The Supreme Being

Chapter 1087 The unreliable master (please vote for me)

"According to relevant laws and regulations, some search results will not be displayed."

Fei Zhengtao's mouth was half open, dumbfounded, his mind was empty, he didn't know what night it was.

Is this okay?

Is this still the world of martial arts and immortals?

Emperor Yuan is really a legendary "big man"!

Fei Zhengtao, who was dumbfounded, tried his best to ignore this line of prompts based on his daily Internet experience, and moved his eyes to the search results. The first item was "The most popular book in Jianghu Tea House, the legend of the predecessors sought after by hundreds of millions of people - "Yuanhuang" pass"".

The Legend of Emperor Yuan? Without any hesitation, Fei Zhengtao clicked on this entry, logged in, and saw a book with clean and neat layout, and a lot of interactive information below.

"The author is 'Huanhua He Yunle'?" Fei Zhengtao whispered, looked over the front and read the text directly:

"When I first entered Shaolin, the Arhat's iron fist showed his power, and the novice monk defeated the monks", "Stealing scriptures in the middle of the night, breaking the precepts and facing the Prajna palm with the sword", "Walking far away in the vast sea, testing the bandits with the sword, Yuan Huang's thunder knocked over the sky, and he saved his junior brother alone ", "Yang Wei Yedu, the heroes of the sword town", "The mystery of Jiangdong is deep, the Yuanhuang is wise", "In a dead end for friendship, the mountain temple counterattacked the three demons", "Ten thousand miles of pursuit, half a year of waiting, the wolf The king ends up without a head", "Four calamities add to his body, the whole hall is drunk, he is the first person since ancient times"...

"The palm of the Tathagata descended from the sky, and everything happened in the Western Wilderness to the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty", "Lang Ya showed his power, looked at the blue blood", "Outside the hidden sword tower, 'take the head of a general out of a million troops'", "Even if there are gods So what about the soldiers? One battle by the Yuan Emperor shocked the world." "The ancient temple on the barren mountain has been sitting dry for ten years. Is the Yuan Emperor sad?"

"When you arrive in the Southern Wilderness, the Gu God confer your head, one word can be the law of the world", "The knowledge of all realms is mysterious, the Emperor Yuan has returned to Yuxu Palace"...

Fei Zhengtao was just browsing at first, but as he told each incident, the more he looked, the more carefully he looked, the more wonderful he felt, and the more he looked, the more inseparable he became from the computer. From dinner to early morning, after washing, he closed the computer. I looked at the lamp secretly for half a night, until I reached the latest serialization, and then I leaned back on the chair with satisfaction, feeling a little inexplicable emptiness.

"I was just a handyman monk in the beginning, but I was able to seize the opportunity, step by step, and became a rare big shot in the world. Although I was only ranked fifth on the list of heaven, I was voted number one by many people in the world." Fei Zhengtao closed. Close your eyes, and your feelings will rise. You don't dare to resist and let others bully you. Isn't it too cowardly?

So what if you escaped those gangsters after graduating from high school? No one will bully you when you get to college? If you don’t know how to get out of this situation, you will always end up in the same situation…

However, I am so thin, punching them is like scratching an itch...

How about buying a few cheat books in Wanjie Mall to practice?

Fei Zhengtao suddenly opened his eyes and thought in horror: "I actually think that this martial arts world is real?"

"But 'The Legend of Yuanhuang' is so real, and the details are consistent with the martial arts fairy tale atmosphere displayed in various forum posts!"

"Try it, you won't lose anything anyway!"

Fei Zhengtao's face flickered, sometimes gnashing his teeth, sometimes cowering in fear. It took half an hour before he made up his mind to try to practice martial arts!

"This should be the Universal Knowledge Talisman, something refined by Emperor Yuan. I don't know who left it on our planet..." Fei Zhengtao picked up the metal sheet and played with it repeatedly, "If all this is true, Yuan Huang The emperor is more like a god than the gods in many novels and TV series, no, he is a god..."

Fei Zhengtao gathered his thoughts and began to think about how to earn Yuanhuang Coins. With his experience in online shopping, he first registered a mall account and received an initial entry reward of five "Yuanhuang Coins", and then browsed the mall and other forums. Check out the mission section to see if there are any missions you can take on.

"Exterior view of the Fifth Heaven. He majors in the 'Spark Dafa' and also studies the Yuan Bronze Dao Body. He is strong in defense. He plans to explore the southern part of the East China Sea to find relics. He seeks the cooperation of top experts. Do not disturb people below the Fourth Heaven. The reputation of the mall is lower than platinum. Don’t bother anyone.”

"Southern Wilderness Qilin Peak is surrounding the Moon Desolate Beast. Comrades nearby are rushing to help. It's urgent!"

"Special mission of the Six Gates: Report any traces of the Huanxi lineage of Su Nu Dao and the Huanxi Temple in the 'World of Universal Knowledge'. Preliminary confirmation will give you one hundred yuan of royal coins. If there are valid clues, more rewards will be given."

"The Langya Ruan family has been acquiring rare recipes and rare ingredients for a long time."

Fei Zhengtao's mouth twitched a few times as he saw that none of them were suitable for his task. He could think of rare recipes, but none of the recipes he could find were related to rare things.

He looked at the only five Yuanhuang coins and browsed the items in the mall in a spirited way. He found that the foundation-building techniques were very cheap. Just one Yuanhuang coin can store dozens of Qi and open up to hundreds or even thousands, but basically It is said that it is for reference only to enhance knowledge.

"Buy the foundation building chapter first?" Fei Zhengtao said to himself. Suddenly, he had an idea and exited the Wanjie Mall, entered the search, and typed in the words "free martial arts".

After swiping, the results popped up. The first thing that caught his eye was "Nanhuang Teaching".

"Is it really free?" Fei Zhengtao was ecstatic in his heart and entered this website, which was mainly about live broadcasting but was actually very complicated.

After briefly browsing the entries, he directly entered the "Secret Book Acquisition" section, which contains the first, second, third and fourth chapters of "Spark Dafa", all of which can be downloaded. There are also corresponding annotated editions and tutorials at the back. Videos, etc. are all available, and there is no requirement for Yuanhuang coins.

"Nanhuang's teaching is really bringing forth Buddhas from thousands of families!" Fei Zhengtao said a word he liked when he read the forum post just now.

Then he registered and downloaded. The first and second articles went smoothly, but a prompt popped up for the third article: You must first conduct the "Great Freedom Mind Test" before you can obtain it.

Great freedom mind test? Fei Zhengtao hesitated for a moment and chose to give up. He planned to observe more and collect more information before trying again. Anyway, the first and second articles were enough for his own cultivation for the time being.

After making the decision, he downloaded the corresponding annotation version and teaching video into his Myriad Worlds Universal Code, and then casually browsed these live broadcast and video websites. He saw someone demonstrating the fists and kicks attached to the Xinghuo Dafa online, and he was really furious. The wooden pillars were moving around without any stagnation. When the work was finished, all the wooden pillars were broken.

"Awesome!" Fei Zhengtao said happily, his eyes moved to the place of interaction, and he saw many people talking about it:

"The Eighth Move Fist Zhenjiang He has a flaw. It has been stored for too long and is not smooth enough. It can easily be taken advantage of."

"Hey, the master of the Ming Yue Sect is not strong enough, and his practice of Xinghuo Dafa is messy. How can he teach his disciples well? They have wasted their talents in vain, and they are at the bottom of this Zhongzhou competition!"

"That's right, our Wu Xianghun religion is better!"

"No matter how good the teacher is, how can he be as good as Nanhuang?"

"How many locations are there in the Southern Wilderness? You have the ability to find a single director!"

It looked so strange... Fei Zhengtao wiped his forehead and decided to ignore them for now, get some sleep, and then use the weekend to practice the first two chapters of "Xinghuo Dafa".

Time passed by, and two days later, Fei Zhengtao opened the Ten Thousand Realms Talisman again late at night and entered that magical and fantasy world.

He frowned because he had no energy during the simplest and easiest hundred-day foundation-building process, and it wasn't because his heart was not calm.

How to do this?

He found a lot of videos and read a lot of posts, but the only problem he had with building a foundation in a hundred days was a calm mind. He was uneasy for a while and suspected that he had been pranked.

Is the secret book fake?

Why don't you find a warrior to give you some advice?

With this thought in his mind, he immediately found his direction, but he was worried about revealing that he was not from the world of martial arts, immortals, and heroes, so he even picked up the universal knowledge talisman, so he chose very carefully.

I don't know how long it took, but his eyes lit up when he saw a guy named "Honest and Kind Daqinggen" posting on the forum to recruit disciples. The entry only required five Yuanhuang coins, and it was stated that the master and the disciple could not 'meet', and could only write and communicate with each other. Sound communication.

It’s perfect for me! Fei Zhengtao suppressed his joy and added him as a friend based on the universal identification number left by "Honest and Kind Daqinggen".

Didi didi, a message popped up, "Honest and Kind Daqinggen" said:

"Boy, you are so discerning. Those guys actually suspected that I was a liar because I refused to show my image!"

I also suspect that you are not a "stowaway" like me... Fei Zhengtao said silently, and then replied: "Master Da Qinggen, I have a problem with my disciple's cultivation."

"Well, where is the Yuanhuang Coin?" Da Qinggen asked.

Fei Zhengtao quickly gave the only five Yuanhuang coins to Da Qinggen, and then he heard the other party sigh with satisfaction: "You tell me."

"When the disciple was building the foundation for a hundred days, he had no sense of Qi, and there was no phenomenon of true Qi being transformed. But according to the description, the requirements for mental calmness have indeed been met." Fei Zhengtao said truthfully.

"Honest and kind Da Qinggen" was silent for a long time, as if he suspected that Fei Zhengtao was here to cause trouble. After a long time, he said: "Can you see inside? Is your body different from others?"

Looking inside? Of course Fei Zhengtao wouldn't, but he suddenly had an idea and secretly went to the study. He found his father's human anatomy textbook and the X-rays of his last illness. After recording them with the universal code, he passed them on Gave it to Da Qing Gen.

Da Qinggen let out a sigh at first, then chuckled and said: "I see, you can slightly change the foundation building formula..."

According to Da Qinggen's instructions, Fei Zhengtao tried to build the foundation again. This time, after he calmed down and calmed down, his true energy naturally emerged.

"Master, Master, you are feeling energetic!" Fei Zhengtao reported the good news. He had no doubts about Da Qinggen, who was suspected of being a liar, and was full of admiration. "You are really amazing!"

He is a true martial arts master!

"Hahaha, of course your master and I are powerful. I am the 'Aoki Heavenly King' of Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain. I have lived through eternity and am the number one master under Emperor Yuan!" Da Qinggen laughed wildly with pride.

Fei Zhengtao was stunned: "Emperor Yuan? Master, you are actually the number one master under Emperor Yuan? Can there still be a king in Yuxu Palace?"

He said this casually, mainly marveling at the former. Being able to be related to Emperor Yuan was definitely a very important person. His master was so strong?

"Why can't there be a heavenly king? In the past, there were four heavenly kings in heaven!" Da Qinggen said proudly.

At this point, it lowered its voice and said, "Good disciple, I know that you are not from this world."

grass! Fei Zhengtao was so frightened that he could only listen blankly as Da Qinggen continued: "No matter which world you are a creature, most of the things around you are considered strange in the real world, and Mo Gong likes to acquire these strange things the most, so , make a fortune for the teacher, no, you make a fortune!”

"Master, you don't care that I'm not from your world?" Fei Zhengtao asked in shock.

"Of course I don't care! It's better if you don't!" Da Qinggen was delighted that he had caught a treasure house. He felt a little bit more self-conscious about being a master, and said sincerely, "I have to give you a few words as a master, don't enter Wanjie Mall, otherwise You will be deceived by ghosts and gods, and unknowingly buy a bunch of things that are actually useless, causing you to go bankrupt. As a teacher, you will suffer from it. You may even chop your hands directly to endure it, but after you finish chopping, you will find that you have chopped off Things seemed to be quite worth the Yuanhuang coin, so I entered the Wanjie Mall again. It was too scary. It was really scary inside. I have lived as a master for countless thousands of years, and I have never seen such a scary place..."

The big green root swayed the newly grown branches, its tone was extremely passionate, and then it lowered its voice and said: "Also, don't join random groups, especially those for the purpose of exchanging martial arts experience. I'm worried that you won't be able to control it. !”

Master, you seem to be very knowledgeable... Fei Zhengtao's panic passed and he smiled and said, "Disciple, please remember Master's teachings and please give me more advice."

Da Qinggen smiled proudly: "Yes, the attitude is good. As the 'Aoki Heavenly King' under Emperor Yuan, I am one of the masters of Yuxu Palace. He is respected by the three realms. Well, let's not talk about it. I have to help Emperor Yuan collect it." The express delivery has gone..."

He disappeared in an instant, leaving Fei Zhengtao in a daze. Isn't it the job of the doorman to collect express delivery?

Well, aren't the four heavenly kings in mythology guarding the Nantian Gate?

Master is a bit unreliable...

PS: In order to celebrate New Year's Day and repay everyone, tonight and tomorrow night, there will be a red envelope grabbing activity on my WeChat official account. You can know the details by following the official account. The money is not much, just let everyone try your luck and win. Have fun, don’t dislike it, um, the official account is: wuzei1985, by the way, please give me a monthly pass, there are 8,000 words more today~

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