The Supreme Being

Chapter 1096: Occasionally revealed

The darkness and depth seemed to be endless, and time and space were as thick as amber. When Meng Qi thought that his sense of up, down, left, right, and the passage of time was almost exhausted, a ray of light finally lit up in front of his eyes, and he saw an almost pure and boundless chaos. The main hall seen before appears again, existing here unchanged from ancient times.

There is still the ancient Kunlun bell in front of the palace, but the back is deep and difficult to see. What is different from what I saw just now is that there is an additional plaque with three ancient words "Yuqing Palace" written on it. It is solemn and solemn, and the vicissitudes of life are eternal.

The last time Meng Qi saw Yang Jian, the True Lord of Qingyuan Miao Dao, he was in the Yuqing Palace. It turned out to be a certain "face" of the main palace.

After jumping out of the ancient well and landing in front of the palace, Meng Qi's body was covered with a layer of "chaotic water film". Cause and effect were self-controlled, and the secret of heaven was hidden. It seemed that it no longer existed in the world.

Now that I have escaped from the Gujing Universe, I must continue to implement the previous plan, change light into darkness, avoid the legendary power and Zhao Qian and others, and quietly look for the Chaos Green Lotus Seed!

The figure just shrunk and disappeared without a trace, and Han Guang, who had returned to the appearance of a broad robe and long sleeves, jumped out of the ancient well. His face was abnormally gray, even if it was just two moments of time that went back, even if it was just a little special. One of the universes of all realms, even if it mainly relies on the characteristics of the East Emperor Bell fragments themselves and the catalysis of the Heavenly Emperor's breath, this kind of heaven-defying method cannot be fully undertaken by those in the Heavenly Immortal Realm. Therefore, he paid the price of the Emperor's incarnation, collapse and the original body. At the cost of serious injuries, his strength is estimated to be only 60% of his peak, and the time magic has endless uses. In terms of combat power alone, it is estimated that it will be reduced by another 10% or 20%.

The magician had a smile on his face and was uninhibited, as if he didn't care about his own situation at all. If he wanted to gain as much as he wanted, he had to be prepared to pay as much loss as he wanted, let alone borrowing Su Meng's east wind this time, otherwise he would die on his own. There was nothing he could do about the Yuanshi projection on the spot.

To a certain extent, in that universe, He is more terrifying than the legend. Of course, He is more restricted and his weaknesses are more obvious, fatal and easy to grasp.

His consciousness spread and he found that the gate of Yuqing Palace was open and he entered deeply, but Meng Qi was missing, and there was no trace at all. Even the corresponding secret became blurred.

Han Guang nodded thoughtfully and went on his own without searching, entering Yuqing Palace.

Meng Qi hid nearby and waited until Han Guang passed by, then quietly put it on, using him as a thunder detection stone.

If there were no other opportunities, even if the fragments of the East Emperor Bell were not damaged, even if the Heavenly Emperor's aura was not consumed too much, and even if he had the previous experience, it should not be a pass again. If Han Guang wanted to use them to kill the Emperor's incarnation again, at least It will take two years to rebuild... Meng Qi looked at Han Guang's frail back and made a judgment.

The Brahma-like "Yuanshi Tianzun" before was really terrifying. If it hadn't been for the fact that he had not been able to break out of the constraints of that universe, and the "foundation of existence" remained as vital as seven inches of a snake, he could be killed by one blow, and he happened to be... With the magic whip, just by joining forces with Han Guang, finding a chance to escape would be considered a great blessing in misfortune.

After all, going from an immortal to a legend is just like a scene to a legal body. It is an improvement in the level of life and an essential evolution. To a certain extent, it is no longer a species, and the gap in strength has expanded. For example, It is common to use stars to describe the terror of immortals (stars are group nouns, and the gap between different stars can be very large, just like the overlord and ordinary immortals in the immortal period). After being promoted to legend, according to normal logic, the use of "stars" is intuitive but not very accurate. In terms of description, at most it can be upgraded from star level to galaxy level.

However, the legendary power has communicated with many projections, and the "self" in each universe can be enhanced to the galaxy level. After blessing the main body, if it reaches the peak of the legend, the projections are all over the world, and it can change from quantitative to qualitative changes. In addition, galaxies and even river systems can be described as almost having the power of a vast universe. After being transformed, the cave in the body can really turn into an infinite universe. Their combat power will be weakened and limited in the real world, but in the world of ten thousand , it is simply not terrifying to describe, the gap between Tianxian and them is wider than the gap between Yinghuo and Haoyue.

The "Original Projection" is not only shackles and cannot quickly gather and mobilize power, it is equivalent to this legendary power. It also involves the long river of time that the legend cannot perceive. It has many characteristics of the other side. If it is faced head-on, a hundred Meng Qijia will be defeated. A hundred Han Guang are no match for him. They can still resist one or two in the front, but when the gods on all sides gather their strength, they will be overwhelmed.

However, his luck was so bad that he happened to meet himself who had the characteristics of the other side and could change in the wind. The "reversal of cause and effect" and the "heavy weight of the universe" could not help him without gathering too much power. Then he happened to meet someone who could Han Guang, who unreasonably went back in time for two moments, created an opportunity for himself to attack the sleeping god's corpse, his "seven inches". What's more, he had a god whip in his hand, which was enough to destroy the god with one blow. corpse.

Three "primordial projections" who just didn't think they would fail in the hands of two ants were beaten to death with one blow. There was no room for recovery. They were extremely aggrieved before they died.

Too many coincidences... Meng Qi followed Han Guang and passed through the empty front hall.

It is normal for him to be restrained in his abilities. The whip came from Uncle Xiaobai and was used to deal with Luo Jiao's half-incense and half-martial arts legend. It was just a coincidence that it was used on the Yuanshi projection. Han Guang was prepared, knowing that it would happen. Whatever you encounter and what you get has nothing to do with you. It can only be attributed to the guidance of the big man or the person with great supernatural powers behind you. Where does this lingering strange feeling come from?

Meng Qi shifted his thoughts and first reflected on his gains or changes after the "Yuanshi Projection Incident". There is no doubt that he is closer to the cause of all fruits and the Yuanshi Golden Seal and the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art. The "Other-I Projection" has more choices and is increasingly deviating from the Demon Buddha Ananda.

"Following my previous path, leaving a legendary imprint in each universe, and then slowly adjusting to the corresponding image of the Demon Buddha, completing the imprint, it is equivalent to getting closer and closer to Ananda, and completely becoming a relationship with Him that can only be perfected by devouring each other. With the current changes, I can move closer to the image of 'Yuanshi Tianzun'..." Thinking of this, Meng Qi's heart moved, "This seems to be the idea vaguely expressed by the Yuxu lineage?"

The development is in line with expectations, and Meng Qi suddenly feels that he has been designed.

But how could he be designed? He returned to the Yuxu Palace because of Xiao Sang's death and the existence of the Chaos Green Lotus Seed, which provided the premise for entering the ancient well. Otherwise, if there was no other thing to attract him here, he could wait until he had created enough "Other-I Imprints" and was promoted to Legend before coming. By then, the matter would be done, and even if he killed and absorbed the "Yuanshi Projection", it would be useless.

It was Wang the Great Saint who reminded me of Xiao Sang's back-up plan and the Chaos Green Lotus Seed. But given the situation at the time, even if he didn't say it, I would have realized it quickly. After all, watching him reshape his Dharma body, thinking of Taiyi Zhenren's mansion being swept away, and thinking of Nezha, no matter how slow I am, I will make associations.

It can only be said that Wang the Great Saint chose the right time to upgrade his Dharma body, and the time he chose to upgrade his Dharma body was strangely determined by his cutting off his past and future lives - Wang Siyuan's premise for achieving the Dharma body was to get rid of the control of the devil and Buddha. In the final analysis, when I stepped into the realm of the Dharma body, I was destined to understand this matter at the stage of earthly immortal or heavenly immortal, and come to Yuxu Palace to find Xiao Sang's back-up plan.

Thinking of this, Meng Qi suddenly frowned and said in his heart: "No..."

Because it looks like the layout started after Xiao Sang's death, but if she didn't choose to die at that time, what was the original plan of the person who laid the layout? How to make myself come to Yuxu Palace?

The back hall of Yuqing Palace was still empty. Meng Qi followed Han Guang to the side door, his mind fluctuating, and he vaguely grasped something.

The question just now could not be explained. He had changed his angle and made himself closer to the "original image". The idea that best fits the Yuxu lineage, could it be Yang Jian's layout? Or the Yuanshi Tianzun who left the "cause of all fruits"?

Yuanshi Tianzun?


As soon as these four words came to his mind, Meng Qi's mind suddenly exploded, and his spiritual light bloomed. He had a series of associations, and the many questions just now were strung together into one line!

Only when the Golden Emperor obtained the "Wuji Seal" in Yuxu Palace did he really have the hope of entering the other shore. He was qualified to jump out of the long river of time and sleep in chaos. He needed a Dao Biao...

As the saint of Luojiao, she was cultivated since childhood and became a Dao Biao early. She had the will of the Golden Emperor. Unlike herself, Ananda cut off the connection to conceal the backhand of other big figures. Why could Yu Longzi give birth to her own thoughts and form the personality of Gu Xiaosang? Such an omission actually occurred under the nose of the big figures on the other shore!

After the Conferred Gods, the Conferred God List was returned to the Zhou Dynasty, but it actually belonged to the Heavenly Court. However, the God-beating Whip was left in Jiang Ziya's hands and was not taken back. Therefore, he was able to borrow the God-beating Whip, which could defeat the incarnation of some rules of heaven and earth, and the gods with many restrictions...

Everything was ready, so he came to Yuxu Palace "as promised".

It turned out that there was a reason for all this...

It was all because of Yuanshi Tianzun!

What a big hand, what a far-reaching plan. If it hadn't been successful, there would have been no clues at all! Meng Qi's heart palpitated abnormally. Just by occasionally showing his prowess, the oldest person on the other side made the "younger generations" such as the Golden Emperor Demon Buddha pale in comparison.

Just then, the door of the rear hall was opened by Han Guang, revealing a pond full of lotus flowers. Standing on the edge of the pond was a woman in a white plain robe, with a graceful and ethereal back.

Meng Qi's heart was shocked, and he looked intently, but found that it was the "Hunyuan Fairy" Bi Jingxuan.

Disappointment arose and was hard to contain.

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