The Supreme Being

Chapter 1123 Embracing the World

Winter has arrived, snow is falling, the city is covered in snow, and it is another day of worshiping the heaven.

For a country based on divine communication, this is a most important event. Not only does the emperor have to offer sacrifices in the suburbs, but the owner of the National Protectorate Temple also has to come in person to worship the emperor and the empress and pray for blessings.

With the temple master and some powerful elders away, the Protectorate Temple naturally fully activated the formation, just in case. After all, the favored ones of Yuanshi Tianzun are always coveted, and they want to destroy them if they can't get them. Gan Ruo must not be allowed to do so. Just following in the footsteps of Lin Fengxiao, the Black Emperor's Favorite.

The clear light is swaying, the seal script is flowing, and the phantoms of many immortals and gods surround the Protectorate Temple in the sky, making this place like a heavenly palace, heavily guarded and motionless like a mountain.

However, no matter how isolated the forbidden law is, there will still be people going out or returning, especially some disciples who want to watch the sacrifice to heaven to see if they can get the favor of the emperor and deepen their relationship with the protecting immortal gods.

No, the clear light shrouding the door cracked a gap, and soon expanded into a round hole, allowing Wu Ju and several other disciples to walk out and head to the Temple of Heaven in the suburbs.

The round hole in the center of the clear light quickly converged, like ripples in water, about to calm down. At this moment, the wave of light flashed, and the black hole that had shrunk to a thumb-sized black hole suddenly slowed down for two or three moments, as if it had solidified in an instant.

The abnormality appeared and disappeared, the formation showed no response, and the host did not notice it. However, the sunlight beside the door seemed to become much brighter.

Beside a certain screen wall in the Protectorate Temple, the light floated like water waves, and quickly condensed into a female figure, wearing a purple robe, with her hair gently pulled back, and she looked majestic.

The purple-robed woman's dark eyebrows were stretched out, her mouth was smiling, and her hands were clasped behind her back. Shi Shiran was walking in the Protectorate Temple. For some reason, all the disciples, Taoist boys, and servants who met her turned a blind eye. Some places where there were forbidden laws were isolated. All of them were slow, and she passed through them without any hindrance.

She actually felt like she had stepped out of the periphery of Protectorate Temple, one of the major forces in the world, into a no-man's land.

Walking again and again, the purple-robed woman's footsteps suddenly stopped. There were many forbidden laws in front of her and murderous intent, cutting off a series of core places such as Sanqing Palace from the periphery.

"Yes, it is worthy of the long-standing and profound concept of protecting the country." The purple-robed woman nodded gently, with a calm posture, and then raised her right hand.

This palm is larger than that of an ordinary woman, but it is whiter, slender and softer, and has the feeling of being accumulated by the dust of the years.

At this point, if you want to go further, you either have to be inside or you have to force your way in!

The purple-robed woman estimated the progress of the ritual of offering sacrifices to the heavens and the power of the forbidden method there, and then combined it with her plan, which she had just seen and heard. Without hesitation, she slowly pushed out her right hand, and the palm of her hand lit up with sparkling waves, forming a river. .

Her body seemed to overlap with the illusory figure of an ethereal emperor!

The yellow sky has descended!

At this moment, the forbidden law in front suddenly became dark, like the deepest and heaviest night sky, and then shone brightly little by little, connecting to form a vast star map. Countless light dropped down and fell on a long sword made of stars. He slashed towards the shining river.


The long river in the sword, all the colors around it faded away, the white snow was pale, the night sky was dark, everything seemed to be stagnant, but the starlight was constantly alive, slow but never solidified, relying on the continuous incoming power to completely shatter the illusory long river.

The world became vivid again, forbidden laws were destroyed and resurrected, and life and death continued. The purple-robed woman stopped her progress and faced off with the Qinglang Taoist priest in the Sanqing Hall.

"Guanzhu Xu actually didn't go to worship the heaven." The purple-robed woman didn't panic. She touched her waist with her right hand and slowly pulled out a long knife that looked like the condensed light of the sun.

Qinglang Taoist priest is Xu Jingxu, the master of Guoguo Temple. He has obviously led many elders to the suburbs to participate in offering sacrifices to heaven.

Xu Jingxu pointed her sword slantingly and said with a slight smile: "The old Taoist has become more and more close to Nan Dou Xingjun. He understands the secret of life and has been able to cut out an incarnation. The main body is here specially to wait for Taoist Master Yun."

The purple-robed woman's common name is unknown, and she calls herself "Yun Gu". Before she was sixteen, she sensed the Emperor of Heaven in front of the immortal karma map. She refused to rely on the Yellow Turban Dao and the National Protectorate Temple, so she fled overseas, established the Huangtian Dao, and appointed herself as the Taoist master. Various countries and religions have been trying to catch him, but they have always been able to escape catastrophe. Their power has gradually grown and grown, and they have become a powerful contender for self-improvement in the world.

"I've often heard about Xu Guanzhu's power as a star king, and today I just have a chance to see it." The purple-robed woman Yun Gu flicked the long knife in her hand, drawing a strange trajectory, and slashed at Xu Jingxu in a posture of dissecting the world.

In front of the sword, and behind the figure, Yungu seemed to be illusory, and in a flash, he penetrated the surrounding forbidden laws, trying to escape from the National Protectorate.

Protecting the Nation is a branch of the Taiping Dao that swept the world in the past. It has a long heritage and a profound foundation. No matter how proud Yun Gu is, he does not think that he can compete with Xu Jingxu within the opponent's forbidden law. Moreover, there are not only the strong ones in the temple. One person.

If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave!

Xu Jingxu didn't expect Yun Gu to be so decisive and retreat so quickly without any delay. He instinctively unfolded his sword skills, split the sword light, and pursued him.

Suddenly, Xu Jingxu and Yun Gu heard a bell ringing at the same time.


The sound of the bell reverberated, shaking the heaven and earth. The elders who were waiting to take action in the Protectorate Temple paused at the same time, and the forest formation outside the Sanqing Temple came to a standstill.

"Great Sage Heavenly Master!"

"Zhang Buzhou!"

Yun Gu and Xu Jingxu each blurted out and called different names, but they were all pointing to one person, the leader of the Yellow Turban Taoist, the great sage Celestial Master Zhang Buzhou, the favored one of the "Eastern Emperor Taiyi", who has dominated the world in the past forty years. Without encountering an opponent, he has doubled the territory of the weakest Taiping Kingdom. In the past ten years, he has been practicing in seclusion, hoping to break through the boundaries and use a mortal body to carry the divine descending of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, sweep across the world, and unify the world.

In the past few years, when Yungu was at its peak, Chang Yao thought about a confrontation with the Great Sage Heavenly Master. He felt that he would not necessarily lose, but he would definitely not be able to win.

Who would have thought that the old monster who had not been in the world for the past ten years would suddenly come to Protect the Country!

The bell sounded melodiously, and a strangely tall figure appeared strangely in front of the Forbidden Law of Sanqing Palace. His forehead was covered with a very wide yellow scarf, covering his eyes.

His figure flickered and instantly penetrated the stagnant forbidden law. He stretched out his right hand and pressed it remotely, trying to push open the door of Sanqing Palace.

In the Sanqing Hall, Gan Ruoxu, who was in a strange state of contemplation, had long noticed the movement outside. He was a little nervous at first. He realized that the master of the contemplation was cautious and prepared, and stopped Yungu. He quietly breathed a sigh of relief, but the situation suddenly changed. Master Xiantian came unexpectedly, broke the forbidden law, and was about to enter the Sanqing Palace.

what to do? what to do? Gan Ruoxu suddenly became panicked. The name of the Great Sage Heavenly Master Zhang Buzhou can stop children from crying at night in the Kingdom of Gods. He is the nightmare of many people!

It had only been a few months since I had been favored by Heavenly Lord, so what could I do to escape from him?

All kinds of thoughts came to him one after another. Gan Ruoxu seemed to be affected by the sound of the bell and stood there blankly. The nervousness made his legs weak.

At this moment, he felt Taoist Yuanshi in his mind suddenly opened his eyes, and his bright inner lake became dark. He couldn't distinguish between up and down, it was difficult to know the front and back, and the past and the future seemed to be coexisting.

Tianzun actually took the initiative to send down such majestic power to me?

This is a level that only experienced spiritualists who have practiced for more than five years can achieve!


The gate of Sanqing Palace in front of the Great Sage Celestial Master was unable to stop him, and with a harsh sound, it collapsed at a speed that was about to collapse.

Then, Zhang Buzhou, Yungu and Xu Jingxu all saw the scene in the palace. Gan Ruoxu sat cross-legged, facing the door, with his eyes closed. The statue of Yuanshi Tianzun behind him had deep eyes and a majestic and ancient appearance. It seemed to be the same as him. The stacks of layers make the palace and pavilion remote and deep.

The Great Sage Heavenly Master was stunned for a moment, then shook off all the emotions and suddenly tore off the yellow scarf, letting those eyes reappear in the world.

These are a pair of pupilless white eyes, as clear as glass, reflecting an ancient and noble emperor.

The emperor's figure was blurry and it was difficult to distinguish the details. As soon as he appeared, countless dark waves rolled across the entire Sanqing Palace. Time was sometimes fast and sometimes slow, forming turbulence, tearing apart everything, and trying to make Gan Ruoxu die inexplicably!

Yun Gu's eyes flashed, focusing on the magical power of the Great Sage Heavenly Master. Xu Jing waited to turn around to rescue, but was blocked by the sound of the bell and affected by the turbulence. He was close at hand and far away in the horizon. He was anxious but could do nothing. It seemed that he could only Watching Gan Ruoxu die in Zhang Buzhou's eyes.

Suddenly, Gan Ruoxu raised his head slightly and closed his eyes tightly, as if he was listening to the teachings of Yuanshi Tianzun behind him. A figure in a green robe appeared on his body, with beautiful features and white temples, exactly the same as the statue of Yuanshi Tianzun!

The green-robed figure opened his hands and made a gesture of embracing the front, and Gan Ruoxu also stretched out his arms.

The two figures seemed to overlap and were difficult to distinguish from each other. Their faces were raised to the sky and their hands were spread out. The surroundings were immediately plunged into the deepest darkness. Chaos was everywhere, the dim light could not be seen, the subtlety was difficult to float, and the time flowed carelessly, not even the waves stirred up. I was trapped in it from the very beginning!

Infinite capacity, embracing heaven and earth!

All abnormalities and fluctuations completely disappeared!

Xu Jingxu seized the opportunity and rushed to the Sanqing Palace. The great sage Zhang Buzhou turned around and left without daring to stay.

Gan Ruoxu, who had only been friends with Yuanshi Tianzun for a few months, actually showed such magical powers, which completely violated the principles of spiritual communication. It seemed that there was no need to practice!

Could this be the omnipotence of the leader of the Three Pure Taoist Patriarchs?

Yun Gu took a breath, stepped back, and exited the National Protectorate.


The bells rang far away, Zhang Buzhou disappeared mysteriously, Gan Ruoxu still sat in the Sanqing Hall, the illusory figure had disappeared, and the statue of Yuanshi Tianzun stood as it had never changed.


Outside the capital of the Kingdom of Gods, in a secret place, the great sage Celestial Master Zhang Buzhou stood with his hands behind his back, and in his mind was only the majestic and mysterious scene of the blue-robed figure "embracing the heaven and earth".

"The beloved of Yuanshi Tianzun cannot be judged by common sense. If you lose this opportunity, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky to find him again." Zhang Buzhou knew it well, "he can only take the last resort."

The so-called last resort is to set up an altar and directly pray to the Eastern Emperor to come. But with just a little bit of His strength, the world will be unable to bear it. Thousands of miles around will inevitably be wiped out. The world will also be in turmoil, and various doomsday scenes will appear, which may not be able to stabilize.

More importantly, the person who presided over the ceremony would definitely die, and of course, the same would be true for Gan Ruoxu in the nearby city.

"Since Donghuang said that he will do it at all costs, then let's do it." The great sage Celestial Master showed a look of determination on his face.

Chapter 2 Before half past twelve~

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