of the Wuzhuangguan lineage have been basically abandoned, and the only method used is 'The Universe in the Sleeve'." Meng Qi didn't know if he would interact with the descendants of Wuzhuangguan in the future, so he made a small introduction.

Buddha's Palm? Yuanshi Fu Zhao? Xu Xuan, King Fuhai and others were not ignorant people, so they looked at each other in shock. They had guessed that he knew the "Tathagata Divine Palm", but unexpectedly he also obtained the "Yuanshi Talisman Edict".

With such supreme skills, it is no wonder that he gave up the magical skills of Wuzhuang Temple.

"Uncle Master has returned from the world of gods. Do you have something important to do?" Xu Xuan asked quickly after doubting him.

Meng Qi sighed and said: "Our lineage is in decline, and now there are only a poor monk and an uncle left. When the elder who was in charge of the sect before passed away, he entrusted me with a jade box and asked me to send it here to give it to him. The descendants of Wuzhuang Temple who are left behind do not know what is inside, where it comes from, whether it is a blessing or a curse. "

He first shied away the responsibility, and finally asked casually, "Do you know the connection between this place and the world of gods? The more this poor monk travels here, the more strange he feels."

Ao Qing was the first to say: "I heard my father mentioned that we were all originally from the Conferred God World. Because it was dilapidated, we later moved to this world. Both sides are part of the real world."

Broken... After the Conferred Gods destroyed the world, there was a large-scale migration? But Uncle Xiaobai only said that a small number of immortals "returned". Could it be that this part of history was forcibly intercepted or erased by some big shot? What is he trying to cover up? Meng Qi's thoughts fluctuated as he listened to Ao Zhen, Xu Xuan and Fuhai Wang's replies one after another, which were similar to what Ao Qing said but slightly different.

"I see." Meng Qi nodded and took out the green jade box given by Lu Ya. The warmth and mottled texture remained unchanged at all.

"Be careful." Meng Qi handed it to Xu Xuan.

Xu Xuan threw the green jade box far away, manipulated it from the air, lifted the forbidden law, and opened it.

The sapphire inside is warm and moist, neither gold nor wood. It is not among the five elements. It is divided into two halves, each holding two things. One is the liquid that seems to be condensed from sword energy and sword light, with golden scales and full of The feeling of gold is mostly fairy-like. First, it is half a peach. The flesh is crystal clear and the fragrance is alluring. The peach stone is dark red in color with some embossing on it, like a child with hands, feet, eyebrows and eyes, which brings out a faint feeling. weird.

"Water from Yaochi, half a flat peach..." Meng Qi recognized these two things, but he had no idea what Lu Ya's purpose was in sending them to the descendants of Wuzhuang Temple.

What's the point?

It may be valuable to the Earth Immortal, but to a person with great magical powers like Lu Ya, it is almost worthless.

The strange blood peach on the back of his hand made a squeaking sound, and it looked very lustful. Meng Qi used his power to suppress it, and looked at Xu Xuan to see the reaction of the descendants of Wuzhuang Temple.

"Pan Tao!" Ao Zhen and Ao Qing reacted faster than Xu Xuan.

Xu Xuan was confused and looked back at Meng Qi: "Uncle, my nephew has taken the remaining ginseng fruit, so he doesn't need the flat peach."

"Just keep what the ancestors gave you." Meng Qi had no choice but to answer.

Xu Xuan closed the jade box, held it in his hand, put away his doubts, and asked with a smile: "Uncle Master is coming from afar, please come to my home as a guest."

"Which planet was the Xu family on before?" Meng Qi asked casually.

Xu Xuan shook his head and his smile deepened: "Our group lives in one of the twenty-four days."

"Twenty-four heavens?" Meng Qi was slightly stunned.

The twenty-four heavens evolved from the Dinghai Pearl, turning the ninth heaven into a peerless thing of the thirty-third heaven?

"Yes, in the past, the heaven fell and the ninth level of heaven was destroyed. The twenty-four heavens also turned into twenty-four Dinghai Pearls and were scattered. A god got one and transformed it into the first level of heaven again. He saw the demons chaos on the earth and sympathized with the hardships of the human race. , saved many human races, including our inheritance, and with the help of this heavenly realm, we can instantly reach any place in the star sea, find many suitable planets for habitation, and slowly migrate the human races from the four major continents, To avoid the demon clan." Xu Xuan's face showed a look of reverence.

No wonder Ao Zhen and Ao Qing could appear on such a distant planet. No wonder they were able to escape the "cause of all effects" at their current level for a while. It turned out to be because of Ding Haizhu, one of the twenty-four heavens! Meng Qi suddenly realized, and at the same time, his heart moved. He wondered if all the lost Dinghai Pearls had been picked up, and whether he could find one...

"I don't know what to call that god? He is the god of salvation for the human race." Meng Qi asked.

Xu Xuan said seriously: "She is the old mother of no life, so we named this heaven as the 'no life'."

Unborn mother? No birth? Meng Qi looked over in astonishment.

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