The Supreme Being

Chapter 1098 Ten Shas Breaking the Formation

Feixia hung in the sky, and the splendor fell. Yuqing Palace trembled slightly, feeling the movement from the ancient well.

Without looking back or pausing, Meng Qi knew that the battle between the Luo Jiao legend and the "Original Projection" he encountered was at its most intense, and he was about to escape. If he was held back by the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation for too long, things would be irreversible.

Meng Qi knew how big the gap was between the immortals and the legends, and the legendary powers did not need to gather together to exert their full power like the fake legends and fake other shores. He could destroy the river star cluster with just one move. With one punch, he would definitely It will be wiped out in ashes, even if you are holding a magic whip to restrain the opponent, you still have to make a sneak attack to be effective.

Therefore, when entering the battle this time, you not only have to break through, but you also have to break through quickly, otherwise everything will be over.

The heart is like a bright mirror, untainted by dust. Meng Qi suddenly closed his eyes, locked his ears, blocked his sense of touch, and withdrew all his senses. The world became silent, and the universe was in his heart.

He forgot about victory and defeat, the difficulties, and the ancient well behind him that kept sending out brilliant rays of light. In his consciousness and mind, there was only that knife, which emitted a gorgeous purple color and illuminated the heaven and earth dimly, like an illusory overlord. Absolute knife.


Meng Qi closed his eyes and looked very calm. He stepped into the Nine-Meandering Yellow River Formation. The scene around him suddenly changed. The waves were rolling, the turbidity was foaming, and the world was completely filled with a surging river. Every drop of water could consume Dao energy. Decompose the Dharmakaya!


The Hunyuan Golden Dou swirled in mid-air, and a golden light fell down. It was so fast that people could not avoid it. It was just like the morning sun, the bright moon at night, and the feelings in your heart. When you see or feel it, it has already shined through. your mind.

Such words are often just used to describe, but now it is a more appropriate description.

How fast the real light is, how fast it is. When it senses it, it has already been knocked down, sealing the mud pill and all changes. When it was at its peak, Yang Jian, the true king of Qingyuan Miaodao, did not escape.

Taishang Wuji Yuanshi Qingyun was able to block it when he was at the same level, but now he is an immortal in one place and an immortal in another.

The golden light fell and reached the top of Meng Qi's head. Suddenly, a gorgeous purple sword that should not have appeared here suddenly appeared, blocking it in front of the golden light.


Purple lightning flew around, and golden light scattered, illuminating Meng Qi's face. His eyes were still closed, his expression did not change, he believed wholeheartedly in his own strength, his sword skills, and in the purple sword in his hand.

Dang Dang Dang!

The Hunyuan Golden Dou rotated, and golden lights struck down one after another. They came in an instant and rushed one after another, each attacking one place. The Overlord's Absolute Sword kept flashing, sometimes left and sometimes right, seeming to be in different positions at the same time, splitting in an instant. It removes all the golden light and interprets the legendary ubiquity.

In fact, when the void seal is embedded in the sword, it is not difficult to achieve this kind of flash that can create ubiquitous effects in a small area. What is difficult is the judgment in high-speed combat, how fast the Earth Immortal's thoughts are, and the golden light's illumination. It falls as fast as it falls, and it's not in a fixed position. You have to judge in advance to block it just right. With Meng Qi's current level, even if he made a judgment and swung the long knife when he sensed it, it would be too late. He had been hit long ago and sealed. Live in change and fall into the nine-curved Yellow River that consumes Tao power and Dharma body.

When you sense it, you are already "dead"...

Only by trusting Jue Dao's judgment of Jue Dao's induction, running the Void Dao technique, and making almost unpredictable attacks can we possibly defend against it.

Meng Qi's eyes were closed tightly, his expression was calm, and the long purple knife in his hand kept flashing, chopping, slashing, or cutting, always welcoming the arrival of the golden light. The blade of the sword sputtered with thunder, and the light was brilliant, without losing any of it. It was not affected by Hunyuan Jindou. sealed with power.

At the same time, a gloomy Yuanshi Qingyun flew out from above his head, hanging down streaks of chaotic light, and formed chaotic green lotuses at his feet. He held Meng Qi's Dharma body and walked forward step by step, surrounded by the turbid Jiuqu. After the Yellow River water drained away, another flower naturally grew.

Bi Jingxuan stood in the formation, and with one finger of his left hand, he changed the forbidden method. Suddenly, the river roared and rolled in, consuming the power of the Tao, disintegrating the light of the sword, and assisting the Hunyuan Golden Dou, in a state of overwhelming ambush from all sides. .

Bang bang bang!

Meng Qi still didn't open his eyes. He waved his right hand, and the flashes of sword light actually formed a majestic and majestic purple lightning dragon. It coiled around his body, flew at the golden light, swallowed the river water, and isolated the surging waves. The thunder just It is consumed by the river water, and it is born endlessly.

Even if a splash of water slips through the net and falls into the chaotic light, it can only wear away one layer and recover instantly.

After resisting the attack of the Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation, Meng Qi's pace quickened. The chaotic green lotus scattered and reappeared, appearing and dispersing again, helping him cross the river.

Stomping and glaring, stomping and glaring, Meng Qi strode forward, the golden light was flying around, and the waves were cut apart. In just a few moments, he had already reached the middle stream.

Bi Jingxuan formed seals with her hands and pushed forward. The Hunyuan Golden Dou suddenly stopped rotating and tilted down. Suddenly the Tianhe River tipped over and the dam burst. The golden light poured out as if it was free of money. The turbid river water merged, engulfing the heaven and earth, and the surrounding areas. Meng Qi seemed to have reached the end of the universe, and there was no room for dodge, because it was all destruction.

Meng Qi's eyes were closed, as if he was in trance, and he had no sense of the Jinmang River water that submerged everything.

At this moment, a burst of purple light that was extremely bright, sharp and domineering, directly broke through the golden light in front, opening up the world. Then, the purple electricity split into different formations, creating a thunder around Meng Qi. The world, withstanding the wind and waves.

Heaven and earth do not exist, but I exist alone!

Following the light of the sword, Meng Qi transformed into a fish, shuttled through the rolling Yellow River, and moved closer to the shore.

Seeing that he was so unstoppable, Bi Jingxuan sighed softly, took out something with her left hand, threw it into the sky, and transformed into two scissors entwined by terrifying dragons, which she aimed straight at Meng Qi.

The dragon has a yin and a yang, like scissors and a millstone. It can separate all things and cut the world. The sense of intimidation attracts the sense of a sword. If you slash forward, it will hit the dragon body with a sound.

But at this time, Hunyuan Jindou shot down 365 golden rays at the same time, attacking Meng Qi's different acupoints, making it difficult for him to take care of himself.

Meng Qi's expression remained calm, his body suddenly expanded, and the universes he opened up exuded a majestic aura, and the feeling of destroying everything suddenly came.


Meng Qi actually chose to self-destruct his Dharma Body!


The universe shattered, flesh and blood disintegrated, and incandescence engulfed the world. All the power was poured into the Overlord Jue Dao, causing it to bloom a domineering purple light that pierced everything, splitting the golden dragon scissors, splitting the golden light and the river water, and became unstoppable. His posture directly penetrated the Nine-Meandering Yellow River Formation and flew into the lotus pond. The handle and blade were covered with bloodstains, clearly showing the brutality of the battle just now.

In less than ten seconds, the Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation, the first-class forbidden method in the world, was penetrated by the absolute sword.

Both the distance and the timing are so appropriate. If the former was earlier, it would still be far away from the shore. The Jiuqu Yellow River Formation would have enough time to repair itself and completely dissipate the power of self-destruction. The absolute sword may not be able to fly out completely. If the timing was earlier, Bi Jingxuan still had golden dragon scissors to use to side attack and delay her speed. The situation was also full of variables. How could Bi Jingxuan not be able to react in time like now.

The only problem is that Meng Qi has self-destructed his body, so what's the point of breaking through the formation?

At this moment, the blood marks on the Overlord's Blade began to squirm, frantically absorbing the chaotic energy and dense fairy energy nearby, constantly decomposing, breeding flesh and blood, and quickly grew Meng Qi's Dharma Body.

Rebirth with blood!

Although Meng Qi has not yet reached the level of legend, his flesh and blood cannot reach this level of spirit, but he has the "mark of others and me" and can cooperate with each other to complete a similar "rebirth"!

And long before entering the battle, he had already thrown everything on his body into the world inside the Jue Dao.

Only in this way can we get through the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation as quickly as possible!

The flesh and blood squirmed, and the Dharma body was restored. Bi Jingxuan put away the Hunyuan Golden Dou and the Golden Dragon Scissors. Without looking back, she stepped forward and left the Yuqing Palace amid the continuous tremors.

Do what you say and never dwell on it.

Han Guang stood there, looking at this place with great interest, as if he didn't intend to do anything.


The rays of light flying out of the ancient well are getting brighter and brighter, and the tremors are getting harder and harder. It seems that the legendary power is about to escape.

Meng Qi's dharma body was restored, but his aura had not yet returned to its peak, and he had already escaped into the chaos, intending to take away the chaotic green lotus.

Suddenly, a figure flashed past, with a wide robe and long sleeves, six-fingered hands, and deep devastation. It was Han Guang's incarnation of Yama. He took advantage of the moment when the Nine-bend Yellow River Formation was broken, and quietly sent out his incarnation to get ahead of Meng Qi. Collect that green lotus that is pregnant with something.

He is the one who wants to get Gu Xiaosang's backing and restrain the Golden Emperor!

Meng Qi was reborn a step too late due to bleeding, and it seemed that he could only watch Han Guang touch the lotus.

Suddenly, the chaos seemed to change slightly. The green lotus in front of Han Guang disappeared, and he found himself at the junction of chaos and lotus pond.

He looked up, and in the depths of the chaos, Meng Qi stood next to Qinglian, his eyes opened, and the darkness was deep.

Meng Qi said calmly: "Although it is not pure chaos, it is very similar, enough to confuse the logic of time and space, front is behind, left is right."

"Here, I am Yuanshi Tianzun."

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