The Supreme Being

Chapter 1100 The Original Appearance of History

Even though he was in the Jade Void Palace, the power to communicate with the myriad worlds was limited. The breath of the legendary mighty being was like a super galaxy cluster composed of many galaxies, vast and boundless, making people feel extremely small.

Meng Qi stood beside the Chaos Green Lotus, with the Supreme Wuji Yuanshi Qingyun covering his head. There was no light, only the Yuanshi Taoist transformed by the True Spirit, and he calmly felt the terrifying power of the legendary mighty being.

Without the awakened peerless magic weapons and certain formations, no matter how many immortals there were, it would be difficult to shake the legend. More people may not necessarily mean more power.

After all, the number of immortals is definitely not as many as the sands of the Ganges River, and the projections of the legendary mighty being can exceed this number, and each projection has ten times, a hundred times, or even more power than the immortals.

The tremors in Yuqing Palace subsided. Meng Qi's sight penetrated the chaos and saw a tall figure in a gray robe walking out. His hair was loose, and he had a thick black beard under his chin. His eyes were pale and colorless, a bit cold and a bit indifferent. On his chest hung a string of rosary beads with a glazed golden glow. Each rosary bead itself was like a white bone skull, sacred and fierce.

When he saw this Luojiao legend, Meng Qi's heart moved and he said:

"Sha Wujing!"

The rosary beads were really iconic items, and he had heard of the image and appearance of Lao Sha when he was looking for the demon tribe in the Journey to the West.

Among the five masters and apprentices in the Journey to the West, Longma had passed away, Lao Zhu had fallen, the life and death of the Great Sage was unknown, and the whereabouts of Tang Monk were unknown. The only monk Sha who had no news appeared here, and became the messenger of the Mother of No Life, breaking through the original boundaries and becoming a legendary power!

A strong sense of weirdness rose in Meng Qi's heart.

The Luojiao great man in a gray robe stopped at the lotus pond and said in a hoarse and low voice: "Although only eight hundred years have passed since the Journey to the West, it has been a thousand years in the real world. I didn't expect you to recognize me."

He frankly admitted his identity, and his pale and colorless eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the chaos and nailed on Meng Qi's face. Without waiting for an answer, he continued: "My mother asked me to pass on three sentences."

"What are you talking about?" To be honest, Meng Qi really didn't expect that the Wusheng Old Mother would send a legendary great man just to pass on a message as Zhao Qian said.

Sha Wujing's eyes suddenly became deep:

"The first sentence is that the second disciple in front of the Buddha's seat is Ananda, not Jin Chanzi, and there is no Jin Chanzi even among the ten great disciples."

Who is Jin Chanzi? What is the purpose of the Journey to the West? Meng Qi thought in astonishment.

"The second sentence is that before the Journey to the West, the Buddha, who had experienced all kinds of things and gained many benefits, had become one of the oldest people on the other side and began to try to 'do subtraction and seek emptiness'." Monk Sha did not explain the previous words, and acted as a mouthpiece.

Meng Qi frowned slightly, trying to understand the implication. Could it be that Jin Chanzi was the product of the Buddha's "reduction and emptiness", and the Journey to the West was not just to spread Mahayana Buddhism to the Southern Continent?

Sha Wujing's eyes were indifferent: "The third sentence, within five years, the Endless Abyss will change, and the Nine Nether Demons will become active again."

The topic changed, and it became a matter of the real world, not the Journey to the West. Moreover, he never mentioned Gu Xiaosang, nor did he try to win over Meng Qi, as if he knew the answer and there was no need to explore it.

"Just pass on these three sentences?" Meng Qi asked in confusion, "Since you raised the question of Jin Chanzi, why don't you talk about my mother's analysis in detail?"

What's the point of three sentences without any clue? Is it worth it to let the legendary power wake up early and suffer irreparable damage?

Sha Wujing said in a low voice: "Yuanshi intercepted the Conferred Gods, and Daode took out Journey to the West. Each of them derived a world and buried history. Most of them wanted to cover up something. You are responsible for the cause of all the results and are involved in the game on the other side. If you want to jump out and become a chess player, you will have to face these things sooner or later. Pointing out one or two things in advance without making it clear will help you toss and turn, bump into things here and there, stimulate changes, and thus let the things covered up leak out a little."

"Well, the above is my mother's explanation, not my words."

Daode took out Journey to the West? Sure enough... Meng Qi nodded as if he had expected it.

History has been fragmented and needs to be pieced together to get a glimpse of it. Otherwise, even if you look back on the past, there will be some omissions.

"Is the Journey to the West world extracted by Daode Tianzun from the Conferred Gods world?" Meng Qi asked.

Sha Wujing was silent for the following: "As far as I know, although the Conferred Gods were interrupted by the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, and the world was destroyed because of it, it does not mean that the Conferred Gods were completely failed. Those who were on the list before were all conferred the title of God, and the Heavenly Court flourished. The alliance between Yuanshi Tianzun, Daode Tianzun and the Emperor of Heaven reached its peak. Later, for some reason, the Demon Lord attacked the Heavenly Court, and the eldest brother made a riot in the Heavenly Palace. This alliance split, and the Emperor of Heaven and the Buddha got closer, so the Journey to the West began, and the Heavenly Court fell and the Lingshan Mountain was destroyed."

"Yuanshi Tianzun intercepted the history between the Conferred Gods and the fall of the Heavenly Court and the destruction of the Lingshan Mountain, while Daode Tianzun took away the history outside the Conferred Gods on his basis, so the Conferred Gods Those below the world legend only know that the Conferred God War caused the destruction of heaven and earth, and there was only the Conferred God List, but the Heavenly Court had fallen. The real world obliterated the history related to the Conferred God and the Journey to the West. Only the fall of the two other shores, the Demon Lord and the Emperor of Heaven, could not be concealed, and spread throughout the heavens and the world, known to the world. "

Meng Qi exhaled and said: "So this is the order, the Heavenly Lord of Daode is not much worse than the Heavenly Lord of Yuanshi..."

"Now the whereabouts of the Heavenly Lord of Yuanshi and the Heavenly Lord of Lingbao are unknown, but the Heavenly Lord of Daode is still in the Journey to the West world." Sha Wujing said, "At the beginning, Yang Jian went directly to the Heavenly Lord of Daode to ask for the "Tao Te Ching", and the immortal demon god stayed in Tianzhu Mountain because other other shores did not dare to descend their power to the Journey to the West without authorization. "

It turns out that Journey to the West is the "dojo" of Taishang Laojun. As one of the oldest people on the other side, he doesn't know what he is planning.

Meng Qi opened his mouth and wanted to ask about Daode Tianzun again, but in the end he changed the topic to another topic: "I didn't expect that after the end of Journey to the West, you were not buried in the Fall of Heaven and the Battle of Lingshan, but you actually became the envoy of the Wusheng Old Mother. "

"I am originally my mother's subordinate." Sha Wujing said calmly, "First I entered the heaven like sand and served as the general of the rolling curtain. Later, because I knocked over my mother's glass lamp, I was demoted to the mortal world and transformed into a demon. I became a member of the Westward Journey team. member."

"On purpose?" Meng Qi seemed to understand something.

Sha Wujing rarely showed a smile: "Second senior brother is the eyes and ears of heaven. Naturally, I represent my mother's will and the person behind my mother at that time."

He still uses the titles of senior brother and second senior brother.

"The Buddhist team is really, really..." Meng Qi thought for a long time, but couldn't think of a suitable adjective.

Sha Wujing looked deeply again and said: "It is really a wonderful move to release Senior Brother and give him the method of carving out the Bodhi Golden Body. Otherwise, the 'Master' will never reach Lingshan Mountain."

As he spoke, he touched the skull rosary on his chest.

"It seems that the monsters on the road did not appear to meet the difficulties. Taiyi Tianzun's mount, Maitreya's disciple, is so easy to get lost..." Meng Qi suddenly said.

Sha Wujing was silent for a long time before saying, "It's all in the past."

He sighed and turned to say: "You are very similar to Senior Brother. You are both unruly people. You can make trouble in the Heavenly Palace and destroy Lingshan just to get a breath in your chest. However, there is a difference. He is publicized on the outside, and you hide it on the inside. In my heart, he is closer to a demon, and you are closer to a human being.”

Having said this, he slowly turned around and walked back to Yuqing Palace. After a few steps, a low voice came:

"I hope you won't be like him and end up in uncertainty about your life or death."

The voice was soft, sad and lonely.

Watching Sha Wujing disappear into Yuxu Palace, Meng Qi suddenly let out a breath and felt extremely tired.

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