The Supreme Being

Chapter 1084: Secretly assassinating Chen Cang (asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket)

It’s the old mother without life again!

Meng Qi felt furious and almost lost his voice. Xu Xuan and Ao Zhen were the golden boys and girls of Yaochi; Xu Xuan was reincarnated as a descendant of Wuzhuang Guan; Ao Zhen's father, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, took advantage of the ginseng fruit tree; It was the Jinhuang who was rescued by the Queen Mother of the West and moved into Wushengtian; the ginseng fruit tree is the same as the peach garden, which is the spiritual root of heaven and earth related to longevity... All of these are added up, and it is said that the Jinhuang did not interfere with the affairs of Wuzhuangguan. Playing a big game of chess, I don’t believe it at first!

The Golden Emperor obtained the Promise Seal, everything died yesterday, and everything is alive today. He buried the "Queen Mother of the West" and turned into the "Old Mother of Wusheng". She was active in the land of demons and during the reign of the Human Emperor, and calculated the Wuzhuang Temple's move into Wushengtian. Node, regardless of the difference in the speed of time in different worlds, it can be seen that when the Dinghai Pearl was obtained, Wusheng Old Mother was still in an active period and had not yet jumped out of the long river of time and entered a deep sleep. At that time, her reputation was far inferior to that of the Human Emperor and the Demon Saint. , the things accomplished are rarely seen, and they may not reach the other side at that time.

Although he obtained the Wuji Seal, comprehended the original meaning of chaos and Wuji in the Great Dao, achieved great enlightenment, and threw away the body of the innate god, Wusheng Laomu, a new body that combines martial arts with the path of the acquired god, also needs to be cultivated, and there should be no one on the spot. After crossing the sea of ​​suffering and reaching the other shore, he just found the right path. Perhaps after going through the trials of the demon-challenged land and the rule of the human emperor, he finally took a step towards enlightenment, became a true chess player in the chess game of heaven and earth, and entered a chaotic sleep. , to avoid the erosion of time.

Meng Qi has a strong ability to associate, and his thoughts fluctuate and thoughts come to him.

At this moment, an idea suddenly came to him, full of horror:

Wusheng Old Mother may have experienced two overlapping eras, the Demonic Land and the Human Emperor's rule, before reaching the other side. The biggest things that happened during this period are two things: the Demon Saint's death, entering the Human Emperor's era, and Compared with the long years of the great figures on the other side, it didn't take long for the human emperors to pass away one after another.

It was not the end of the era, and in terms of the supreme state where the great figures on the other side were almost immortal, the Demon Saint was okay. After all, there was the Battle of Lingshan, and the Human Emperor's reincarnation was so bland that people always couldn't believe it and doubted that period. Something big must have happened on that day.

Two people on the other side died, and the old mother who was born without a soul passed through the sea of ​​suffering... Are these two things related? Is it another secret lost in the long river of time? What happened?

The more he thought about it, the more horrifying it became. Meng Qi originally thought that he could see the face of Wusheng Old Mother clearly, but now he felt that she was full of secrets.

"The Wusheng Old Mother pities the world and performs the work of rescuing the suffering. She will come again when the end of the world comes and the era is broken, and she will lead all living beings into her vacuum home..." Speaking of the Wusheng Old Mother, Xu Xuan's face was full of reverence, and he promoted this The virtue and power of this god, he finally said, "Uncle Master, please come to Wushengtian for a cup of tea."

He pointed out with his right hand that the dark starry sky suddenly turned blue, as if glass had been burned, and white lotus flowers fell from it, forming a fairy road to the sky.

The twenty-four heavens are the same as the nine heavens, higher than all realms, higher than the real world, and everywhere. This is also the method of "crossing the starry sky" used by Xu Xuan and others.

Going to Wushengtian for tea? I just said in the Middle Ages that my mother and I were inseparable, and now I go to one of her lairs to drink tea. Isn’t it delivered to my door? Meng Qi slandered and put on a solemn face: "Master nephew, you are so polite. I still have important things to do, so I can only stay away from you. I will visit your elders in the future."

"Even if there is something important, wouldn't it be much more convenient to go there with Wu Shengtian?" Ao Zhen said doubtfully.

Meng Qi was almost speechless, but fortunately he was quick-witted and said with an undiminished smile: "It's a pity that Wushengtian can't reach the Nine Heavens and other places."

"It turns out that Uncle Master has another chance." Xu Xuan suddenly realized.

It is inconvenient for others to know!

King Fuhai's eyes flickered a few times. If Fahai was powerful and no less powerful than himself, just because of these words, he would have to follow and spy on him. There are a lot of good things in Jiuchongtian and other places!

Seeing that he had been fooled, Meng Qi asked with a smile: "How many of the Dinghaizhu that were scattered back then were born?"

Xu Xuan shook his head and said with a smile: "This kind of thing is a secret of every family. If it weren't for the teacher's relatives and friends, I wouldn't reveal even a word about Wushengtian. But I think there won't be too many people in this world. Those who can get it can keep it." The secret powers of the heavens are few and far between. Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that more than half of them have not yet been born."

So good... Meng Qi secretly praised it, but then he thought that the heavens were scattered all over the world. The ruins of heaven are in the real world. There are not many Dinghai beads born in Journey to the West, but what about Fengshen, the real world and even other universes? ?

Hey, it depends on fate...

While sighing, Meng Qi asked casually: "Who are the tyrannical people in the four major states today?"

"Uncle, you also practice Buddhism and have the power of gods. You are on par with Brother Fuhai. Even the old Dragon King of the East China Sea can at most be better than you. There are only a few people who can endanger your life. They are all year-round. The old monsters who are latent cultivators and rarely go out are attacking the realm of illusory legends. "Uncle Xu Xuanzhi comes from the Fengshen World and is not familiar with this place, so he said in more detail, "It is precisely because of this that these old monsters have a bad reputation. Apparently, it is only spread in the mouths of demon gods and a few demon kings. Among them, the 'Immortal Demon God' in Hezhou, Xiniu is the first. It is rumored that it is an old demon who has experienced the title of god and the journey to the west. For some reason, he did not go to Lingshan. Now he is probably only half the distance from the legend. "

More than just legends... Meng Qi listened quietly.

"Next is the 'Inspiration King' of Nanzhan Buzhou. It is said that he was a goldfish in the ashram of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who became a spirit. Due to the battle at Lingshan, there was no one to govern him. He took away the treasures of the Pure Land. He came to Nanzhan Buzhou and became the king. Non-celestial beings can be described, and then there are the 'Tongming Monkey King' of Dongsheng Shenzhou and the 'Nengtian Emperor' of Beiju Luzhou. The former has revived the reputation of Huaguo Mountain and will become a great sage in the future, and the latter is Jiuyoushen. The evil god who escaped everywhere first attached himself to Buddhism and now abandoned the Buddha." Meng Qi discovered the familiar demon "The King of Inspiration" again.

At this time, King Fuhai interjected: "Actually, there is an old monster deep in the East China Sea. It is probably a star official left after the fall of heaven in the past, or even a famous and legendary star god, but it is not clear which one it is. And you know, we only call him 'Xingjun'. He has always lived in seclusion and never interfered with external affairs, as if he was waiting for something. If it weren't for chance, it would be difficult for us to know of his existence."

Xu Xuan nodded: "Moreover, the vast starry sky is endless and there are many stars. Maybe not all the star gods they corresponded to have died."

A star is a star or a galaxy composed of several stars, and also refers to the star god.

"The poor monk probably knows about it." Meng Qi silently wrote down these names. From the perspective of the "Immortal Demon God", even if someone with the same name as him does not have so many secrets and is not a powerful incarnation, it will definitely be difficult to deal with, such as the water back then. Fighting against the Inspiration King that caused Lao Zhu and Lao Sha to suffer so much, even if they are not as good as the un-legendary Overlord, I am afraid they are not far behind and are equal to the Saints.

He clasped his hands together, chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice, and prepared to leave and stay away from Wushengtian. Xu Xuan held the green jade box and solemnly saluted to thank his uncle. Ao Zhen and Ao Qing followed him.

At this moment, when the strange blood peach on the back of Meng Qi's hand saw that the food was about to go away, he became anxious and struggled with all his strength, emitting an indescribable and strange aura, as if the lifespan of everything was being reduced.

Xu Xuan took ginseng fruit and was extremely sensitive to the smell. He shuddered all over and couldn't hold the jade box out, causing it to fall to the ground.


The ban on the jade box had been lifted long ago, the lid fell out, and the golden water from the Yao Pond fell to the ground. Just a small handful turned into a pond with a radius of dozens of feet, filled with sword energy and sword light, and half a flat peach Gulu fell into it.

"Amitabha, it's my fault. The poor monk was suppressing an evil thing. He was almost escaped by it because of his negligence just now." Meng Qi passed the breath of the tree of avenue to the back of his hand, and the monster blood peach immediately calmed down.

Really disobedient!

It is a matter of course for Bodhisattva Arhat to suppress evil things. Xu Xuan, Fuhai Wang and others had no doubts and rushed to rescue half of the peach.

At this time, the flat peach was soaked in the golden water of Yaochi, and the crystal flesh on the outside was crushed into pieces and penetrated into the dark red peach core, making the embossed little man with hands and feet more flesh and blood, making it lifelike.

In just a short moment, half of the flat peach turned into a white, tender, human-shaped fruit with eyebrows and eyes. Likewise, only half of the body was intact, and the other half was still a peach core.

Xu Xuan was stunned for a moment, then blurted out: "Ginseng fruit!"

What? Meng Qi looked over in astonishment. Did the flat peach turn into a ginseng fruit after being soaked in the golden water of Yaochi?

What if the spiritual root of flat peach is immersed in the golden water of Yaochi?

Isn’t it a ginseng fruit tree?

Changing the sky and changing the day, secretly plotting against Chen Cang, the Golden Emperor played a big game of chess! Meng Qi narrowed his eyes slightly. The relationship between Wuzhuang Temple and Yaochi was more complicated than he imagined. It even started from Zhen Yuanzi!

This was Lu Ya's purpose, to hint to his mother that he knew some of his secrets?

The first update in 2016, please give me a guaranteed monthly pass~

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