The Supreme Being

Chapter 1133 Today’s top forces

With his right hand extended, Meng Qi tried to take the Dinghai Pearl, but the miniature universe did not move at all, as if it really contained a series of upside-down galaxies, each of which contained countless galaxies and stars, with no end in sight.

This was the weight of one of the twenty-four heavens, and it was even above the legendary universe level!

After taking a deep breath, Meng Qi no longer forcibly took it in and moved it, but formed seals with both hands, and continuously played the treasure collection song recorded in the "Yuanshi Golden Chapter". The golden lotus flew across, the dim light danced wildly, and the ownerless treasure was refined and infected bit by bit.

How could the peerless treasure that Xuantan Zhenjun relied on to dominate the world in the past be easily collected?

After a full ninety-nine and eighty-one days, the miniature universe was surrounded by golden lotuses, wrapped in dim light, five colors flowed, and the hair burst out, and there was a violent shaking.


There was a sound like the sound of rushing water, the galaxy was rippling, and the five-colored light was brilliant and gorgeous, overwhelming the faint light and golden lotus.

Meng Qi clenched his right hand fiercely, and the miniature universe quickly converged, getting smaller and smaller, turning into a bead shrouded in five-colored light, hiding chaos and mist, and rushed over.

After many days of refining, it was finally done!

He stretched out his right hand and grabbed the Dinghai Pearl. Meng Qi smiled slightly and put it behind his head. Suddenly, a round of bright and clear precious light rose there, with five elements forming colors and light falling.

The precious light was full of mist, as if a fairyland was hidden.

With this round of five-colored precious light, Meng Qi put away Yuanshi Qingyun and Fatianxiangdi, his Taoist robe fluttering, and he returned leisurely to the "black hole" again.

The light shone down, and the forces of compression and accretion were completely pushed away. The mist in front of him was undulating, reflecting the turbulence and marking the broad road.

Stepping on this immortal road, Meng Qi, like a Buddha, left the black hole leisurely and returned directly to the real world.

Dinghaizhu is different from other treasures and magic weapons. Its magic comes from its "higher than all worlds" and "more than the weight of a universe" that cannot be changed even when it is asleep. It is closer to material than magic treasure, so it can show some legendary power without waking up in advance.

When encountering an enemy, Meng Qi can just smash it out directly, at most without the five-color light to assist in confusing the true spirit.

Of course, whether it can hit the enemy in this situation is another matter.


Changle, Great Zhou, in the palace.

Gao Lan sat on the Nine Dragons throne, with the Sword of the Human Emperor on his waist, his eyes half open and half closed, the holy water light and the fire of civilization around him complemented each other, condensing a pale golden kingly aura, radiating outwards, spreading into the void, as if communicating with different universes.

He was using the Sword of the Human Emperor to sense the "others and me" of the Ten Thousand Worlds, to establish connections, communicate with each other, wave the flag in the world, spread the glory of humanity, and prove the oneness of the worlds.

Unlike Meng Qi, who had the cause of all fruits and could descend from the air, Gao Lan could not directly enter the Ten Thousand Worlds unless the passage was opened. He could only explore with his divine sense, which was more dangerous than wandering in the world and wandering in the stars, and it was easier to get lost, and he might not be able to sense the "others and me".

This was one of the passes on the legendary road, and I don't know how many famous gods and immortals were stumped!

Suddenly, Gao Lan had an idea, opened his eyes, and a pale gold reflected every bit of the area within a radius of ten thousand miles.

The pale gold faded away, and he saw a figure descending from the sky, wearing a cloud crown, a water-retaining suit, a silk belt around his waist, straw sandals on his feet, and a round of five-colored light slowly falling from behind his head, sacred and out of this world.

The surroundings were quiet, and the strong men guarding the palace seemed to see the immortals and Buddhas in myths and legends, and they couldn't help but lower their heads for a moment.

After a while, they came to their senses and found that it was the Taoist Yuanhuang from the Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain who arrived, the current emperor's younger brother!

Is Taoist Yuanhuang close to proving his own legend?

With this kind of power and this kind of magic, is the world really going to return to the mythological era?

With the light behind his head, Meng Qi enjoyed the eyes one by one, with a smile on his lips, pushed open the door of the hall, stepped in slowly, opened the door casually, and smiled slightly: "My younger brother has lived up to expectations and has obtained the Dinghai Pearl."

"Dinghai Pearl..." Gao Lan whispered, and he was not unfamiliar with this peerless treasure created by nature.

The so-called heavens of the heavens and the myriad worlds, they account for the majority!

He was about to say something else, when he suddenly saw Meng Qi's sleeves shaking, and a wave of light suddenly emerged, rushing out of the palace, rushing into the sky, and disappeared.

The Seven Killings Stele was taken back... Meng Qi looked at his sleeves and sighed secretly.

How could such a useful and peerless treasure be lent to him all the time?

Fortunately, he also has a Dinghai Pearl!

"Suspected to be the Heavenly Emperor Stele?" Gao Lan pondered for a moment and asked.

Meng Qi nodded: "The remains of the Heavenly Emperor Stele were re-refined into a Seven Killings Stele by a great master."

"Can you go back to the past and change history?" Gao Lan's voice suddenly became low, hoarse and magnetic.

"Yes, but where there is the breath of legendary powerful people and above, it will be disturbed and deviate." Meng Qi answered truthfully.

Gao Lan slowly leaned back and leaned back on his chair, his temperament became more and more profound, and after a long time he said: "Let's discuss how to repair the formation deep in the Endless Abyss."

Time flies, years change, after repeated attempts, Meng Qi and Gao Lan finally derived an illusory realm in the Dinghai Pearl, set up many formations and introduced the power of their own sentient beings.

The Dinghai Pearl, which was shining with five-color light, became heavier and heavier, and the scene of thousands of lights rolled inside, as if it was carrying the weight of humanity.

Meng Qi once again turned the Dinghai Pearl into a round of precious light and placed it behind his head. He took a step forward and descended directly into the Endless Abyss with the help of the Yuanhuang Talisman in the old site of Shura Temple and sank.

The five-colored light was heavy, the lights of all realms were warm, the darkness in the abyss became lighter, the fog dissipated, and roars came from the depths but they dared not approach.


One of the heavens arrived, and the abyss made an embarrassing sound like a heavy burden. Meng Qi sank faster and faster under the five-colored light, and finally reached the Buddha-like realm.

With a wave of his hand, the five-color treasure light flew out, first turning into a bead, and then evolving into a layer of heaven and earth, overlapping with the sealed forbidden law, and the power of all living beings flowed in an orderly manner, repairing the damage.

"When there is no need for Ding Haizhu to suppress this place, I will truly own one of the heavens. What kind of heaven will I call it then?" Meng Qi used transformation, changed his body, adapted to the environment of the abyss, and slowly climbed up.

This barrier indeed looks very much like the one set up by the Qing Emperor. I wonder where he has gone now and what is he still looking for?

Where is the gate of Jiuyou, and is Jiuling Yuan Sheng still guarding there, or has he left with Qing Emperor?

Meng Qi looked down, and these questions suddenly flashed through his mind. He had a vague premonition that something big would happen when he saw the Qing Emperor again.

Maybe at that time Qingdi will take the last step to reach the other shore?

Of course, these have nothing to do with me for the time being. The most important thing now is to create a "mark of others and me" and strive to prove the legend by myself before the 20th year of the new calendar!

Because of the future he had experienced, and because of the powerful gold and silver eyes with strong murderous intent, Meng Qi had an increasing sense of urgency.

Of course, no matter how urgent the situation is, one must not lose pace. He cannot rely solely on absorbing the original projection without intelligence to achieve rapid improvement. The "marks of others and self" created close to the projection of the devil and Buddha must account for more than half to form a balance and restriction.

The road to legend begins now!


In the Zen room of Shuiyue'an, the whole floor was covered with silver light, but the little nuns were tossing and turning and couldn't sleep because they were secretly playing with the talisman of all realms.

"Senior sister, senior sister, there is a hot post in the Jianghu Tea House. Many people are arguing about it. It is quite interesting." The words popped up in the universal code, and they all wisely did not choose to speak.

The senior sister who was called became curious, clicked on "Jianghu Tea House" and saw the hot post:

"It's time to rearrange the top forces in the world today"

The poster was a guy nicknamed Black Emperor. He wrote in the preface: "With the disappearance of the limitations of heaven and earth, immortals and immortals emerge in endlessly. The top forces in the past have differentiated into three, six, nine, and even worse, evil spirits. I don’t know how many families in Jiudao exist in name only and have returned to the Demon Sect. It is necessary to rearrange the top forces. Everyone is welcome to discuss them. "

"In my opinion, the current top forces are the following: the East and West Immortal Sect, the North and South Sword Sect, the Two Pure Lands, the Evil Demons, and the Great Zhou Dynasty, which is exactly the number of Jiujiu."

"Since Chonghe Taoist died, no one from Xuantian Sect has broken through, and Zhenwu Sect has insufficient successors. The three sects of Taoism can no longer be called the top forces. Of course, if the Time Sword completely awakens, that will be another matter. Now Dongyou has In Sanxiao Island in the overseas fairy world, there is the lineage of Lingbao Tianzun, and there is Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain to the west. It is the direct descendant of Yuanshi Tianzun, which just supports the reputation of the Taoist sect, and is also called the East and West Immortal Sect. "

"Fairy Hunyuan of Sanxiao Island has been an immortal for many years. She is in charge of the three peerless treasures of Hunyuan Golden Dou, Golden Dragon Scissors and Heavenly Measurement Ruler. She is infinitely more extravagant than Tianzun Guangcheng. Although it is said that Hunyuan Jindou is not as good as Yuan. Emperor, but others can't resist it, and Sanxiao Island has a long history, a profound foundation, and many talented disciples. Now there is a new person who has attained the Dharmakaya, and he can definitely be regarded as a top force. "

"There are not many people in Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain, but Emperor Yuan is in charge of the Overlord's Absolute Sword, the Universal Knowledge Ball, and what is suspected to be the Dinghai Pearl. He possesses the supreme skill of Yuanshi Nine Seal, and has mastered the causes of various effects. There are few opponents on the Heavenly Ranking. If he is there, Yuxu Palace will be the top force. If he is not there, Yuxu Palace will be just an ordinary sect."

"The Northern and Southern Sword Sects are naturally Nan Xi Jian and Bei Huamei. Su Wuming, the Heavenly Sword of Xi Jian Pavilion, is closest to the legend. He is one of the top two swordsmen in the world. He is succeeded by Jiang Zhiwei, the Supreme Divine Sword. His foundation is even more solid and will probably be limitless in the future. Mr. Lu Da of Thrushcross Grange has not made a move for many years. It is said that he is exploring his own path. However, his immortal realm and swordsmanship comparable to that of Su Wuming are enough to make him famous in the world. Just like Emperor Yuan, he can support it all by himself. The top power of Thrushcross Grange, of course, seems to have met the Ice Fairy now, and the Dharmakaya is in sight. The following generations of disciples in Thrushcross Grange have also produced many talents. As time goes by, their background will be enriched. "

"The two pure lands refer to Lanke Temple and the Buddhist Kingdom on Earth. Lanke Temple is illusory and can only be seen if you have a destiny. I am a person who has no destiny, so I can't judge myself. Because of its mystery, it is rated as one of the two Pure Lands. Buddha on Earth In the country, the legendary Maitreya came to the world, and now he has unified the Pure Land and other sects, and has won the Vajra Temple. It can be called a behemoth, and it can be the top. As for the Shaolin Temple and Shuiyue Temple, even if the Dhammakaya appears soon, it will be difficult to enter the top ranks. "

"The evil duo is the Demon Sect and the Luo Sect. The 'Magic Master' is a genius who uses the Mietian Sect as the foundation to unify the original Nine Demon Paths such as the Shura Temple, the Blood Clothes Sect, and the Huanxi Temple. In order to reproduce the power of the original demon path, he It is said that he is also the pinnacle of the Celestial Immortal. He has mastered the Celestial Emperor's skills, which is enough to compete with anyone at the top of the Celestial Ranking, so he can be called the top. The Luo Sect's recent development has been extremely rapid, and there are endless masters in the sect. Although Dharma King Yedi is the Earth Immortal, the Six Fans News came out that one of their dead secret agents had encountered a terrifying and powerful person from the Luo Sect! This is not the top, what is the top? "

"Needless to mention the Great Zhou Dynasty, right? The Human Emperor is in this world, and the Yuan Emperor is helping him. He is the top power in the world!"

"There are also three forces that need to be discussed. One is the Jiangdong Wang family, which has been inherited from ancient times. Its profound heritage and numerous secrets are beyond our imagination. Although it has been keeping a low profile recently, it is said that it has suffered some serious losses. Even Luo Shu has Lost, but most of this behemoth is dead and not stiff, and the remaining parts may be able to squeeze into the top. The second is the plain female way, the reason is the same as above. The third is the red soil of the Southern Wilderness. 'Demon Emperor' Qi Zhengyan has the Demon Emperor in his hands. Claw, I don’t know what level I have awakened to!”

"As for the others, those with the existence of dharma bodies or peerless or immortal-level divine weapons are suppressed by major forces below the top forces. Those who can only be suppressed by divine weapons will wait and wait."

There was a lot of discussion in the subsequent replies, and most of them were the disciples of the Dajiang Gang, who were originally the top forces, arguing.

All the little nuns in the Zen room were feeling depressed and wanted to have a fight with the guy nicknamed Black Emperor. Can't their Shuiyue Temple be called a top power?

The light and shadow floated, and a stern voice suddenly came from outside:

"Are you playing with the universal talisman again?"

"How can you still practice Buddhism and practice martial arts quietly?"

This is the nun who enforces the law. Seeing the disciples who were seduced by the world of mortals, they hate iron and want to report to the nunnery master that the all-realm knowledge talisman is prohibited in the door.

Not to mention how the little nuns were panicking, in the Zen room of Shuiyue Nunnery, the master of Huipao Nunnery was calmly reciting the Heart Sutra under the statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva:

"Relics, all dharmas are empty, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor pure, neither increasing nor decreasing..."

And a willow branch is inserted into the jade vase in front of the Bodhisattva statue, which is refreshing.

Suddenly, this willow branch slowly grew, sprouted branches and leaves!

The master of Huipao Nunnery opened his eyes in shock and forgot about the past.

This is?


In Sanxiao Island, "Hunyuan Fairy" Bi Jingxuan sat cross-legged by the lotus pond, guarding the three slowly growing chaotic green lotuses.

It’s nearly 4,000 words, so I’m a little late. I’ll make up for the short chapter from yesterday’s noon. The second update will be at 12:30 in the morning~

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